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I'm considering travelling around the US, getting McJobs in whatever city I'm staying in to pay for a cheap furnished rental, and then quitting without saying anything and doing the same thing in the next city.
Has anyone done this? Any advice?
It's called being an itinerant migrant worker.
What’s the appeal, genuinely curious. Sounds like a shitty life.
my only concern is that eventually I would be blacklisted from every mcjob and then I'm fucked

I'm pursuing side stuff that I can work on with a laptop and ultimately "start up" wherever I want if it gains traction
working would simply be for sustenance and travelling is because I like being in new places
>my only concern is that eventually I would be blacklisted from every mcjob and then I'm fucked
yes, (You) will be mcfucked.
Employers are desperate for a warm fucking body who will show up on time and perform physical tasks without a ton of bitching or shitty attitude.
If you can do that you'll find a mcjob. Bonus points if you speak correct English, don't have a felony, don't have tats/piercings and can pass a drug test. 99% of zoomers cannot meet all 6 of these things.
So you wanna be a miserable and tired poorfag? Interesting travel plan.
didn't ask
I'm the one doing the asking here, pal.
Is your plan just to be broke all the time?
To answer the questions in OP -
Before you try this, do a bit of number crunching. Using this little formula
(3(minimum wage * weekly work hours)) - (cost of rent + cost of food + travel to new town)
If the final number is less than or close to 0 then it's a retarded plan.
Why x3 and not x4? I am being generous and saying you'll only lose 1 week to random bullshit. Taking into account travel time, setting yourself up, looking for mcjob, getting hired, wasting time and being unmotivated as mcjobs slowly sap whatever life may be inside of you.
Good luck filing for your tax refund, it'll be a nightmare getting everything together. Also, you want to get paid for the work you did, don't you? Why would you disappear and abandon your final paycheck?
>cheap furnished rental
You mean a motel room, anon. There are certain cities in America which attract many down-and-outers who work temp jobs and live in motels. Wichita, Kansas is one of them I passed through last May. It's quite a miserable life. Motel rates suck your wallet dry, you're surrounded by shitheads 24/7, and you're trudging cracked sidewalks along the boulevard to get to your temp job. Why wouldn't you go work at a national park resort or other similar place which provides employee housing? You're far more likely to save money by living in a dorm, and you may even have some fun in the process. I've known multiple parkies who have worked at over a dozen different resorts.
>Good luck filing for your tax refund
I don't see why getting my w2s would be hard
>Why would you disappear and abandon your final paycheck?
direct deposit
>You mean a motel room, anon.
no I mean furnished rentals
>Why wouldn't you go work at a national park resort or other similar place which provides employee housing?
because I'm much too old to be sharing a dorm
Reckon you could use your mom's address for your important mail, car registration, etc. You probably do already, kek.
>furnished rental
Keep in mind that your outlays will exceed incoming funds for quite a while after settling in if you go the monthly rental route. $800/month plus deposit is the going rate in the economically prospering parts of America for a furnished room with shared kitchen. My brother pays that much for his room in Raleigh, NC. I pay my boss $500/month for my one-bedroom apartment and have been poorfag maxxing since I got here, but even so I currently have less money than when I started working four weeks ago, and the second month's rent is already due next Thursday. By the six week point, my second paycheck will drop and push me into the black, and from there on forward it's cash-stacking time.
As this anon says, you need to be good with money management to make sure you aren't leaving each job poorer than when you arrived.
BTW managers and assistant managers in park resorts get their own private rooms, it's probably the #1 perk of getting the title as the pay increase won't be all that much.
I have no (living) family I keep in touch with which is part of why I'm doing this, I was just going to use a mailing service like ipostal1 for mail or a po box if that address isn't accepted on something
financially I have a decent cushion I'm sitting on, nothing major but enough that I'll be comfortable for the better part of a year even without work
I did have an offer for a ski resort with housing but I shrimply cannot get behind sharing a bathroom when I'm an absolute shitmachine
>managers and assistant managers in park resorts get their own private rooms,
now this intrigues me but I imagine the role is hard to get, I did hold a management position at a chain coffee shop but I dunno how much weight that carries
>I have enough to be comfortable for a year
Then why not just go to the third world?
If you want to work on your gay start-up, do it in a place where your monthly expenses will always stay below 1000$ while living in luxury
>blacklisted from every job
Your best bet anon is get a lease somewhere for a year and then just give them two weeks before your lease ends. You’ll usually end up with a little more than a years worth of exp, references, good standing, and all that shit.
Why not work as a contractor? Say as a welder or something? They go place to place all the time

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