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Old thread: >>2701761
Discuss everything related to travel in Thailand here.
Found a tutor on beach road. She had suspiciously Korean aesthetics. Turns out she was from Laos. Very amusing turn of events.
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Strolling around Lumphini Park during a festival of some kind...one of the tents had a vendor couple making egg pies, they sold me ten of them for 100 baht, delectably flaky and hot off the grill. It's so tough to avoid overeating in Thailand...
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Other Thailand travelers, how important is it to you to be judged positively by Thais?
For me it took a few days of blundering around on the outskirts of Bangkok to figure out Thai etiquette for interactions with strangers. The following days quickly made Thais my favorite people to be around. Take the personality traits of aloofness, facial impassivity and disdain for small talk. Thais see these behaviors as a sign of mature respectability. Careful observance of social boundaries is key to being respected in Thailand. Thais are fine with me being my authentic self, so I return the favor. Thai aloofness doesn't bother me one bit, as long as the proprieties of doing business are followed - and they nearly always are.
It's impossible. Don't concern yourself with thai etiquette beyond day to day things. They will never consider you one of them, and more importantly they will never actually respect you.

The only thing you really shouldn't do is put your hands together for ka pun ka, that's a Buddhist thing and you aren't Buddhist. Farang hands together is maximum cringe and causes thais to internally recoil. It is not like bowing in Korea or Japan.
I feel as though you have made this post about your schizoid personality matching with Thai etiquette several times now. How can you be sure their impassivity is not just them getting the transaction over with as little fuss as possible as opposed to some sort of respect for your aloofness?
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They also don't have disdain for small talk. Anytime some Thai does it with me, "where are you from", "it doesn't matter where I'm from." They look at me like I'm a mass murder. I still do it, because honey badger don't give a fuck. Much like >>2711861 I still put my hands together and bless them, because I'm more Buddhist then most of the Thais I've met.
>I still put my hands together and bless them, because I'm more Buddhist then most of the Thais I've met
You're a dumb cringe faggot. Thais think so and other farang witnessing you do that shit think so. It's performative, not authentic.
You'd be wise, not to test the limits, of my magic.
>that borderline autistic, oblivious guy making awkward interactions with thais thinking he uncovered the supposed rulebook for talking with people.
Retard, they behave like that because of the language barrier. When I was with my girlfriend, the shop vendors would always make some small talk with her and then give her some extra or a discount because they were friendly.
I'll destroy you in a wizard battle. I'm in sukhumvit right now. I'm going to Astral project and wait over terminal 21. Show up if you dare cunt.
Tom Cruise, I tried to warn you of the darkness that was coming. Surely by now, you've noticed the bright ball that warms the world is up in the sky less and less. We of the Squirrel Federation predict with in a week's time, the sun will be up high as long the darkness. The leaves are fire red. Begging for light. Soon they will die and fall to the ground.
Comfy photo and post
What camera shot this??
10/10 post my friend
got me bricked up
Is there a direct ferry to Koh Phangan from Bangkok (or a nearby port)? Or do you have to travel overland to Surat Thani and get the ferry from there?

And is the Half Moon Party, and the island generally, worth going out of my way to visit for just 3 days? I'm 31 and a solo traveller and i don't really care about beaches/islands and I wonder if I'm getting too old for this shit. On the other hand, I worry I might feel like I've missed out if I don't go to at least one of them. 3 days is probably all I can do without really messing up my itinerary though.
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It feels very rewarding to have my payment accepted with dignified respect and appreciation, no matter how small it is. Next time I come by, I will be immediately welcomed and shown to a seat.
>never consider you one of them
That's a big plus in my book. I feel no social anxiety in Thailand, as I don't need to ward off unwanted & intrusive social advances and then deal with the abrupt shift from friendliness to hostility that makes me fucking hate normies.
A potato, kek. My $28 ZTE phone. Definitely recommend it as a street phone if you are visiting shithole countries where robbery is common (not Thailand). It's slow AF and can only run one app at a time, but it does what a phone needs to do, and it's still going strong after an entire year.
Obviously you are spending time in some tourist ghetto where the locals have learned to ape Western mannerisms and speak a few English phrases in an effort to please foreigners. Their smiles are fake and hide their hatred of the assholes like (You) they have to deal with every day.
Some Thais are like that, they hate their job and it shows on their face. They often serve mediocre slop as well, so don't do business with them.
Impassivity does not mean that a person is incapable of showing appreciation for being served a delicious meal or for receiving a payment. It merely means that their emotional reaction threshold is higher than the average hyper-expressive white person.
BTW in Chiang Mai I noticed that Thai eatery operators make more of an effort to make potential customers feel welcome with a smile and greeting if they so much as stop on the sidewalk outside the entrance.
Congrats on having a hot gf, lol. Everyone likes chatting with a pretty girl.
You have to go all the way down to Surat Thani to get the KPG. You can fly there, or fly to Koh Samui, then it's an easy 45 minute ferry to KPG.
But for you I would say, don't go. That's a lot of travel time to go to a party that's a parody of a parody of itself. It's an amazing place, but you will feel extremely old there - I went when I was 22, which was fine. Have been back since for extended stays and didn't even consider going to the full moon party again. If you dont care about beaches and islands and just want to go to the famous party, I think you're putting in a lot of effort and money for something that's pretty unremarkable. just tens of thousands of drunk tourists on a mile long beach. was kind of fun to watch all the girls dropping their pants and pissing in the sea, though
NTA but how os the ferry this time of year? Hellish or most likely fine?
>full moon party
It's a bunch of college kids, so have fun with being casually discriminated against by "the most tolerate generation", if you were thinking of meeting people
Is the right course of life to be simply led around by your base impulses like an animal?
Well we are animals, so yeah. I already made a fortune and reproduced several times, so biological impetus out of the way, base impulses are all that's left.

This shit really isn't complicated. Once you break out of ideologies designed to keep peasant niggercattle in line, the sky is the limit.
They knew you were coming and wanted you to feel welcome :)
they heard you were coming
Hmm yeah that's sort of what I thought, sounded like it'd just be a massive group of pissed up westerners who are mostly younger than me. Still fun if I'm already nearby, but probably not a bucket list experience that it's worth travelling out of my way for.

My current plan is to go north from Bangkok into Chiang Mai, and then follow a fairly typical backpacker route to eventually circle back to Bangkok (Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng, Hanoi, Hoi An, Ho Chi Minh, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap). So at the moment I don't do the southern Thailand islands/beaches at all. I'm a bit conflicted, because I don't really care about islands/beaches (as a solo traveller I'd get pretty bored just doing nothing on a beach all day), but on the other hand I feel like should maybe go to one if they've literally got some of the best in the world in SEA. I don't suppose you know if there's any other beaches/islands I could work into my planned route either in Thailand or SEA, which are less out of the way but still worth visiting?
What a gay ass meme route
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Phuket has cheap flights to/from Bangkok and Chiang Mai, about half the price of Samui flights last I checked. I spent a few weeks lazing about Patong and enjoyed it. There's a few smaller beaches nearby too, one even has elephants.
>Muh impetus
Oh fuck off
I only have 38 days and thought I'd stick to a standard route. I'm not a sex tourist coomer, I just want a handful of fun nights out in between seeing interesting nature, templates, etc. What route would you do instead?

I think I'd have max 3 days for a beach/island detour so I don't know if it'd be worth getting return flights somewhere, but I'll see if it can be worked into my plans at all, thanks
>I already made a fortune
Go FUCK yourself
Don't be mad faggots I'm almost 40, you hustle you will get there too.
>I don't suppose you know if there's any other beaches/islands I could work into my planned route either in Thailand or SEA, which are less out of the way but still worth visiting?
Maybe Da Nang by Hoi An in Vietnam? It's convenient, but it's not really a destination like Thailand beaches.
>Vang Vieng
Pretty sure most of the fun was put to a stop there 10+ years ago to make it safe for mass Chinese tourism
Are you the OP?
Which bar, out of interest?
You can't deny, it makes geographical sense to take this route if you want to cover the four countries of the region.
Simplest choice is to content yourself with spending time on one of Vietnam's beaches.
Most of humanity is animalistic. But not all. Some carry seeds of divinity.
There's a ferry from Bangkok to Koh Samui do some research. You are not too old but you are 20 years to late for the Half Moon Party when it was at it's peak.
Lol what have you been doing until now if you didn't even accidentally knock some bitch up, and made no money along the way?
No such thing goof. We are just monkeys with brains big enough for self awareness. You won't earn any bonus points for believing in magic.
Has anyone seen the new tax law draft? It's over for me bros
it won't pass, it's just virtue signaling
if they do pass it, rich chinese will have thai politicians who supported it assassinated, and then the law will change back
Take meds.
I worry because I work for myself online, I'm OK paying taxes to whoever, but paying taxes would out me as illegally working. The Thai government doesn't usually care about some random white guy working online but this will make it much clearer to them that I am working illegally
So either I commit tax fraud or violate the labor protection act, despite being completely OK paying taxes to the government and not affecting the Thai job market in any possible way
Amazing Thailand!
Shouldn't have been working illegally in the country then you daft sod
>look at me I work remotely!
Just fuck off
Ultimately dealing with a troubled and abusive family, figuring out how to make it through the world, traipsing around the world chasing shadows, maneuvering through the world into corporate jobs.
I have some solid net worth and more to come but the human relationship side of life is a fucking disaster.
The poor dear :(

This desu desu senpai
>you are illegally working online in our country!
stfu dumb gooks
>The only thing you really shouldn't do is put your hands together

WHy are you giving false advice? To not reciprocate with a wai is considered rude. It has nothing to do with Buddhism.
I say "thank you" in English in response, because I am a foreigner and not a Thai. "Hello" and "thank you" are the only English words I speak in Thailand. Sometimes small numbers as well, always accompanied by the appropriate number of fingers.
Many anecdotal reports suggest that Thais don't appreciate foreigners aping Thai mannerisms.
Shut the fuck up retard. Farang aren't supposed to wai.
I've never heard this before in my life.
Thais love it when a farang speaks Thai, though
you mean you've never heard about the most common faux pas farang constantly make as first time travelers in thailand?
that's surprising
did you think other farang weren't doing it because they were rude or ignorant?
>did you think other farang weren't doing it because they were rude or ignorant?
They were doing it.
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Here's the thing, most of the people working with tourist in Thailand, aren't Thai. So doing it, or speaking some words in Thai, might make them feel like they're being welcomed as Thais with arms wide open.
>it's another episode of the sperg having a fit about what you can and cannot do as a foreigner in Thailand
This is not Japan retard, also kindness is a universal language no matter what you might believe from your little rulebook on social interactions
How to those monkeys know I'm not Buddhist?
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>records you walking down soi 6 and posts it on youtube
These guys unironically deserve their asses kicked on sight but I don't want to go to Thai jail any more than he wants to go to the hospital.
You'd think they'd be more healthy, and not need so much attention, walking around all day.
Are there any sports worth checking out in Thailand besides Muay Thai? Like Korean and Japanese baseball games being worth going out of your way to see?
Water buffalo racing

Fuck sake I'm getting ban warnings for "trolling" and I'm not even trolling.
Water buffalo racing sounds kino ngl
i once went to a drag racing strip in southern thailand which was the best day ever
Sounds like some badass redneck shit, and a good time
sometimes i get those bar livestreams recommended to me on youtube. the girls are so loud
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I got one of those warnings for merely lecturing an "I'm too poor to travel" anon on the realities of putting aside money for travel as a common laborer. Apart from my flight to Bangkok, my rent check and a $65 unlocked phone for use in Asia, I spent only $221 in the past month. Staple groceries, fresh produce and laundry, that's about it. This month will be the same. Every workday pays for four days of physical and financial liberation from ZOG-ruled America.
>Discovers fat people are disgusting
Who knew right?
Any of you get the DTV? What's your take on it so far?
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Kek based
They already passed the overseas income tax law you idiot, its being DRAFTED by the Revenue Department as we speak. I warned you morons about this months ago.
they won't do shit
12 more weeks!! 12 weeks ago was June 27th. Not sure how long ago that feels.
I went to three different banks last week to close corporate accounts that I wasn't using with them. Took the chance at each one to ask if foreign sourced funds were at risk of getting taxed or if I would ever need documentation that shows their source. Staff at all three branches had literally 0 clue what I was talking about. So yeah, I think we're good. Worst case scenario I get slapped for what, like 30% tops? Still less than what I'd pay at home. That's assuming they're even capable of putting together something like this, which given the state of their country seems highly improbable.
Based. How much weight did you lose?
what is this gay ETA visa thing. so much for being visa exempt
Can you still get cheap hotel rooms in person or is it better to go through a hotel aggregator website?
I'm only waiting 1 more week. U jelly?
25kg lmao
This but unironically. It's just a lot more convenient.
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What if I just want their heart: https://youtu.be/4kGvlESGvbs?feature=shared
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>speak near fluent Thai
If she loves me, and I her, we'll develop a pidgin together.
Nothing ironic there. I've tried every teaching facility available in the beautiful Kingdom of Thailand. Soapies are the best educational institution available.
Minimum wage bank staff in a developing country like Thailand arent gonna know shit. You need to talk to a local CPA. I doubt even front desk staff at a major banks in the US would be able to tell you about all the laws regarding taxes/finra in relation to your bank account, and even less so at banks in Thailand. Also because Thais make nowhere near the amount that Westerners do, so the max tax bracket at 35% for Thai taxes applies to wages far far lower than whatever you make in the West. Wages back home that get you taxed locally at 15% to 20% would fall into the 35% tax bracket based on Thai wages, which means that you would need to pay the remaining 15%-20% to Thailand to make up that 35% that they require every year to stay in compliance. Theres a reason Thailand is now suddenly being so liberal with visas just as these foreigner tax laws are rolling out, and its to trap suckers like you.
Yea thailand going after pension funds like retards, but retards are too addicted to being tutored by thai girls so what gonna happen?
The rich people in the tourist areas already pay sales tax and vat.
>You need to talk to a local CPA
A CPA's job is much like that of any beurocratic bloodsucking parasite, which is to try and upsell you on as much paperwork handling services as possible and they will use every little regulation in the book to justify them jewing you with a hefty bill. I had an accountant who would chew my ass out any time we bought some stupid bullshit like a pen for the company and didn't do the receipts how she wanted them done to abide by "muh laws". Charged me a fortune too cos she was thorough. Eventually I told her to go fuck herself and hired another one who does the bare minimum and stays the fuck out of my way.

The country is run by people who repatriate wealth from overseas investments because the entirety of stocks on the SET is worthless garbage. You think they're just going to allow a fat chunk of that to get eaten by taxes? It's not going to happen. It's corrupt as fuck and they will continue to maintain situations that benefit them economically. Planning, regulations, drafting, blah blah blah. I'm getting too old to care about any of this. When there's actual reports of geriatric expats in Udomsuk getting their paltry pensions taxed then I'll start to think about moving my money elsewhere, but by then there would be so much public backlash and money flowing out of the country that they will do a giant policy u-turn like they've done every other time some hairbrained scheme was pushed through.
>I warned you morons about this months ago

so how are you meant to send yourself crypto cash here now without it getting Thaied up
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>go to thailand
>get attacked by super aggressive ninja snake
No thanks
It depends. Booking.com takes a fat commission from the reservation and then pays it back to me for being a Genius user. If you don't get this perk, it may be cheaper to pay cash than to book online.
With the Thai baht now reaching under 33 to the dollar, things are getting a bit pricier in Thailand than they were last year, when the baht was at 36 to the dollar. Still extremely affordable if one goes the sobriety + celibacy route...$25/day should be doable for covering the country and visiting many different provincial cities.
Nobody goes to Thailand to be sober and celibate you retard dorker faggot.
Thailand is becoming a place to have a job or proper biz in. Vietnam a place to "hang out" indefinitely while you figure out money

Thailand is still cheap by int'l standards. big time, but it may involve a house in Suthep rather than a 2bd in bangkok, for some budgets
Guess I'm nobody then :)
I'd say enjoy your ladyboy surprise, but given your projection I'm guessing it won't be a surprise.. ;)
Who would actually want to live in Bangkok? I love to hang out in Bangers but it would be seriously overstimulating in the long term. Maybe I'm just old but smaller Thai cities are way more my speed, and to your point, also much better priced.
Yeah unless you're working there it's better thought of as a travel hub. Flights to pretty much everywhere and a good place to get whatever you'd need for your explorations in the region.
Otherwise it's just another big global city, super crowded and a pain to get around in for the most part.
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Hey, faggots. As you all may know, I tend to be quite harsh, and real with my observations of the places I travel too, in regards to the culture, such as the infrastructure layout and things that make any hot head need to vent, but today, given it's the equinox, and I'm in a giving mood, I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm talking about you. All of you. I go around asking people working in the tourist parts of town, "how do you say: dog; cat; chicken; thank you" in Thai, everyday. And they always help me learn, even if they're Burmese or Malaysian. And I feel, that most of them, out of the thousand people I've talked to, have learned English, by what they've heard tourist say to them. Sometimes the radio, or YouTube is how they learn more, but regardless, this last little bit is what troubles me. Out of the thousand interactions I've had, not one of them has heard the English word: "please." No one has been able to teach me how to say please in Thai. They've never heard it before. I even started saying it other possible languages they might interact with, like I've asked how to say ください. Still, they've never been asked if someone may have something that they possess. When people are learning English, why aren't they learning manners. Just because these ESL teachers have a degree or certificate, doesn't mean they're good eggs. I'm just gonna leave it there and get back to my merrymaking.
>Thailand is becoming a place to have a job or proper biz in
wtf are you on about? A lot of jobs are illegal for foreigners to work at and you can't ever own more than 49% of your business in thailand
You mean those teachers with fake degrees they bought on Khao San road aren't good? No way!
>As you all may know, I tend to be quite harsh, and real with my observations of the places I travel too
I don't know who you are, m8. And I'm not asking, so don't bother telling me. You're just another faggot here.
No the FUCK it isn’t im here now splashing the cash. You can ball for 2-3k a month. You can spend all the dork dollars you want, hoping to eventually outlast and outspend the swashbucklers but there’s always gonna be some girthy 9inch cocked FIFO worker to btfo dollar wise and dick wise
pattaya is an absolute zoo and its still low season
crazy how much this place blew up after covid
Stay in your nasty coomzone, you filthy ass eater. You don't belong in the real Thailand.
Biggest transport hassle in Bangkok is getting to the bus terminals from the nearest metro stops (Taling Chan Junction for the southern bus terminal and Chatuchak Park for the northern bus terminal). Both are located inconveniently far for walking with your luggage.
The metro to train connections are very easy, on the other hand. Bang Sue metro station is right outside Kruen Thep Aphiwat. Hua Lumphong metro station is right outside its eponymous train station. Both airports are also serviced by the metro system. Thonburi station is ten minutes' walk from Bang Khun Non metro station.
"Please" is meaningless verbal clutter. I'm not begging for a favor, I'm doing business. Manners in Thailand are 1) showing appreciation upon receipt of the goods, and 2) showing appreciation upon receipt of the payment.
Do as thou whilst coomer, dgaf :)
paid more for my hotel in pattaya than for the rest of thailand but i figure it's worth it for a nice room to study in. overall i think my average cost is $50 per night
Yeah studying venereal disease ON YOUR COCK
I've got a stack of Malaysian Ringgits, is there anywhere in BKK airport or Silom with a half decent rate?
Yea I do my studying early in the night and then scamper under the covers around 2am, unless I get dragged to republic or something. I don’t know how I used to stay out all night every night for months.
Im in a $14/night dump and have to wear earplugs cuz the “action” is literally down below me. Feels comfy. Mirror adjacent to the bed, and I have my own earplugs so I can go sleepy :)
If things go left, Just take a shot of ceft. That’s what I always say.
Sleeping with earplugs is dangerous. You're gonna get raped or burn in a fire.
>Im in a $14/night dump and have to wear earplugs cuz the “action” is literally down below me. Feels comfy.
Comfy? Sounds more desperate. Why don't you stay in a nicer place where you don't need to sleep above the rooms for quick study sessions.
K well I’ve been doing it for years
I’ve never seen the point of splurging on accoomidation. As long as there’s a bed, a mirror, hot water, working a/c and it’s not disgusting idgaf.

Location is more important to me.
I was about to agree completely with your post but then I read above. The noise ruins it for me. But broadly agreed, luxury is for fags.
Living outside of developed countries as full on expats did go bigger all across Asia seemingly
I get btfo even in Isan clubs here
>High income
Why even go to Thailand?
>luxury is for fags.
is it really luxury at 400-800 USD/month. or maybe its just what they literally stole from you. QOL in thailand is what life would've been like had they not stolen our birthright via globalization and babylonian money majik. sure i like going low market secure in the feeling that the money will never run out. otoh no real tradeoffs need be made by going up market either.
>I’ve never seen the point of splurging on accoomidation
keeping a second cheap accoomidation is considered good hygiene as far as i'm concerned.
You sold your birthright. You're obsessed with money.
What happened?
money obsessed? no, purchasing power. QOL in thailand is what like in usa would look like if PPP had been preserved.
i agree that much of the value proposition of thailand rests on simplicity.
>want hi-rise condo?
>up to you...
>want girlfriend?
>up to you...
>want be well-fed hermit?
>up to you...
all same same but different
Are you really rattling off more shit about money to prove how you're not a slave to it. You signed on the dotted line. Take responsibility for your actions.
I should add to this, back home, on the farm in Missouri, I spend an 1/8 of what I do for a lesser quality here in Thailand. So, shut up with your baby back bullshit. You did this. No one else did. You sold your soul. Now deal with it, like a man.
Being wealthy is good, actually.
lol not only a troll but a retard to boot...
>apples to oranges
spending less due to a dearth of options isn't the own you think it is when actually getting far far less for more.
>I spend an 1/8 of what I do for a lesser quality here in Thailand
only a retard would solely travel to thailand to buy consumer electronics.
What are you studying? You go to school in Thailand?
I've been following the Insecurity Guard blueprint for broke incel losers, finally got a slop EZ mode job a couple months ago (delivery driver for a small company). It's not quite as slop as being a security guard, I have to be more active than sitting at a desk the entire shift, but some days I get to drive for hours at a time for a single delivery just listening to podcasts.

Now I'm faced with the decision of quitting around December and going to Thailand for a two or three month stint, or waiting a whole year and going next December with way more cash to blow. I also have to consider how this will affect the dynamic of my hopeless future. But I dont think I can take another bleak sexless winter. The Insecurity Guard's dilemma of navigating a drought and flood- ascetic hedonist lifestyle is truly mind boggling.
idk anon. the way i see it thailand helps me set goals. if you're kvetching over the cost, then you'll need to compromise. be responsible and don't spend more than you can afford or to the point that you'd be wiped out. maintain a six month emergency fund. perhaps shooting for a six months stint every 2 years or so. also consider that you'll need to move around anyway so why not lower your cost basis via a stay in indonesia/bali/vietnam. the way i figure it if thailand is $1500/month and its possible to tread water in some other country for $500/month, the monthly cost averages out to $1000/month which is pretty good.
opportunity costs, if nonexistent, shouldn't prevent you being happy; just be smart about it.
>still like to coom,
>of course...
>opportunity costs, if nonexistent, ...
Fucking grim
I'm going south to see the islands
Should I avoid the one with moon Festival and that one from the Beach? I'm all for partying but I want to avoid being stuck with 20 year old retards slugging away
I want to be snorkelling mostly
>opportunity costs, if nonexistent
This is the biggest mental hurdle for me, I want to eventually get a career and house, but that would be the death knell of any more long term SEA trips. I want to maximize my time in SEA before I hit 35 and I'm officially an old man, but I made poor decisions and am way behind on both of those goals, so doing so will significantly effect my future in a negative way. Any six month stint in Thailand will be adding years to the hell like prison scape of a future that I've created for myself. Being a a poorfag wagie with no remote job but aspirations of SEAmaxxing long term is a delusion, but I'd rather live this delusion than succumb to the alternative
I have more than half a mil to my name but I still prefer the simple 500 baht/night room with everything I need, over the more expensive options which have the same amenities but just looks a little bit prettier. Also the more expensive hotels will Jew you over any chance they get, if you try to bring anyone to your room.
Could also go about it the wrong way or experience setbacks. I've been trying to seamaxx for a fucking decade but it hasn't been anything more then an occasional trip.
>out of high school for a couple years, travel
>wow life outside America can be fucking incredible
>come back, into school, travel during most summers
>finish degree, start working
>remote jobs aren't easily attainable yet for my total lack of experience
>keep working, finally land a full remote job
> they say they're fine with me working abroad for around a couple months a year
>the job ends up being hell
>can't travel and work anyway because this is insane and I'm still getting settled into a new city
>laid off after a couple MISERABLE years
>this city fucking sucks anyway after all that effort
Well I guess I'll take what I can get. Maybe one day I'll have that full remote dorker job. Until then I'll be unemployed in Asia. Fuck opportunity cost. A few months won't ruin everything for me.

>captcha is SRRY
Fucking lol.
Seattle is a hellhole. I'm a far-left radical so the memes say I should like it there but the memes are wrong because it's hard to imagine a much shittier place for a regular person to live. I was there for nine years and it only kept getting worse.
What's really grim, is those monthly cost amounts he quoted, are for if you just sit in your room all day with a thumb up your butt.
Don't you guys have neetbux saved up?
of course budgets will vary depending on appetites, no? everyone understands that whoring, drinking, clubbing, and ballin' out will cost. the beauty of thailand is lifestyle customization. i might go out twice a month and look for study partners at the same rate. otherwise, i'm quite happy to fatten up, chill, and soak up the vibe. as the adage goes, "the market will pay you in kind..."
Bali/Vietnam won't be cheaper than BKK
$1500/month is plenty if you don't enjoy overpaying for trendy bars/restaurants/hookers
$500 for room with a pool
$600 for 20x$30 hookers
$300 for food
$100 for transport and other costs
1500 dollars in Thailand would leave you malnourished after paying for accommodation.
yeah i was thinking moreso java
>but I'd rather live this delusion than succumb to the alternative
time. time to reevaluate, focus, and energize goes underappreciated in these discussions. america is full of miserable freaks who can't help but to denigrate other's struggle - naysayers should be ignored. i remember a apartment tour in where the vlogger was brimming with enthusiasm only find people throwing shade at him for not having been raised with wealth.
perhaps this doesn't apply to you but i can't help but notice how the policies&aspirations of the thai tourism board has affected COL discussions. rebranding as a luxury destination is warranted as thailand obviously has much to offer. but we shouldn't allow that narrative to dominate the conversation.
this is what im talking about.
how much they paying you somchai?
you might enjoy this:
>two middle-aged bald white guys doing a podcast about passive income
YES these are the people I aspire to be!
Good video. A lot of what I've seen and experienced is the same way of thinking as the bald chads, so I'm pretty far along that path anyway.
I'm just disappointed about not being able to collect big bucks WHILE being in Asia. I was so close to getting what I wanted from all those years ago only to have it ripped from me.

I dump money into stocks though and have a few hundred k net worth in my investment journey. I could probably almost just retire, but after all I've been through to get here I feel like I should keep working while I can and get what I can out of it. The more time I'm outside of the US the better, but I'm not quite aiming for a forever escape thing yet.
Just about to start a few months stint at the end of this month.
Seethe, wagie. Freedom uber alles
I'm already financially independent, retard.
believe me, if your goal is just to ammas enough wealth until you can live off the dividends/interest in asia, you will be disappointed once you get there. After that point, you're still going to have to find something to do or you'll get bored quickly. The thing about vacation that's so great, is that it's a break from working hard (to get that vacation in the first place) and it's a reward. Once you start being on vacation all the time, it doesn't feel the same anymore and you just become a NEET which will not fulfill you.
Good point, but that's why freedom is only really meant for those able to define their own mission and have their own values.
We'll see how it goes. I have many options and have taken many courses in life already.

And it's not even just the leftists. It's also the passive aggressive fuckers from the mid west who moved here. It's like the average person is absolute trash and also trying to just tear others down.
Yeah I've never lived anywhere in my life with the same feeling that simply nobody actually likes each other. I bet it was great like 30 years ago but why anyone, regardless of what kind of person they are, acts like it's a cool place to be now is beyond me. Fuck me it's so depressing there. You're doing the same thing I did be bouncing out to Asia and if you make it work you'll be so much happier.
>just become a NEET which will not fulfill you.
yeah slaving away to make someone else rich is so fulfilling. yawn.
I'm coming bro :crying: I'm almost there. Keep a seat warm for me. Few more days.
That will cost you. And cost you big. It's the low season. Things are cheap? A cheap pair of athletic shoes that cost 50-80 dollars in the USA or 6000 yen in Osaka, cost 6000 baht. That's right. Not the best newest most expensive pair of running shoes with gore tex that you can get online for 150 dollars, cheap, cheap ones will run close to two hundred dollarinoes. I'd just stay home if I were you. Oh, and this is by no way financial advice.
some people are born to be slaves
they can't comprehend life without work
when they finally retire in their 70s they will bored because they don't have anything to do
I live in central Pattaya with a modern 1br apartment in a complex with a couple swimming pools and an decent little resto (for thai food). It also has a small but perfectly equipped gym with everything I need.

I spend about $3.5k usd a month to be very comfortable/luxurious, and I coom at least 4x a week. I'm not a big materialist and don't buy random shit. I also don't binge drink every night (only on the weekends). I might occasionally splurge on a soi6 expedition or a walking street night, but it's rare and unnecessary because I have an on call harem of fun sized isan spinners who will come to me.
once you grow up a little bit you will realize that having a healthy and strong body is the greatest quality of life improvement possible, and it's also something you cannot simply purchase

good health and free time are the ultimate luxuries
Maintaining good health eats up too much of that free time for my liking.
Yeah I'm sure you have a really full schedule while living on NEETbux in thailand. lmao
>living on NEETbux
God do I ever wish, bro.
yes few hours of exercise per week is tooooo much
it's true that people leave their brains at the airport when they arrive to Thailand
I'm like this everywhere desu. I already lose most of my waking life to work.
exercise isn't work
swimming in the pool isn't work
not eating so much isn't work
drinking more water isn't work
hello how do I get psychedelics (esp DMT) in thailand. was thinking about getting it from dnm shipped somewhere there but not sure if people just sell it or whatever. probably hard but I would like if possible :)

otherwise what about other place in sea? somewhere good looking nature would be good

thank you for answering
There's good looking nature all over so you're in luck on that front, but I don't know where to get the droogs. Surely it's easier in Thailand than any other country because that's the degeneracy containment zone. I wish I had acid in Vietnam but I wouldn't know where to begin looking.
i came across this vlog from a regular guy on living a simple life in the phils
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>My dream
Does the monkey in SEAmonkey come from a small percentage of Aboriginal DNA? Look at the jaw and teeth on that bird, she's got that big teeth look that Australian Abbos have.
Chiang Mai or Pai. In CM you can ask people around the bar districts that foreigners frequent, and they'll definitely be able to hook you up. Pai is a mountain town surrounded by beautiful nature. Drunk lowlifes can't stand all the trippy white hippies there.
I seriously doubt anyone in Thailand will be keen on letting random strangers with who-knows-what mental illnesses blow their mind ripping a bong of DMT. Too much risk of something going wrong. In any case, how would a DMT trip in Thailand be any different of an experience from a DMT trip in your mom's basement?
>athletic shoes
Why would you buy farang shoes in Thailand? Wear whatever slip-ons the locals wear.
Ok poorfag
angeles city is a total shithole these days, no reason to live there at all
the bars are absolute horrific compared to thailand
>how would a DMT trip in Thailand be any different of an experience from a DMT trip in your mom's basement?
trip intensity and experience vary wildly based on what you are doing in your life and where you are at the time
What are some fun weeknight things to do in BKK with my wife? As in, not cooming. In Phra Ram 9 area so anything on the train line is great.
>Surely it's easier in Thailand than any other country because that's the degeneracy containment zone
Only for the most normie tourists. Everybody always seems to forget that Cambodia exists, but there's definitely more degen sex stuff, weed was never illegal and hard drugs are easier to get there.
>otherwise what about other place in sea? somewhere good looking nature would be good
Shrooms will be the easiest psychedelics to find by far, I think in Bali and the islands around there, also in Laos. In Thailand you'd go to some places up north like >>2715940, or go to the islands with more dirty hippies like Ko Phangan or Ko Chang
>Everybody always seems to forget that Cambodia exists
Guilty as charged. I do forget about Cambodia. I really need to check it out one of these days. Where can you recommend?
....our dream, fren
Ignore that poster, Cambodia sucks
cambodia exists to deepen my appreciation of thailand...pretty much goes for the rest of se asia for that matter.
What sucks about it? I like shitholes. They're comfy.
>cambodia exists to deepen my appreciation of thailand...pretty much goes for the rest of se asia for that matter.
>angeles city is a total shithole these days, no reason to live there at all
>the bars are absolute horrific compared to thailand
on top of also harboring some very physically gross areas like all the trash in the nearby river. driving along a river of just trash piles...

Even a city of 30,000 in thailand is infinitely more functional, clean enough and presentable than the equivalent in PH seemingly
Is Nana plaza fun to poke around in if Im not going to coom?
What's the point?
>not going to coom
cambodia's comfy in the same way as one who's made their peace before dying. is it still the wild west or it merely wild now? its been some years.
>Where can you recommend?
Angkor Wat is always worth seeing, but I haven't been to Cambodia for 10+ years so I don't know what the rest of it's like these days.

>Is Nana plaza fun to poke around in if Im not going to coom?
Some of the bars can be entertaining, but you'll probably get bored quick if you aren't looking to buy
>Other Thailand travelers, how important is it to you to be judged positively by Thais?
I’m not sure I’ve ever given it that much thought; I lived and worked in Thailand (and also in Laos for a bit, which is similar in many ways, but quite a bit more conservative) on and off for more than ten years, and I came to know the place extremely well. In the process, I became fluent in Thai, and picked up at least some local habits and mannerisms along the way. I never specifically wanted to act Thai (which I agree with >>2711861 isn’t really possible; more on this below), but I did acquire a very good sense of what people found offensive, and I made a point of not offending people.

Thailand is still a much more uptight, image- and reputation-conscious place than casual visitors usually notice. Tourists do a lot of things that gross locals out far more than they usually let on. I have interacted with hundreds of Thais (and dozens of Laotians) who’ve expressed undisguised contempt for tourists they think are disrespectful—border police mocking backpackers’ unkempt elephant pants and dreadlocks and Singha singlets, laughing in their faces about how they hope the Lao cops will bust them for drugs, etc. By being clean and well-dressed, not visibly intoxicated, and not on the arm of a hooker half my age, I’ve been able to escape that kind of negative reaction completely, and because I speak Thai I’ve often been in on the joke when locals make fun of scumbags.

But the poster who talks about impossibility above is at least half-right—even the most gone-local, pseudo-integrated farang, who speaks Thai (or better yet, local dialect) is always an outsider, which for some people (not most, but some) means an inferior. The best one can hope for is to be regarded as an amusing novelty, like a talking monkey. And a foreigner who’s just clean and quiet can be just as inoffensive.

I disagree that one can’t be respected, but one can’t not be an alien.
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right gay people actually have sex in mutual situations instead of flying to the other side of the planet to pay a diseased whore to coom
You aren't fooling anyone, we know they do both and travel for brown buttboys
Well that's my question. Like it's fun to walk around a vegas casino even if youre not gambling. Is nana plaza fun to grab a beer and people-watch in?
what the fuck
how was it
Interesting anecdote :)

Is there enough in the vicinity of the plaza that even if I don't like the vibe it's not a wasted trip? If so, any highlights Iyo?
>despite having no intention of cooming when I got there, and not really being into paid sex at all, I ended up paying a not-particularly-attractive midget for sex
What the fuck lol

Think I'll hang around nana plaza sometimes and people watch too.
>Is there enough in the vicinity of the plaza that even if I don't like the vibe it's not a wasted trip? If so, any highlights Iyo?

It’s a pretty lively area in general—across the street from the Plaza itself there are a bunch of bars that aren’t officially sex venues, and there are plenty of street vendors and restaurants all over that bit of Sukumvit. It’s quite close to “little Arabia” and some excellent Indian and Pakistani restaurants, as well. Plus the sky train is right there, so it’s a quick and easy escape whenever you get bored.
>Is there enough in the vicinity of the plaza that even if I don't like the vibe it's not a wasted trip?

sukhimvit / nana area is extremely dense with bullshit, it's worth spending an evening at least
What is the cheapest way to get to Koh Lanta from Phi Phi?
A boat
I did a parasite/intestinal tract cleanse thing along with a month of intermittent fasting, and my attraction to ladyboys utterly vanished.

I mean I actually find them repellant and disgusting now, and I previously used to enjoy their company quite a lot.

I find it hard to believe that gut parasites had hijacked my sexuality in order to spread, but it seems that was the case. Really crazy shit.
You lying spaz
there are parasites that force animals to drown themselves so maybe there are gay parasites that make you gay. they probably eject through the penis into the butt to breed
>Like it's fun to walk around a vegas casino even if youre not gambling.
Is it? If you think this then you might like Nana too I guess? I wouldn't do either of these things without joining in, but if you go to Nana and you're bored (which I expect you would be) then you can go anywhere else in Bangkok after that. It's not like Nana is a village in a remote province that you're taking a special trip for. Go satisfy your curiosity.
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TTT here, I finished studying on “that street” and my tutor took a big bottle of beer and spun around in the street, spilling it in a circle around her as she twirled.

I’ve seen this ritual before. What does it mean? It looked like some sorcery
I'll have 3 weeks vacation and I'm thinking of visiting Bangkok, Pattaya and Singapore.
How would you divide the days between those 3? Maybe worth adding some other city?
3 weeks in pattaya
Have you SEEN the thread about it? Dismal
Singapore mostly for sightseeing, I'm not planning on partying there. Same with Bangkok to a lesser extent.
You’re a stronger man than me. Well then…
Making me wonder if the fun is most in Pattaya rather than BKK. Why is there so many stories from maniacs in Pattaya but not bkk. Except for midgets in Nana.
Is a language visa a good idea for a long term stay? One year and no visa runs, you can do the classes online I heard.
Here now. Bangkok is fun for a literally a few days.
>soi cowboy/nana
Can be done in 1-2 nights
>muh nightclubs
>muh skybar
I’m sure there’s some ballin restaurants, but I’m fine with sputtering over my pad grapao moo (kai dow of course) and eating spicy som tam with leaves of lettuce by hand. It’s great
It's a spell to protect her from negative karma after she spread her HPV, herpes, and STD's currently unknown to science
You can book a bungalow with shared bathroom for $4/night out here on the outskirts of Krong Ban Lung. Can you sleep comfortably in the tropical heat? If not, you'll be subjected to the nonstop din of one of those horrible window-unit A/C units that is only capable of cooling a closet. It's really tough to go back after enjoying the silent cooling of a modern A/C unit.
Still wanna see just how bad the Cambodian passenger rail actually is. It starts right across the border in Poi Pet from the last SRT station.
Cambodia is even more trashy than Angeles.
Hmmm.... Maybe I'll start with a few nights in bkk and then go check out pattaya for the first time. Whichever I like more, I can be in.
Big brain move
I’m gonna ask some experts and get back to you.
>Why is there so many stories from maniacs in Pattaya but not bkk
Better value for money and more concentrated degeneracy if all you care about is cooming.
I can't imagine how people can run out of things to study in bangkok. What in gods name are you people doing to need more than what bangkok has to offer?
The studying materials are cheaper in pattaya, there’s a higher concentration of students and tutors in a smaller, beach town area with more cram schools, institutes, and prep classrooms. Everything is cheaper. But most importantly, it’s completely normalized to see lone white men and the understanding is they’re just searching for the best tutor.

Call me whatever you want, but I need to feel like I’m in a place where I’ll be judged the least for being perpetually alone. That means places to eat and drink where I’m not facing anyone, hotels where the front desk doesn’t see me spend a whole day coming and going alone, and tutoring academies where it’s commonplace for a lone white guy to show up.

In Bangkok, it very quickly becomes uncomfortable to be alone when you wander outside the Sukhumvit strip where tutoring is commonplace. Even there, I feel like a creep and a loser because you inevitably mix with the local population
>It starts right across the border in Poi Pet
but if you miss it you'll be in poi pet
>Is a language visa a good idea for a long term stay? One year and no visa runs, you can do the classes online I heard.

While it lasts, why not? There’s been a lot of grumbling about it for some time now because of how easy the system has been to abuse—a bunch of Chinese gangsters who were pretending to be language students got busted not so long ago, so some in the government have been making noise about either applying more scrutiny to long language visas or eliminating them altogether, but it hasn’t happened yet. A lawyer friend-of-a-friend in BKK who does a lot of visa-related stuff for expats has been warning against trying to abuse EDU visas for a couple of years at this point. But the visas do still exist.

And if I’m not wrong, although you don’t have to leave the country, you do have to check in at a local immigration office regularly (maybe monthly?) with a signed chit from your language school attesting that you’re actually taking classes; people went to prison for helping the Chinese mafiosi fake this stuff, so I would guess that fewer schools are now willing to lie on their “students’” behalf, in case you weren’t actually planning to take the Thai lessons.

But you might as well go to class—speaking Thai significantly improves quality of life while living in Thailand.
This is what coomers call 'humor'.
“Janny placating” you fuckin thimble dicked dork
I think he's serious. It also puts me off of pattaya.
>It also puts me off of pattaya.
Pattaya is pretty much a shithole. It has nothing to offer that can be openly discussed here. There are much, much better beaches, restaurants, resort hotels, and even golf courses all over the country.

>Oh, maybe except the snake farm, if that’s still operating—it’s almost certainly the best cobra plantation in Thailand.
i guess the janny who deleted my post last night was 1 of the smelly indians that are everywhere here in pattaya
>Call me whatever you want, but I need to >feel like I’m in a place where I’ll be >judged the least for being perpetually >alone. That means places to eat and >drink where I’m not facing anyone, >hotels where the front desk doesn’t see >me spend a whole day coming and >going alone, and tutoring academies >where it’s commonplace for a lone white >guy to show up.

You've got this completely backwards. If you don't want to be judged then there is all kinds of plausible deniability in Bangkok. There is absolutely none in Pattaya. Everyone knows why you're there and they ARE judging you for it. I'm in Bangkok right now. I'm giving lessons 2-3x per day every single day. This afternoon I gave a massage lady a hard lesson that she finished by hand and a deaf student from Soi 4 just left my special needs class (not my proudest lesson if I'm being honest). My social media is full of pictures of food and landmarks though so everyone thinks I'm this Anthony Bourdain wannabe world explorer. If I was in Pattaya there is zero denying why I'm there.
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>zero denying why I'm there
for the temples, elephants, and floating market, duh...just like you see on my newest magnet to the collection
Eh, you're both wrong in your own ways, and also incredibly insecure faggots.
Pattaya is like Thai Vegas, famous for what it was but plenty of people have different motives for being there. It's also hugely popular with east Asians now, to the point where there are days I don't see any whites beyond Russian couples and families.
That said, the beaches are lousy compared to any of the islands, and there are way too many jeets. Was so much nicer when covid had them locked out..

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