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I have multiple friends saying they want to go X, Y, Z with me, but I don't fucking want to go with anybody. I like my freedom, I like solo traveling, I like meeting new people and doing things the way I wanna do. If I want to stay up til 5 am and do cocaine I will, if I want to stay in the hotel all day I will, if I want to go to a museum and then go to the beach for 8 hours and read a book I will. I don't want to keep up with anyone and anyone to be keeping up with me. I am a very unique guy. Not to be a weirdo, I do love talking to new people and meeting locals and chilling with them but I am not planning to go with anybody and listen to anybody's shit being stuck with them in another country for the duration of my whole trip.

How can I tell my friends I just don't fucking want to travel with them? I am made to feel guilty because they want to go and seem to rely on me to go on a fucking trip. I've been to numerous countries on my own and enjoy it the most as an escape from my day to day life and the people I'm surrounded with.

Last time my friend said "I know you want to go traveling alone again but make sure next time you go we're going together" ---- fucking pissed me off, feeling entitled to my freedom of wanderlust. I don't want to make them feel bad because they're all great people but I have my fucking reasons and the cons of me going anywhere with people outweight everything else.

How can I tell them it's just not gonna happen without them feeling bad and ruining the relationship by saying something I shouldn't?
Has anyone here been through a similar situation? What's the best excuse or explanation I could use to make everybody happy?
Just tell them it would be awkward for you to to hire hookers or going to brothels with them around.
They'll understand
Traveling alone is the most miserable thing a loser like you can do. You better be under 25 if you don't have a wife and kid yet. You're not unique you pathetic manfaggot weasel.
Ooooh look at you with friends
Maybe if you're autistic and need a mummy or others to look after you and plan fun activities because you're too retarded to have fun on your own

I've traveled to 7 countries on my own and had a great time in each of those places having experiences you would never fathom because you're an ant
Go to the same city but stay in different hotels, do your own thing for most of the day, meet up in the evening for drinks or food or whatever. Hell, you can even take different routes and meet up again days down the road. I did this with some nomad friends on my first trip to Colorado and really enjoyed it, it was the perfect balance between solitary freedom and social company.
I like that, definitely one of the smarter ways to go about this
this. OP, you're in the wrong here. Your friends know what is best for you. Don't let your own retardation cause you unnecessary harm.
chill bru. just say you like to travel solo.
You're a shit, overbearing, overreaching, smothering, needy, desperate and lonely kind of a "friend".

Misery loves company
you're all fake friends, not real friends

not judging and it happens to all of us. Real friends don't feel insecure and passive aggro about their relationship.

Just take off when the fuck you want without telling any of them. The ones that bitch up about it you can tell them to fuck off.
Everything is better with friends, if you don't think travelling would be better with them then maybe you don't like them as much as you think you do.
just explain it to them like you did to us. I have a friend who's like you, but in the end we ended up going to japan together, and we only spent 4 days out of 21 together
Maybe you can do it like that? It is more fun when you share your experience with someone during or at the end of your day

I'll be doing the same thing this year. We'll be there during the same period, but we'll mostly go our own separate ways, with occasional day trip/lunch/event together
Thats a fair point anon. But every friend is different, as everyone has different types of attachment styles, including yourself. I think if you find stability in being alone then don't ever take anyone with you. But don't limit yourself to just being along because there will be some people you travel with that really works and some where they bring all their drama from home with themselves. And there will be others that lead you to places and experiences you wouldn't have seen if you were just by yourself.

I think a group of 3 - 4 is better than just 1 friend.
wrong. travelling alone is the patrician option that weak men like you cant handle.you need your mommy to hold your hand?
Anon, what is your job? how much it pay for being able to travel so much?
>I have multiple friends saying they want to go X, Y, Z
Protip: most will flake

I have this situation as well where friends are always wanting to go to Japan or some place with me, I go hell yeah I am going X days/weeks/months. It's then instantly "HELL YEAH DUDE" followed by endless weeks of them making excuses as to why they can't go.

Most people like the IDEA of they are planning for something but life 'totally fuckin hard right now bro can't do it' excuses are what the end result is always

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