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I want to talk about best options for nightlife in Singapore. No, "le boring" and "le sterile" retards are not allowed, go shit up the other threads. I'm not interested in prostitution either.

When I was a student I lived in Singapore for a while and I loved Stickies Bar (literal $1 beers) but I've heard they closed down completely? Are there good alternatives?
Also, any good new rooftop bars? I've also heard that 1 Altitude permanently closed which is a shame as it was one of the less pretentious fancy bars.
What are the current nightlife hot spots?

all the wh*te people always hang out at clarke quay and club street

and while clarke quay is a heavily overpriced touristy meme, club street is actually fun for meeting people
RIP orchid towers
Seriously if you want rope fuel dress up and go out to some trendy place and witness the circled wagons.

Literally nobody wants anything to do with some random white dude anymore. I look good and am charming enough for women in China to literally stalk me, but in Singapore being out by yourself makes you radioactive.

If I wasn't making a shit ton of money I would have fucked off awhile ago. Actually bizarro mouse utopia here where nobody wants to fuck but everyone wants to preen and be seen.

Come and see if you don't believe it.
I will say that the number of finance chads may have reached a critical threshold where singaporeans and other Asians living here believe that is the "norm", and any other white guy who doesn't fit that perfect mold must have something wrong with him.

Cant say I blame them. Why wouldn't you choose to only mingle with the best of the best foreigners if you had the choice? Lol. Anyways fuck this place. Go drink yourself to death at Clark and commiserate with other guys in that position.

If you want to actually have fun there are a dozen other places a short flight away you can go. Singapore is for one thing only: making money so you don't have to come back.
That's actually depressing. You sure it's not the venues you choose? It definitely wasn't anywhere close to this when I was there in 2019...
>the number of finance chads may have reached a critical threshold
I was actually surprised by how attractive and seemingly well-off the average white foreigner was in Singapore. it's like the polar opposite of Japan. if that's their perception of what the average white person is like, then dating in Singapore must be completely fucked up
I've lived here for 5 years. Covid absolutely mindfucked these bugs. Singapore was one of the most locked down places in the world.
Listen if you're here for work you can make due, but don't come to Singapore for the "nightlife". You're wasting your time and your money.
Actually if you want to appreciate how much better everything is DO come here for the nightlife. Go up to the roof bar and witness the Asian clone brigades staring at their phones while sitting around a table, or awkwardly standing around not talking and waiting to....you guessed it, look at their phones.

Go to a night club? In between getting up and pretending to dance while taking pictures, all the bugs will.....you guessed it, be on their phones!

Singapore is land of go place and stare at your phone. Singapore people have no concept of going somewhere to actually enjoy something. Just go with your friends take pictures be physically present while on your phone.

It is the most hilariously superficial and artificial culture I have ever seen, and I have also been to Korea recently.

It's not a place for low inhib normie chads. Finance chads have their autistic bug harem, but that isn't a world you need to worry about. Finance Chad literally doesn't remember their names because arr rook VELLY SIMMIRAR! autism bugs love Finance Chad because he gives them validation that they earned best whitu man possibr.

Also no pregnancies ever. Abortion is contraception for Singapore girls. They all have a clutch of ghost babies following them around like helium balloons.
lmao man why do you even stay there then
>going to singapore for the nightlife
>booze is expensive
>the city was made for and by rich, conservative, uptight chinko pachinkos and their muslim SEAmonkey client race lackeys

What the fuck kind of "nightlife" did you expect in that city beyond a couple fancy bars ? People come here to work. The youngins meet and date during college, find a job, rent HDBs, and are then locked in that situation until they either get married or marry someone from back home.

As for the rest, they're either using you for practice which is why anyone worth a damn knows better than to pursue long term relationships with these insects (anyone who lives here is one, cracker, chink, seamonkey), or they're using you as a way to socially step up if you're at the top (aka finance with a salary above 8k/month minimum). Which is what anybody would call a gold digger. The ones at your level (and i'm not even saying salary wise, just in terms of education or extraction) are all uglies, so you're also losing on that aspect. And if you think you're having the only "true love" relationship in that hellhole just you wait in a year or two when their parents will tell them to call it off and they return back into the fold and leave you like the dog you always were. You won't even see it coming, you stupid motherfucker.

Seriously, you have a better chance of finding true love in fucking Pattaya hanging out with actual prostitutes than Singapore. Again, even their locals would rather try their luck back in China or wherever they're really from.This place is made for working and making money. And even that has gone to shit since the rent is so high it's rivalling Hong Kong of all places.

I have been living in Taipei before SG and i'm looking for offers back there. Taiwan is a place where normal human beings actually exist and where you at least aren't 100% certain that the person in front of you isn't looking at you like a piece of meat with financial specs attached to it.
I can confirm that nightlife in SG has really become shit. I think it's not just covid itself, but the crazy rental costs: it's just not profitable to run a cheap bar like Stickies any more, so pretty much the only places left are the extra-fancy cocktails bars in CBD full of loaded finance bros and gold-digging Chinese whores. Couple that with the fact that gen Z is the most autistic generation ever and you have a recipe for a complete collapse of any nightlife.
It's sad because I used to actually enjoy SG nightlife. It was never crazy but just good enough to be comfy and fun.
4 floors of whores!
>Seriously, you have a better chance of finding true love in fucking Pattaya hanging out with actual prostitutes than Singapore
Unironically actually true. I've been friends with some of those girls for years.
Yeah but is it worth it to sacrifice so much of your life living in a country that you clearly despise?
Hope you enjoy your money bro
4 floors of s'mores closed down already. There is still the beach club for a nice chocolate treat or a ferry over to indo
>that's apparently not something you do in 2024 in Singapore.
That's not something you do anywhere, everything is fucked. JewSA is probably worse
Taiwanese aren't all that friendly toward solo white guys either. Phone addiction has changed Asian culture tremendously. If you're not in their DMs, you might as well be a non-person.
Easy to take a two or three hour flight to anywhere in SEA from Singapore. You can't live in America and fly to Bangkok every weekend. Also, no cold weather, no Hispanic mutt invasion, no negroid crime. SG still has a lot of obvious pluses over living in the Western world.
The only bar I walked into in Singapore ended up being a brothel. We immediately left after the doorman pointed to a bunch of girls and said "they're from Vietnam"
Take it from someone who did spend way too long there. Left me traumatised and damaged due to utter loneliness, awful tiny and expensive houses,abusive landlords and the utter artificiality.It used to be a decent place to do business from and during covid rents fell to actual reasonable levels but now landlords have gone mad. Its just an island to extract rents from every one possible and for old chinese people to quietly die off. A cautionary tale for all.
I am obviously talking about staying there for a while, not just doing your own thing for a week or two. No matter the country, if you're a dude staying there alone for two weeks, don't bother with the locals, just find a couple of mfers who speak english in a bar and you're set for the night. This is something that can be done in most of Asia aside from Singapore.

This city is for people who already have their shit together packed very tight. You have to be some dude who already has a relationship going (or even better, is married), you have to have a few years of experience so you don't get fucked out of a good (and very necessary) salary. And if you're thinking of staying there more than a few years, do think of your children. Singapore is currently experiencing a reversal of its age pyramid like you wouldn't fucking believe. There are roughly 50% 25-0 years old than 25-50. The 25 have just started to work and are already bringing an insufficient amount of people to the fold. And the older ones are currently accepting any package that gets them to pay the bills since there were so many firings during COVID, so good luck beating a national with 10 more years of experience (who they know will stay loyal thanks to the whole insectmaxxing thing)

As for tourism, it isn't a particularly "good" destination, you can have way more bang for your buck going to KL/Malacca, and Thailand is *right there* (and that's where singaporeans go to evacuate their stress if you can believe it). It is at best a nice family destination where you get to take in the sights and enjoy an Asia-lite tour d'horizon of multiple cultures in a controlled environment. Beyond that, it is dogshit.
Holy fuck the landlords, tell me about these cocksuckers.
Threatening to take these fuckers to Small Claims is literally part of the process here. Like when a cat fucks and he has to rape in order to cum ? That's basically how moving out works in Singapore.
>Left me traumatised and damaged due to utter loneliness, awful tiny and expensive houses,abusive landlords and the utter artificiality.
That just describes the majority of the modern world
>The only other people you will meet are fellow loser men
So close to self reflection here
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I'm gonna shit up your thread and come to Japan. Osaka and Tokyo are amazing. Osaka the best. Has all those old 2000s vibes
Japan is one of the few countries where life is even more depressing than in Singapore.
You sound like it's your first time outside of Arkansas. Fuck off with your tourist opinions and stop posting sideways photos like a fucking retard.
If you have an upright photo, you need to edit it in MS Paint or whatever and add a dot somewhere, then save it. It will magically post upright.
Life isn't depressing. You're depressing.
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Congrats on the mires bro. Maybe people don't get laid in Singapore because they have standards
Those aren't mires, my dude. That would be thinly veiled disgust over your slovenly form.

I've never been anywhere less tolerant of excessive body fat except for maybe Korea.
What happens if you are brown and make 50k usd/mo?
>I want to talk about best options for nightlife in Singapore. No, "le boring" and "le sterile" retards are not allowed, go shit up the other threads.
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Just go to the continent where the low iq race sprouted from
>It will magically post upright.
The way phones and windows do rotation is using metadata telling programs how to rotate the image for display without having to reencode the actual file. 4chan wipes metadata when uploading an image which includes this rotation information.
When you save the image in paint it just saves the image from scratch as it's displayed with no need for rotation metadata.
I came into this thread just to say something similar as well. Does nightlife/experiences like this even exist anymore since COVID? To be fair, its not just Singapore, its everywhere these days, from Southeast Asia to Europe. Ever since COVID hit women have become so fucking mean, cold and picky, and nightlife has become just an excuse to order overpriced bottle service so you can flex on instagram. Couple all that with inflation, it's no wonder everyone everywhere is so much more socially isolated and prefers to just stay at home in 2024. Before COVID I used to go out every day and meet people and socialize all the time, no matter where I was at, I had a gf and everything, and now in 2024 I can't even be fucked to even just go to the grocery store anymore (I just order groceries over the internet now). I can't stand being around people these days, they have become insufferable, and the sterilization/Disneyfication of cities all over the world after COVID has made everywhere so much more boring (and overpriced) now. The closure of Orchid Towers alone tells you all you need to now about what direction these "global cities" are heading in.
Where were you born?
Then why is Sweden overran by mud slimes?
What's your iq
kys rajesh
>hates how people don't go out any more
>refuses to go out even for groceries
really makes me think
I was there as a tourist for two weeks earlier this year
The phone thing is so true. They’re all stuck to their phones, since the bottom 90% of the population don’t have any other entertainment source in their lives, all the fun things in Singapore are touristy or overpriced. The other 10% are materialistic as well.
Consider New York or London, you don’t have to pay too much to have a good night out at a club. Just need to dress decently.
This is not possible in Singapore.
Everything I know about the world outside my mom's basement I learned on /pol/: the post.
Low iq post. Move along now.
can you try making a post without mentioning /pol/ for once, or how they are virigins, or how they never travel. You're in every single thread posting shit about /pol/. Absolute faggot
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>going to BORINGapore
thanks for the heads up, where in Asia do I party for cheap then? No prosties.
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>50 autistic posts
>not a single recommendation for a bar or club
fuck you stupid niggers.

when I went to Singapore, I really enjoyed their cocktail bars.
Jigger & Pony is famous for some reason and their cocktails do taste good, but it's located in a depressing basement. I liked the many rooftop bars instead, like Lanter or Smoke & Mirrors.
for cheaper drinks and more "party" atmosphere (with 35-year-old white women) any drinking place on Club Street or thereabouts in Chinatown will be fine.

if you fly with Singapore Airlines, try their Singapore Sling on board or in the lounge too. it's actually good.
you do understand that the only reason why people don't go out is because everyone has their autistic excuse like yourself?
real shame was easier getting laid pre covid, apps are more convenient but not same quality
Can you stop whining when people call out your /pol/cel fantasies. Or even better, stay on that board. You contribute nothing, you have never had a passport, you know literally nothing about traveling or other countries. There is a reason why everyone is tired of you, so heed the advice instead of getting seething buttmad like an edgy teenager.
>everyone who has a different opinion than me isn't allowed to post
Lmao kiddo having his little baby tantrum again
Mindbroken pig nosed browncel constantly seething
Covid did a number on Singapore not to mention Singapore partying is pretty fucking expensive.
what about gayland?
is that still the thing?
rent free

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