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> be digital nomad™
tells everyone at home "I make money anywhere bro"
>been living in hostels for months, too broke to rent a real apartment
>spends days hopping from sketchy cafés to public libraries for wifi
>decides to take a trip to Europe, cuz "it's so easy to work from anywhere"
>ends up in Eastern European city, takes metro to save money
>squeezed into tiny metro seat, pulls out 7-year-old MacBook
>tries to look productive
two hot girls sitting next to him, chatting in a language he doesn't understand
>they glance at his screen
he's on Upwork, trying to snag a $5 job writing blog posts about "10 Best Coffee Shops in Bali"
>they giggle, probably think he's some kind of tech genius
screen suddenly goes black
forgot to charge laptop at hostel, no outlets on train
pretends like he's just done with work, closes laptop smoothly
>phone buzzes
>"Your proposal for $5 blog post has been declined"
stares out window
>"at least I'm not in a 9-5"
back home,
>friend just bought a house and has healthcare
>he’s still trying to figure out where he can sleep for free
no its more like
>be digital nomad
>have a job as a developer
>get paid a living wage
>can live and work anywhere in the world
>decide to travel
>get the days work done on the train
>enjoy the rest of the day exploring a new place
Fuckin dorkies amirite?

Saw a fucking DORK at fat coco off beach road sitting alone with his fuckin MacBook on the patio. Enjoying the breeze wafting over you big faggot laptop screen dorkie? Bet the juxtaposition of being in a sex tourist town goes really well with those lines of fucking dork code language you gotta stare at for hours

as a digital nomad writer i have to say
you're not a good writer
You sound jealous. Did a nomad fuck your oneitis?
Can’t do much with a little pencil dick baby stroke so…
What if you're swinging a BWC? All the brown girls love mine
can't imagine the level of seething required to make a post like this lol
I have a trust fund and I laugh every day at digital nomad white dork wagies.
for me it was
>be international student
>want to stay abroad
>start working as a private tutor
>get good pay and housing
>shop, dine out, travel endlessly
>get men to pay for things if you ever want more
>spend entire 20s this way but decide to slow down a bit
>purchase land plot
>built cozy home on it
>live peacefully running my own hobby website and pursuing my passions
>have a great bf, cats, home, great health and beauty, fulfilled
>still shitpost on an anime forum
i wonder how does your hubby feel sloping up all those BBC leftoveres from your anus
She married some basedcuck so he probably gets off knowing his roasthole was filled with niggersperm 10 years before he found it
I’m not sure what there is to complain about if you’re smart enough to do SWE, coding, or some other remote tech job. Frankly remote work should be a lot more common outside of the tech sector. Maybe once the day of the pillow occurs for boomers there can be a chance
fpbp stay mad yuros
I report every digital nomad to immigration. Have fun getting deported lol
weird thing to roleplay about
the torso height difference in this pic is hilarious
hunching is such a bad habit
he's prolly shitposting about fishnet-wearing roastie whores on /r9k/
>"private tutor"
you're already getting men to pay you for "lessons", kek. good on you for putting that money into something solid instead of merely frittering it away like most foids do
just here as a tourist, bro. wanted to learn about the history of this shithole. I'll be gone in a month :)
An associate of the insecurity guard maybe.
i carry around a laptop, i dont need to (pretend to) work, i dont smoke weed, i shower daily, and i am clean shaven. just "nomad" for me please
>personal tutor for 10 years
>buy plot of land
>build house on it
Kek, this retarded bitches fantasy is so retarded. Go out into the real world you still KY roasty and see how well that plan works
Who said we were married?
I can't believe I left this thread open.
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>there's more replies
This forum is the gift that keeps on giving.
how to get young fishnet gf with smooth skin
be attractive
that's clearly an HP laptop and not a macbook thoughbeit
>been living in hostels for months, too broke to rent a real apartment
Most "digital nomads" who do this either get a private room in a hostel since it's the same price as an airbnb or are people who don't need to be on the phone like a helpdesk monkey. I'll do a hostel when the area, cost, and amenities are ideal simply because why spend more than I need to?
>spends days hopping from sketchy cafés to public libraries for wifi
The ones who do this usually have no clue what they are doing and are going to burn out.
>friend just bought a house and has healthcare
Compared to back home I pay about 200-350/mo for an Airbnb 'asian style studio w/ shower' or month-long hostel room in Korea and Japan, that's about 300-500 dollars under the cheapest studio I can find on the outskirts of town that might be section 8 not sure. I'm banking roughly 4k a month after all said and done in which I am putting towards a house to minimize payments I make only to pay off interest on any loan. This means 3 years I'd have saved enough for roughly a 120k house+enough to fix it up+closing costs+taxes, so I could even flip it if I wanted out right.

What's up with this absolute flood of shit bait these days? Is it because college started back up and faggots are mad they have to go back to class?
>be digital nomad
>don't tell anyone I am a digital nomad, just make some BS excuse like backpacking, quit my job with money saved, or some shit.
This is what most successful DN's actually do. Very few DN's who make it ever tell people they are doing it because how fucking awful it is simply to deal with the following
>What skills do you have
>4/5 times it's none at best it's some worthless college degree they got just cuz mom and dad paid for it
>Ask what exp they even have in the job market
>always get some BS excuse about how shit it is to even get entry level or anything in the US so traveling on some free mom and dad cash still
>explain a bit about IT and CS maybe explain some certificate paths as good learning goals
>instantly get that dread of eyes glossed over everything I am saying is going in one ear and out the other
>realize this person doesn't have a chance at even Tier 1 Helpdesk

This almost is clockwork for anyone who's met Non-Digital Nomads but really want to be. Once people get told that they will need some skillset over Helpdesk monkey tier they lose their shit knowing they have to probably work to a Jr. or Sr. position; not End User Support. Fact is that most people who even do attempt it are going to need some level of trust with their company often taking +2 years to build and multiple examples of good work, by that time many companies who would put you in a position that can travel and work anywhere probably now have you at a comfortable position where decent pay and 4weeks off+company holidays is enough. Sure there are exceptions to the rule but most will almost instantly forget about it after the first 12-18 months and just go for vacation days because it's something you already have.
im not a digital nomad but other tourists think i am because i dont work. so annoying and awkward because i hate those loud mouthed faggots and now everyone also thinks im one of those faggots. might just start telling people i spend a couple of minutes a week writing a travel blog and youtube vids with chatgpt to blend in
whether you're making a lot of money online or not, traveling from place to place, starting over every three months is a major pain in the ass. if you have a nomad visa that's better of course but they can make you run through hoops to get it. healthcare while cheaper abraod is something you have to pay out of pocket. if you work for a company int he US, the insurance will be useless abroad, so hopefully don't need a sudden surgery or anything. airports and immigration suck, always having to do things like book fake tickets to have your onward ticket and then hopefully you manage to cancel in time, every time you pack up to leave (or even where you're staying) constant risk of losing all your shit to robbers, muggers or scammers. having to make new friends or fuckmates every time you move, find new favorite places, testing out new restaurants and shit all over again, most of which will suck. seeing places you already saw and everybody already saw all over youtube because like a thousand vloggers already went and ruined it. over all, it's not a lifestyle i would recommend to anybody.
this is why, eventually, medium to long term expat life is the way. for most it will be tough to maintain a healthy fulfilling routine when resetting so much.

that or just stay domestic, which is going to be a lot more straightforward

I went nomadic just to sample places for a year before picking one.
>healthcare while cheaper abraod i

Should add that this isn't always true, especially if it's an emergency and they know you're a gringo.
>Most "digital nomads" who do this either get a private room in a hostel since it's the same price as an airbnb

I knew a guy who was making his money online by teaching English to people in Asia, but he had to be talking ocnstantly during work hours, which for him meant the middle of hte night, since he was now in Latam. His AirBnb host obviously had a big problem with it, as did the neighbors. It turned out being really stressful for him. Poor guy. Make sure you are in the same timzone if you're going to be on teh phoen all the time.
>major pain in the ass
Sounds like you're a lazy shithead who only wants to rot away the rest of your life in Bumfuck, England, going to the same stupid pub every weekend to chat with the same crew of beer-swilling losers.
>starting over every three months
To the contrary, three months is far, far too long to stay plopped down in one location. I've stayed as long as one month in two different places, and their appeal was absolutely lost on me by the end of it. Three to four nights is ideal.
>most of which will suck
No, you suck at traveling. Hitting the streets in search of good food is peak enjoyment for a non-coomer.
>le insurance
Fuck insurance in all its forms.
>everybody already saw all over youtube
Same old zoomer excuse. You faggots live your entire lives through a screen to the point where the only authentic travel experience for you is laying in bed watching some broface traveler yapping on self-importantly for 45 minutes about his daily routine.
You have any idea what emergency care costs in America?
>inb4 it's free, just don't pay the bill
Theft of service is nigger behavior.

Okay, boomer.
This reads like a new version of how Avon and Tupperware was sold as a "career" to 1970's moms. It works out for very few people...
very defensive post, reeks of insecurity in decisions
>healthcare while cheaper abraod
lmao, do Americans really?
Regardless, it's never been easier to work remote, DN visas are fucking everywhere with simple requirements and I crack up at all the losers who wish they could dork it up like me across the planet. Stick to crying about being a failure on Fijian Knitting Forums, you won't ever make it.
Lol he responds to someones defensive opinions with an explanation for why he himself prefers this lifestyle
And you yourself are so defensive and insecure so you call him that
And on top of it your totally retarted by not realizing people have differrerent opnions ya ballsack licker
You dont. They dont have sex with or like anyone. They exist solely just to scam men online and in bars for money.
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>, starting over every three months is a major pain in the ass.
While your post is all over the place this really isn't that big of a deal. Here is the secret: Learn2Pack

Any digital nomad packing more than their toothbrush and proper deodorant(fuck this shit can be hard to find in any form of quality sometimes), is doing it wrong.

Learn to fold clothes or how to roll them + rubber bands to save space
Learn to use washing machines/laundromats while abroad
Realize if you need clothes abroad you can probably find them with a little effort
Understand seasons, if you only want to pack light shorts/t-shirts/etc. Make plans to hold up down in SEA or Mediterranean areas for winter, venture back up and out for spring/fall/winter
Don't overpack extra redundant shit like wall adapters or power bricks, USB-C literally everything you can and you'll always find ways to charge anywhere comapred to 6 years ago.
Look up alternative methods to get from A-B, if you plan right you can often hop on a bus or train and avoid airport time sinks
Realize just because you book a 30 day Airbnb doesn't mean you can't do a train ride to butffuck town spend a night or two there then come back to the airbnb
Always keep vital electronics to do your job with your carry on, make checked luggage always disposable and clothes stuff

Personally, I do 30-45 days per location assuming the visa is 60/90, then pick a few places to hunker down as Airbnb is basically do 30 days for the discount or bust now for most bookings it seems. If you're doing it right 1 roller luggage+decent backpack will do all you need
>digital nomad
more like immigrant who should fuck off back to their home cunt?
part of the bait.
An immigrant is someone who intends to move permanently and integrate, digital nomads are tourists working while touristing. They're not even expats who have some minor degree of permanence.
ong you really rubbed those last two brain cells together real hard to write that didn’t ya
Mental illness. Feel bad for the hookers that have to go home with this dude.
Ooshit i meant to tag this weenie here actually
>replying in third person like you're not obviously samefagging
>replying to your own post 8 hours later
absolutely seething
>going to the same stupid pub every weekend to chat with the same crew of beer-swilling losers.
This sounds comfy as fuck. I wish I jad a local pub woth a tight knit community to be a part of.

wtf is a "broface"???

Buddy you sound like the kind of insufferable shithead that gets ostracized by everyone socially and can't understand why.
you sound like a sore loser over the fact in that very moment hes working and has hoes inch away if he wants them.

All OP did overseas was get drunk and now hes insecure over the fact other people were shooting their shot at careers.

Be very careful if you want a world where nobody works and everyone fights. The laptops will be replaced by guns.
>private tutor who gets housing for free
>Spend a decade living off wealthy men
>decide you want to be le free and independent, buy some worthless plot of land with the money you made selling your body in your prime years
>convince yourself you're living a full filing life running a Pinterest account and having a cuck boyfriend

Kill yourself
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its over for white dorks.
this image is like several million in net worth
>gets ostracized by everyone socially and can't understand why.

That's why he has to move on every three days.
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Ah, yes, another beautiful day in a developing country to sip on some coffee, open my laptop for two or three hours, and spend the rest of my day getting massages and focusing on self-improvement. I think I might get some sushi delivered for lunch.
how are my other fellow White dorks doing today?
This reads how you want it to be. And not like reality. Not every digital nomad is some successful social media god that makes 10 to 20k per month and is living the life in South East Asia. OP's post is probably closer to truth going off on the digital nomads I've met irl. The Idea that they have fuck you money is probably wishful thinking. Person I know returned home every once in a while cuz he was broke. Worked a regular job for 6 months and hit the road again. Lived with his parents when he got home. Meaning he didn't need to pay rent and shit. Basically his parents subsidized his lifestyle. Whilst I personally didn't get his need to travel semi broke. He didn't seem unhappy about it either. Which I guess is the most important thing.
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I'm bald already
>oh, you said thing is actually not bad? well, i got some news for you buddy.
Sounds fun
Lol good post, many incels will be seething
What do you mean? I have no idea what this means. Speak plainly next time.
Average cuckmad hairline kek.

You will never be a citizen of the countries you visit
Women laugh at your weak bloodline
Men only do not assault you as they have standards (especially Malaysia)
Other tourists pity you
You are worse than pedophile English teacher who is fat and look ugly
>this image is like several million in net worth

... but he is still a white dork. thats negative several million in net worth.
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u take that back!!! asiancel!!!!!
>millions of dollars
>access to limitless clout
>equally autistic, clingy, and rich gf
he's literally winning and you're on 4chan on a friday afternoon
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>defending e-celeb

how cucked r u????
I'm not defending anyone, he just mogs you
>I'm not defending anyone, he just mogs you

you don't know anything about me, faggot. I'm 6'2, 200 lbs. gym + muay thai. I'll beat the shit out of that little faggot and rape his girlfriend.

That vlogger that went with Bald across the Darien gap had a gall bladder issue and had to have it removed in Mexico City. They charged him $17,000, which is more than the averge cost of gall bladder removal in the US.

>DN visas are fucking everywhere with simple requirements

Yeah, like international health insurance, which will cost you at least $500 a month for the most basic coverage, along with half a dozen other requirements.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.
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Again, do Americans really? You don't seem to understand that your costs for international health insurance largely reflects the tail end costs of medical repatriation and care after that.
I pay 1200 a year for mine, it's perfectly reasonable.
It's also for one of the top medical tourism destinations on Earth and full of yanks coming for surgery or dental.
>It's also for one of the top medical tourism destinations on Earth and full of yanks coming for surgery or dental.
which country my man?
Only anglos can call us yanks.
>1200 a year for mine

$100 a month? Not likely. Post the insurance company if you're not lapring.
>t's also for one of the top medical tourism destinations

Oh, so you're NOT saying you have INTERNATIONAL health insurance. You're saying you have insurance IN ONE COUNTRY. Which means you aren't even nomading, because you have to have RESIDENCY in a country before they would even sell you insurance.

This is something entirely different from what we're talking about and has nothing to do with a digital nomad visa, which requires INTERNATIONAL health insurance. Good luck finding that for under $500 a month.
Sounds like a normal price for non-retarded faggot zog countries. I can get insurance through anyone in UAE for about that amount.
You sure are loud for somebody without a clue.
Lol no im not seething or mad, more so just confused about how so people in this world tell people their opinion/preference is wrong etc
I guess im also a retard for hoping calling retards out will somehow awaken them...

Amazing how many people are too dumb to grasp the concept of international health insurance (which covers you across multiple countries) and buying insurance "internationaly" in another country. Yeah, no shit, you can buy $100 health insurance in Guatemala UAE or whatever if you have residency or citizenship. That's not international health insurance. It's not going to cover your ass when you get sick in Japan.
you can literally get expat insurance that covers like $5k-10k worth of medical expenses (they pay you back) as long as you get a receipt and record of what was done, for like $80-100 a month. They will also cover you for accidents and other shit you might have to pay out of pocket to another person for.

your level of ignorance is fucking astounding considering you can literally just search for it and find out in like 10 seconds
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Anon is a retard,

In the US you can go to Seven Corners or IMG, if your insurance doesn't just offer adding on travel for like 5 bucks to your existing coverage, for like ~100/mo. It's not hard to get by any means though most Americans aren't wanting "that" kind of insurance for the health services they are doing. Pretty sure most anons are looking to get their teeth unfucked and hair replaced because they were retards slamming monster energy drinks 24/7 in high school looking like 30 y/o's at 22.

My company pays for my healthcare and adding something on just means I had to call and ask for something, only paying like a few bucks out of pocket for travel.
Bro I have an existing medical condition that bumps up the price that high, it's quite cheaper for most other people.
Malaysia, De Rantau visa, you need the insurance first.
This is the polite one we call you mate
>Good luck finding that for under $500 a month.
lol, lmao even
>more so just confused about how so people in this world tell people their opinion/preference is wrong etc
>so i should call them out and tell these retards theyre wrong so they wake up
buddy you dont even have two brain cells do you
you are none of those things
Anon this is the fucking TTC in Toronto Canada, the scrub in the pic probably software developer for a bank that makes six figs
>making six figs in Toronto
>still live in a sharehouse
The first world is a dystopia and not the cool cyberpunk kind
Canada is not a first world country
where are you from?

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