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Anyone ever traveled to Antarctica? How was it?
I got there and they didn't let me in the bunker.
What’s the point? Extremely remote, expensive, and there’s nothing there besides ice and penguins
That is the point anon, harshest environment on earth either appeals or it does not
There’s a few guys on this forum occasionally who worked for the US scientific mission. The consensus is that there isn’t much to really do, its mostly boring, but the parties are pretty fun.
After my son graduates high school I want to try and spend a season or two at MacMurdo. How's the pay?
Went on a cruise to the peninsula several years back now.
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Go ahead and ask Buzz. Operation Fishbowl, Operation Dominic.
wtf chat is this real?
Was cold, weary. We got buttraped by a group of Eskimos right there out in the snow. Would have been a better story if they took us back to their igloo to buttrape us, but no, it was out in the snow. Our pants down but still in our boots and coats. It wasn't that bad, and iit was a very memorable experience. Especially my friend screaming as he got the guy with the monster cock pounding his butthole. He still complains about it lol
But yeah both of our buttholes were sore as we hiked back like we had sticks up our asses, getting knowing looks and smirks from people we came across
Antarctic =/ Arctic you fucking retard
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I texted my friend asking who we got buttraped by in the snow in Antarctica. He said he doesn't know but his best guess is the Māori. They did look like the Māori in the pic here
Sounds amazing!
My two favorite things in the world

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