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I’m facing a 6hr layover at Dublin airport mainly because I’m too scared of missing a connecting flight. Been burned by that twice relatively recently.

Whats the longest layover you’ve had? What do you do to pass the time? Is it worth trying to escape the airport and have a look around the city?
>6 hours
That's fucking baby shit, try 19hrs or some of the other stupid BS chinese or asian airlines will try and pull. 6 hours is a bit on the long side but good buffer for international flights.
At least with 19 hours you should be able to pass through customs and get a room for the night. I debated choosing the 24 hour layover option in Istanbul for my flight to Bangkok, but a perusal of local hotel reviews near the airport metro revealed appalling filth, decrepitude and rudeness at the $40/night price range. Hard pass on Turkey.
That airport is a fucking labyrinth to walk through. Good you have extra time.
I did 11 hours in fucking Jeddah. The only thing that was kino is they had male smoking rooms which were just empty rooms with 4 small tables fitted with ashtrays in the center in each corner of the room.

It made smoking a cigarette feel holy and very masculine if that makes sense. I’d walk in and there would sometimes be an Arab guy sternly smoking his cigarette dressed in the full garb. It felt like a serious ordeal.
>Whats the longest layover you’ve had?
11 hours. I didn't even choose this, it was a work trip and some faggot in HR thought there was nothing wrong with this when he booked the tickets.
I'm doing 8 hours in KL soon. Not sure if it was worth saving $300 but we will see
I've had 6 hour layovers, I spend the time getting wasted in the lounge.
Around 2 days in Finland. Not even sure I can call it a layover at that point. Got a hotel and went to explore Helsinki.
Six hours is fucking pathetic
I've done many 6 hour layovers. I'm not a poorfag so I just enjoy the lounge, have a nice meal and a drink, take a shower or a nap in the napping area.
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Did 26 hours in Changi, unable to leave the airport because of le coof
Possibly the best airport on Earth to be stuck in, I loved it.
Lounge access with a shower definitely helps.
I could stay in Changi for literal days. Everything all in one place is comfy as fuck. The one in Doha is impressive too.
This is like one of those stroke simulation images what the fuck
I had five hours in the Atlanta airport, which is probably one of the worse ones to be in. A 10+ in somewhere interesting would be great. I could leave the airport and go for a wander while I wait.
I opt for long layovers (20 hr +). It’s awesome having little side trips. So far I’ve had ones in Manhattan, London, Paris, Manila and a few others

Love it
When was this? I had a Changi layover in late 2021. It was shit. Nothing was open, no lounges, no bars, no restaurants. We were stuck in a small containment area.
Everything is open now
I get stressed out if a layover is less than 4 hours. I also just love exploring airports so more time to do that the better. Qatar airport was insane for that.
20 hours in Istanbul, I got a hotel and looked around the city a bit
>late 2021
That would explain it. Coof times were hard, but things were a little easier in early 2020 and mid 2022. Mid-2020 to early 2022 was the real shitter moment.
My favorite is ~24 hrs in Tokyo. Leave, shop, drink, hotel, wake up and buy snacks on the way back. Always comfy.
I try to avoid long layovers now, and am willing to pay more for the privilege. But I also share your fear of missed connections (I travel to the USA fairly often from Europe, and have missed a few transatlantic connections when transfer out of Schengen has been slow and/or first legs have been late), and I used to travel as cheap as possible, so I’ve had a lot of long layovers.

I have had at least three overnight/almost 24hr layovers in recent years—one in Amsterdam, one in Hong Kong, one in Dublin. These were all fine; went into town, got a room, farted around a bit before my connection.

Almost any time a layover is longer than about ten hours, my first choice will be to leave the airport, unless it’s the middle of the night, in which case I usually get some kind of room at the airport itself (or as close as possible, but this is a distant second choice). Day rooms at in-airport hotels are often pretty cheap for shorter long layovers, too—if I have eight or nine hours to kill, a shit, shower, and change of clothes somewhere that isn’t just a lounge is often welcome. Under eight hours, either a lounge or just sitting around with a book questioning my life choices is usually the way I go.

Both Singapore and Seoul-Incheon used to have amusing little guided excursions for layover passengers, and perhaps still do—tell them how many hours you’re trying to kill, a tour guide meets you at immigration, drives you somewhere, and brings you back in time for your flight. I remember that my wife and I took something called the “Suburbs of Tour” when laying over for some hours in Incheon many years ago—a very cheery young woman who insisted we call her Stacy and a silent van driver showed us a fish market, port, and Buddhist temple in the mediocre Incheon suburbs before driving us back to security for our flight home. Absurd and totally worth it.
Reads like a Reddit post but I enjoyed reading it nonetheless.
>Whats the longest layover you’ve had?
40 hours, Dubai

>What do you do to pass the time?
get out of the airport, visit the city
>Reads like a Reddit post but I enjoyed reading it nonetheless
I’m glad you enjoyed it. I get accused of being from Reddit all the time ‘round these parts; I think it’s because I use full sentences, but I’m just guessing. I’ve literally never used Reddit.
>I think it’s because I use full sentences, but I’m just guessing.
It's because you wrote a lot of words and you've spaced your paragraphs. Newfags here get triggered by walls of texts and spacing.

I started a new line of text right here, reply to this post with "REEEEEEEEEEEEE" if you don't like it.
This was real late in covid and many countries were opening up so the airport had a lot of traffic, not everything was open but a lot was. SG still closed to tourists though so couldn't leave.
I was also transiting there in early stages too and know exactly what you mean, you get a wrist band and then divided into groups with a handler who walks you single file around the airport to a holding pen with nothing in it but a water fountain, was surreal next level dystopian shit.
Quints confirm. Was just there for 12 hours a few days ago, couldn't be fucked to go into the city, went swimming in the pool, watched a movie in the free cinema, then hit a paid lounge for $40, got smashed on tigers and stuffed my face with food.
Every other airport is laughably shit compared to it.
There's a bunch of pics of this lad from KL, he's got pet monkeys and takes them around town with him all dressed up. It's not a stunt or anything, he's actually just a fucking weirdo,
Honestly the shittiest layover time. Too long to leave the airport but enough time to suffer for 6 hours in the Dublin airport. On the plus side if you're an American, they do customs in Dublin so your arrival back in the states will be easier. Helps if you're trying to pick up any exclusive Irish Whiskeys in duty free.
Anyhow had an 19 hour layover in Shanghai, China. It was great, slept on the plane, land in Shanghai and left the airport for 13-14 hours to see a bit of Shanghai instead of wasting away in the airport. Got some food, saw the city, got a fake Rolex for a pal of mine.
8 hours at Heathrow. Our A380 was delayed departing by 2 hours, and that meant that anyone on the flight with a connecting flight probably missed it. British Airways was completely unhelpful and it took another 2 hours just to figure out which airline they rebooked us on for our connection to Rome. If Dante had a circle of hell for people who weren't in a hurry while they were alive, it would be Heathrow Terminal 5.
I did a triple giga-layover back to back.

>3 hr in hong kong
>6 hr in manila
>15 hour in San Fran
>12 hour in Atlanta

never, ever again.
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>11 hour overnight layover in Paris Charles de Gaulle next week
>refuse to book accomodation
what am I in for, lads
Just barely enough time to make your next flight.
comfy ass airport

dont buy the lamb dish from the indian guy who shouts at people as they pass though. He annoys me
9 hours in Toronto airport, and the gate next to mine was boarding a flight to Mumbai. You can imagine how that smelled
>You can imagine how that smelled
Like burnt hair? You were probably expecting cliched answers like curry and poo, but my experience with these people has been that they smell like burnt hair. It's still an unpleasant odor, but it's also confusing. At least the cliched answers make sense. Burnt hair makes no sense, especially when it's numerous people, not just a few.

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