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Do you live in the Caribbean? Wish to visit the Caribbean? Post about the region itt
Hard pass
Too many negroes and ripoffs all across the entire region
I wish there were more White Caribbeans, sadly most of them fucked off back to their mainlands after WW2
Are the US Virgin Islands worthwhile? If so, how the hell do I get there? Momondo isn’t showing any flights to St Thomas this winter, which is odd.
Snorkeling is my only priority. I work remote in a gub’ment job so I can’t leave the country, but usvi/PR are fair game of I want to stay somewhere warm indefinitely.
i wouldn't want to live there
hurricanes rip things apart and islands don't get much supplies compared to mainland. wonder what remote work is like out there...
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How about Puerto Rico? They're a us territory which means we don't need passports. What is life like there?
I know there's corruption and gang violence but isn't that the case in every us state these days?
It's kind of backwater. The people are nice but poor. Plus the weather is tropical
Puerto Rico is the most affluent territory in the entirety of Latin America. Hotel prices are basically the same as the continental US. My sister rented a car and an airbnb when she visited with her friends.
Entire cities like Caguas have zero hotels. P.R. is not a place to be a poorfag traveler. Dominican Republic is also expensive and heavily visited, but you can find some cheaper options there.
*Compared to Mainland USA
There you happy now? You goddamn nerd
Puerto Rico if it were a US state would be the poorest state in the country well behind Mississippi. If it were an independent country, it would be the wealthiest country in latin america.
Is there any place that has a sizeable minority left?
Depends on what you consider to be "white"
>If it were an independent country, it would be the wealthiest country in latin america.
Except for the obvious fact that Puerto Rico’s relative wealth is dependent on its subjugated status to the USA—the Puerto Rican economy is driven almost entirely by the ability to offer artificially cheap opportunities for manufacturers, thanks to corporate tax benefits and suppressed labor costs. It’s a fundamentally extractive model, basically a 21st-century plantation economy, that the country could never afford to maintain as a small independent island nation.

That aside, I really enjoy Puerto Rico, particularly the small off-islands off the east coast. My boomer parents retired to Vieques for several years, which is my favorite Caribbean island by a lot. It’s at least a bit of a shithole in a lot of ways (Culebra is objectively more beautiful by nearly any standard), but it’s one of very few places in the whole Caribbean that don’t feel dominated by tourism at all. It feels more than anything like a sleepy local village/small town, extremely relaxed, arguably a bit boring, awash in semi-feral horses, with no big resorts (just a couple of expensive small boutique hotels), and a bunch of practically empty beaches. There’s a small community of weird gringo drifters from the US mainland too, of course, and some expensive vacation homes owned by bourgeois Puerto Ricans from San Juan, but it has remained distinctly backwoodsy in all the years I’ve visited.
I avoid the Caribbean simply because it's waaaay too black.
Gotta go back to Vieques. I wonder how it's doing after the hurricane. I think the only hospital in the island got wrecked to shit and it might not even be functioning right now. I haven't been following developments closely, so it might be fixed now though.
I don't consider latinos/hispanics to be White, but based on demographics, the Dominican Republic has the highest "White" population. The Dutch islands are majority European born. Other than that, it's 90%+ black
>the Dominican Republic has the highest "White" population
That's just incorrect. DR is known for being super black.
They might register themselves as *white* in the census, but Caribbean people tend to register as white when given the chance. Same thing happens in other caribbean census.
Sadly true.
> I wonder how it's doing after the hurricane. I think the only hospital in the island got wrecked to shit and it might not even be functioning right now. I haven't been following developments closely, so it might be fixed now though.

I’m guessing you’re talking about Hurricane Maria, back in 2017? I haven’t heard about any more recent storms that were anywhere near as destructive. Anyway, if so, yes, that storm fucked the island (and mainland PR) up horrifically, and there are still infrastructural scars visible and long-term reconstruction projects underway—rebuilding the hospital was delayed by almost three years, but they’re actually building now, and they currently claim it’ll be reopening in stages next year, and finished before the end of 2025. We shall see. Whenever it’s up and running it’s going to be a huge upgrade from the old health center. Meanwhile, an old geezer friend of my parents who lives on Vieques full-time had to get helicoptered to some hospital in mainland PR last year after a car crash, so it’s still probably not a good place to enjoy a medical emergency.

But basic power, water, and road infrastructure was already well patched up by the time I was there in late 2018. So tourism is definitely no problem, and they can use the money.
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Cozumel Island seek our Cozumel raccoon
yeah the dutch caribbean
What are the Cayman Islands like?
Yeah sure, but what about the next time it gets hit by a Hurricane? This shit will keep happening
>The Dutch islands are majority European born
That's bullshit, for Aruba at least. It's like 70% Aruban (kind of comparable to Brazilians, except they're mixed Dutch, Indigenous Aruban, and black in varying quantity), 10% black, 10% Venezuelan/Colombians who loved it too much to stay back in South America, ~8% whites (mostly Dutch and a few American/Canadian expats), and ~2% Chinese (who run all the supermarkets somehow!)

This took a lot of digging through carefully cultivated Carnival shots and pictures of tourists, but this is what the average "mixed" Aruban looks like. I'd say they're generally at least plurality indigenous Aruban

Never been to Curacao or Bonaire, but in Aruba they all say Curacao has a larger black population because they were a large slave trading center before the 19th century
*60% Aruban
Kek what a bitch, get out of that bubble.
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Dominican here, we are mixed bag literally most people here are mulatto with a wide variety of phenotypes, but ultimately the large waves of haitian migrants have been changing our demographics, i am really hoping for our goverment to deport the whole of them not only are they destroying our mulatto identity and culture, but also bring a lot of poverty and backwardness that drags the country down.
We have to take it back
I live in Miami so technically no but I may as well.

No one here speaks English, the weather is all over the place, and it for sure feels like a 3rd world country sometimes with the chickens running around.

Corruption everywhere you look and no one has a driver's license too.
comfy, quiet
expensive - there is a trick to it tho, what atmosphere do you want, some of the big name brand hotels are the most busy packed patches of beach, when a condo for rent just 2 doors down is only a dozen guests on the beach
would recommend if budget fits and you aren't looking for hustle and bustle
world class scuba diving
i haven't heard much about nightlife apart from "industry night" where all the visiting waiters get drunk
only been to grand cayman, near 7mile beach it is like a gentrified miami suburb without the bathsalts and cocaine. there are less developed areas in the east end, but still everything is drivable in a day
apart from walking down unlit village roads at night i'd feel pretty comfortable going anywhere

never been to little cayman or cayman brac, probably an easy connecting flight from grand cayman of 30mins. these i dont think have anything going on except beach activites and quiet old houses.
mulatto es negro. sorry to break it to you papi
Mother nature sure is trying with the hurricanes. Yes, I agree. The Caribbean needs to be majority White again
I disagree with the other guy, if it looks white, it is white
>Yeah sure, but what about the next time it gets hit by a Hurricane? This shit will keep happening.

Well, such is the Caribbean. Hurricanes gonna hurricane. In the case of Vieques and Puerto Rico, while it’s easy to be cynical, post-Maria reconstruction and the many millions of FEMA dollars dedicated to it, are taking improving durability quite seriously. New stuff being built is being specifically designed to be harder to destroy than the old stuff, along with providing better backup/emergency power systems and better storm shelter facilities. Is it all going to work? Probably not. Is some of the money going to be siphoned off by crooks? Unquestionably. Is it all going to take longer and cost more than forecast? Already has. What infrastructure project doesn’t? But it’s not all bullshit, and at least some real improvements are underway.

Meanwhile, maybe avoid visiting during hurricane season, or in the immediate wake of the next big storm.
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The lion doesn't concern with the opinion of the sheep... we are who we are no matter what other people think or say for the matter.
Carribean blacks are nicer than American/African blacks. They love white people because they find their tourist economies.
I just visited the DR. It’s great, Dominicans are cool and mostly helpful though there are scammers. It’s perfectly safe if you use an iota of common sense.
Puerto Rico is depressing outside of San Juan and the beach towns. The island truly got fucked hard by Maria and a lot of small towns inland are abandoned. It’s not extremely poor but you do need to be careful about sketchy people who are looking to scam the stupid gringo.
More importantly what are you guys going to do about the Haitians? They are right there living in a failed state and soon they'll cross over your borders and bring their niggatry with them
They already have a wall and the army shoots people if they try to cross. It’s not like the US where border patrol is totally cucked.

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