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Going to Rome in Nov for a week, what to do? I will not be a) looking at any historical sites b) going to any museums or art galleries. Not interested.
>go to most historic city in the western world
>don't go to any historic sites
Why not lmao?
You some sort of nafri faggot with zero respect or interest in European history?
take your instagram selfie at the faggot fountain and fuck off then you cultureless rat
>I will not be a) looking at any historical sites b) going to any museums or art galleries. Not interested.
Then why are you going to Rome, you fuckhead?
Also OP, if you won't be looking at any historical sites, does that mean you will walk around with your eyes closed? Retard
Maybe you can take a step back and go fuck yourself. Seems like a good option for people like you.
>Then why are you going to Rome, you fuckhead?
My faggot grandfather is taking me and my gf. I've already told him me and her will be doing our own thing. I was thinking we could go to the beach or do some watersports or something?
You should seek an audience with the gypsy king of rome
sounds like the only faggot is you
I've been in Rome metro area for the past three weeks (here now) and haven't gone to a single museum or paid entrance historical site. Honestly can't be fucked dealing with the hordes of Philippinos at the Vatican or Chinese at the Coliseum.

San Lorenzo for partying with locals, Trastevere for partying with tourists and erasmus types.

Get out of the city and go hang in the villages to the north. No tourists, beautiful scenery, nice people, and much better food. I won't tell you which one because honestly you sound like a cunt and I don't want to see you here.
Op here I’ll come clean guys - i was just trolling. I love Roman history and art. It’ll be the best week of my life. It was just a mere troll
By the way, I am transgender, if that matters.
I am NOT transgender but I did dry hump my friend when I was 12
you are a fucking faggot
The fuck is your problem you little homo? Your grandfather is nice enough to take you and your roastie and obviously wants to spend time with you and you tell him you’re just gonna do your own thing on his dime? Be grateful you have someone like that in your life you little fucking jerkoff I’d actually beat the living fuck out of you if you were in front of me right now

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