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What are the most SOVLful Christmas markets in Europe for an adult man and his mother to spend a few days in?
>has to be in November
>easy to get to from Oslo (max. one layover, not too long either)
>BONUS: somewhere warm, or at least not bitingly cold (but sovl is more important)

>inb4 traveling with ur mom lol
Whatever, I have a few vacation days that I need to spend and it's a nice change of pace.
A Christmas market in November? Hmmmmm
Yes, some of them start early and I can't spend my vacation days in December.
Vienna is obviously the best in Europe. Me and my girl loved being around all the markets, but not so much the people or city or the retarded ass laws there. Good for pictures, food and drinks though.

Second is Bratislava, which you can get to by train from Vienna same-day. Slovakian food is so fucking good, and you should definitively try the tatratea-based tea drinks. You'll get fucked, but at least you'll enjoy every moment of it and probably make some slovak friends.

Budapest would be good, but it's become so fucking overpriced it's ridiculous. Paid like $50 for a tiny plate of ribs and one other plate that my girl got.

Dunno if any of these start in November, but you can check online.
Some of them even go all the way into January. I've been to the Vienna Christmas Market in January.
OP, I think
>traveling with ur mom
is very sweet. You're a good boy, you should be getting a present from Santa.
For Budapest, you're referring to the one in front of the Basilica? If so, it's typically up and running by the second half of November.

I don't really see the appeal though. It's the same shit that's at every other festival throughout the year, but now you have to pay to get in, and it's fucking cold. Oh, and there's some nasty hot wine. The nightly light show is pretty cool. It's like 10 minutes, and you can watch it from the street.
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Erfurt is pretty comfy and not too crowded.
I highly recommend the Christmas market at the Belvedere Palace in Vienna. It begins on the 15th of November.

During my tour of Europe in recent years I had an unforgettable experience there. Both the upper and lower Palace are well worth exploring. The artworks of Prince Eugene of Savoy is remarkable and the gardens surrounding the Palace are very comfortable. If you were to arrive mid-day, by the time you have been around the upper and lower palace the market should be going and it's a wonderful experience.

If you have any interest in equestrianism I would highly recommend the Spanish Riding School, book in advance to have a meeting with the riders after the show.
bumping because I too am curious about Christmas markets in Europe (and anyone's experiences with them)
Anyone in Germany is great
Do a lot of african and arab immigrants attend these?
Very few do. Africans are too poor to afford anything sold in the markets, and muslim Arabs wouldn't be interested in Christmas anyway, not to mention the food and drinks are very clearly not halal.
Also, most of the stuff they sell in these markets are clearly in line with typical middle-to-upper class white interests. No one consooms Christmas goods more than white people.

I have seen few brown people of other sorts. They're usually middle-class Indian tourists and a smattering of mystery-meat from the east, who I assume to be Turks or gypsies. You're not ever gonna have zero brown people, but you can have fewer of them.
Isn't eating halal mean just staying away from pork and alchohol?
It's more nuanced than that. There are a bunch of other rules that I can't be bothered to recall, but it's not so cut-and-dry. Even if something is free of pork and alcohol, it can be haram (not-halal) for different reasons. Also, it's a European Christmas market. There's gonna be a lot of pork and alcohol anyway.
When they do it's usually while steering a truck.
I’ve read surprisingly good reviews of Christmas markets in Poland (some stupid listicle about “Best Christmas Markets in Europe” ranked I think Kraków top of their list), but I don’t know how early they start.

I found the Christmas market in Colmar (Alsace, France, very close to the Swiss and German borders) very charming when I took my mother-in-law there a couple of years ago, but Colmar is a lovely little place year-round.

Looks like there are a few nonstop flights between Oslo and Basel (BSL, or as they really wish we would call it, EAP, for EuroAirport Basel Freiburg Mulhouse), but there’s no direct rail connection to BSL, so unless you want to rent a car and drive for ~45 minutes to Colmar, you’d presumably need to get a taxi to the train station in Mulhouse.
>christmas market
>in november
>somewhere warm
Anon, take your meds
Try the Christmas Market in Aachen Germany. Starts the 23rd of November. Dunno about the weather.
went to tallinn market unknowingly
walking around the old town every drain pipe had a little christmas tree that was cool
the market its self was fine i guess
the only thing unique about this one vs any other xmas market selling the same lame shit was the local drinkg of glogg.. which sucked
but tallinn was cool would recommend

i lived in milan for a bit i guess they technically do a christmas market outside duomo and maybe outside stazione centrale
tho i wouldnt go there for that. maybe the food would be better in the stalls than other ones, but i still think a lot of these types of markets are selling crap, i'd want to go to a non-christmas market in italy
While I don't know if they're around in November, Tallinn in Estonia is top tier for Christmas.
Beautiful place
>the only thing unique about this one vs any other xmas market selling the same lame shit was the local drinkg of glogg.. which sucked

Agreed, it sucks, but, sadly, it's a commonly served drink--
"[Mulled wine] is usually served at Christmas markets in Europe, primarily in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia,[3][4] Hungary, Romania, Nordics, Baltics and eastern France."
You made me interested in making a Christmastime visit to Europe with my family. But the biggest problem would be flying over there from Florida. Both the expense and flight time (I don't mind it but my dad does).
Are there any rough equivalents in America? We've never had a "White Christmas"
The soul for Christmas markets requires snow on the ground, pretty girls’ cheeks pinched red in the cold, a choir singing carols in the background while steaming cups of mulled wine are passed around

Best I’ve been to was in Bruges a few years back, before the coughing lunacy took over the world. it was a completely fake chocolate box experience that was nonetheless wonderful. Bet it’s wrecked now
>Christmastime visit to Europe
Rick Steves wholesomemaxxxing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVVTDwxJBWU
Strasbourg is known to be one of the best in Europe. I don't know if it starts in November you'll have to look it up
Winter Wonderland in London used to be comfy but it's now always crowded as fuck and insanely expensive.

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