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Imagine this: You step off the plane in Greece, the warm breeze from the Ionian Sea welcomes you, and right away, you feel something different. I recently visited the western coast of Greece with my wife, and I couldn't help but fall in love with the place—the landscapes, the people, the culture—it all felt so familiar, yet uniquely special.

Coming from a Syrian-Armenian background, I’ve traveled a lot, visited over 20 countries, but Greece struck a chord with me. Have you ever had that feeling when a place just feels like home? That’s what Greece did for me. The moment I wandered through the streets, I noticed something—the faces of the people, their warmth and kindness, reminded me of the Armenians from back home in Syria. Their family values, the sense of community, even the food—it all felt so close to what I grew up with.

And here's something I found fascinating: you don’t need a high-paying job to enjoy life here. Greece, especially outside the big tourist hubs, is incredibly affordable compared to Western Europe. With its perfect weather, mouth-watering food, and unmatched hospitality, life there feels rich in the ways that truly matter.

If you asked me, I’d say I could easily picture myself building a family there. Greece just has that charm, that sense of belonging. Have you ever been to a place that felt like it was calling you to stay?
Greeks on /int/ constantly complain about their suffering, low salaries, the dogshit education system …

Traveling and living are just two completely different shoes
greece is the rich of the poor and poor of the rich and that comes with more advantages than disadvantages
In 2 days time I'm moving to Austria because a similar thing happened to me Anon. I understand
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Southern France. I could have stayed in Cassis. Topless French chicks, awesome seafood, flawless wine, great hiking, amazing scenery, inexpensive. Checked all the boxes for me.
Afaik, Greeks are the most similar ones to Armenians.
BTW, that would be Spain. Great to hear "Hello" rather than "Good day" from literally anyone. Also, they don't seem to mind about your looks and culture as long you behave.
I've heard the same about Germany, but I doubt it because the autistic level of rule following.
Warmth and kindness are not appealing to me as a solo traveler; I'd rather be treated with respect and propriety. Efforts at inclusiveness are basically social harassment in my book.
>incredibly affordable
>compared to one of the priciest regions on Earth
Unfair and meaningless comparison. Compare apples to apples, i.e. Greece to the Balkans or Turkey, or hell, Syria and Armenia if that's where you're from.
>Greece to the Balkans or Turkey, or hell, Syria and Armenia
You get what you pay for almost everywhere, whiter Greek areas like crete are much closer to first world standards of competency than the turkroach rapebaby areas like athens, but also closer in cost. Turkey etc are straight thirdie shitheaps, they better be cheap as they're trash
>you asked me, I’d say I could easily picture myself building a family there.
Too bad the immigration laws are tight as shit for Americans. Oh sure, they'll accept all the syrians in the world but god forbid a man who actually has cash get into the country.
Fuck off we're full
Is it really that difficult to immigrate to?
You guys are raising my expectations of a place I've always wanted to visit. I'd also like a more authentic experience outside of tourist traps, anon, which places do you recommend checking out?
hate to do this but what you experience for summer holidays is much different to day to day life
travelling around sure is nice but it kind of sucks to live here

there is a good reason greeks on /int/ are like that

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