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work bringing me to New Orleans for a weekend. not drinking and don't know what to do.
so far I've looked into museums, concerts, and cemeteries. don't really care about the parade stuff.
Music at Frenchman Street, gumbo, etouffee, po boys, and mufaletta.

That said, half of the point of nola is drinking so not being able to drink seems lame.
World War II museum
> not drinking and don't know what to do
Food. Eat a bunch. Walk around the french quarter. It still looks cool nad has cool shops even if you're not drinking. The food's pretty awesome too. Do a river boat tour/cruise.
Visit Oak Alley plantation. Who cares about slavery, the place just looks really awesome. Neat grounds to walk around. Pretty famous spot.
Swamp tour. The swamps are pretty cool, loaded with gators and you get to see the yucky creole houses.
Ghost tours. Look up reviews for ghost tours to find one that does a good job. A bad ghost tour means walking around sight seeing with boring stores, still worth it. A good one's chilling.
Nola can be a fun place sober.
Also go see the garden district.
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i live here and am sober
food, the best food is uptown imo not the quarter
just experience bourbon at night once
alligator museum / dr seuss museum
jazz bars / frenchmen
gulf coast flight school does a $175 intro flight
see city park
ww2 museum
audubon zoo
swamp tour
see the quarter, go by the water
cafe du monde (go to city park though)
neyo's creole cafe for creole food

MAGAZINE STREET <---- best for sober / classier
World War II museum is very worth it
go to Cafe Du Monde, have a Cafe Au lait and a beignet (french doughnut)
I found all that overrated, especially the open-air Cafe Du Monde. It's cheap, but they only take cash.
spent halloween over a long weekend when i wasn't drinking, the city is still fun sober. did a cemetery & garden district walking tour which was way better than i thought it would be. ate a lot, bought some art, great people-watching. had a tarot reading in jackson square park while some crazy voudon ritual with massive open flames went down 10' away.
>half of the point of nola is drinking so not being able to drink seems lame

Sounds like me before I ended up in AA. But yeah if you're not an alcoholic, this statement is absolutely false
the one by city park is the only good one
beware of surroundings
Unironically top 5 cities in the US personally. There's so much to do, and the food is spectacular.
Go to a Bayou tour
Go to the touristy Cafe Du Monde
Museums/Antique Shops (I went to this one that had Napoleon Bonaparte's desk at Elbe for sale for 2 million USD, Winston Churchill's hunting rifles, and Baroque Masterpieces for sale. The name escapes me, but the city has tons of gems like this)
Even if not drinking, check out some bars. The food and scene is really cool and laid back unlike more rowdy northern bars. My favorite is called "Ghost Bar"
Check out the whole French Quarter
Jackson Square/Saint Louis Cathedral
If you have time, go outside the city to the Myrtle's Plantation. Haunted and you can stay the night cheap plus the food is amazing.
Cemeteries of course
Ghost Tour
Garden District
Go see a Burlesque or something. Lots of cool shows
TLDR the city is great, and anyone who tells you otherwise must live there and be over it, or a boring and sad motherfucker.
>I found all that overrated
I can see that. Had I never hit the jackpot, I'd probably feel the same way. But hitting the jack pot is pretty easy to do

When it comes to the iconic cafes in New Orleans that focus just on serving two iconic staples of New Orleans culture: 1) beignets and 2) coffee & chicory, the three everyone knows are

1) Cafe Du Monde (est 1862) - like ten of them. The two most iconic are the one in City Park and the one in the French Quarter

2) Morning Call (est 1870) - there is only one, which is very close to the Cafe Du Monde in City Park

3) Cafe Beignet (est 1990) - four of them, all in the French Quarter

Of all those, it's pretty hard not to hit the jack pot

With one exception: the Cafe Du Monde in the French Quarter. It's become a tourist trap, like y'all are pointing out

More on that later
I wouldn't even put the WW2 Museum on the A or B list to do in New Orleans, so much better stuff stuff to do. Which is why I haven't checked it out yet and I've always been a bit of a WW2 buff

I wish they would have put the WW2 Museum in some other city. If they wanted to put a Smithsonian museum in New Orleans they should have done something with more of any obvious link to the city

On the national mall in DC two of my favorite are the Asian museum and the Native American museum

Had they done same thing but French museum and Caribbean museum, those would have been a great fit in NOLA

Or for a war museum, War of 1812 museum as that's the war that had a famous battle fought in New Orleans
Stephen Ambrose lived in New Orleans for many years, and that was a big part of it, as were the Higgins boats, since it was originally the D-Day Museum.
Try the food!
The city invented a dozen great cocktails, and drinking them in historic/nice bars while listening to great music is fun. So is having a (*one*, 2 at the most) 10 cent martini with lunch at a 100 year old restaurant.

When I say that half of the point of NOLA is drinking, I'm not referring to the "daiquiri" slurpee machines and yard-long drinks they sell at the shitty places on Bourbon Street.

But anyways glad you have found sobriety after being a drunk. Many of the rest of us can enjoy drinking in moderation without fucking up our lives.
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>so far I've looked into museums
i guess..... WW2 museum is just a giant bloat of crap. Its massive, but how much of that shit does anyone care about?
> concerts,
if you enjoy music / musicianship, there is plenty for you to appreciate. However, since Covid, the city has taken every effort to fuck over live music.
> and cemeteries.
you have a dead relative or something? The above ground cemeteries really aren't much to write home about
> the parade stuff.
thats really only during Carnival / Mardi Gras season

New Orleans is a massive shithole. Lived there for decades until I recently GTFO.... there was a real boom 2007 - 2014 thanks to bigFed gibs where music & food were celebrated. The libs have been so busy going insane since Drumpfs that it has canabalized everything that was worth celebrating in the city. Don't get me started on how impossible it is to do anything in the area with all the niggers
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>not drinking
you're going to have a terrible time
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> work bringing me to New Orleans
so, you're going to be in the CBD
> for a weekend.
when are you 'free'?
> not drinking

are you going to have a vehicle?
Are you just taking a taxi from the airport to your downtown hotel? I can't imagine needing a car for such a short stay, so that means you're stuck downtown....you MIGHT make it to the Marigny or down Magazine.

You're asking for advice, but you honestly don't have the time or resources to do much of anything outside of "work". I'd recommend just this after dinner

>WW2 museum is just a giant bloat of crap
>the city has taken every effort to fuck over live music.
> the parade stuff.
thats really only during Carnival / Mardi Gras season
>New Orleans is a massive shithole

All of tha is obviously the complete opposite of reality

I get that right wing extremists hate all cities of a million or more because
>The libs

But New Orleans is set up nice for visiting right wing extremists.

>Don't get me started on how impossible it is to do anything in the area with all the niggers
if you want a great all-white people experience, New Orleans is excellent for that and makes that very easy.to do

This is easy, just don't drive by the federal complexes.

>The libs
This is the hardest part. The gay community has always been huge in the French Quarter but back in the day you could avoid seeing gay flags if you stay out of the east side of the Quarter

But now there are gay flags and gay bars all the north and east sides of the quarter.

My right wing extremist uncle came to visit with some other relatives last summer. When we went to the Quarter, my sister and I had to advance scout the route we were going to take to avoid seeing gay flags and it was impossible. Hundreds of them. So we just stayed along the river with the children and families lol

Marigny, Bywater and Mid City also have gay flags all over now. But f you don't like seeing gay flags, non-white people or federal buildings New Orleans is still offers an idyllic vacation

Metairie Road
And the area around Tulane (Oak, Maple, Freret, Magazine are all must visit)

Doing those 3 parts of town alone will be hard to squeeze into one vacation and are perfect for white wing extremists that want to enjoy the inner city happily with no gay flags, etc

Outside of the inner city there is even more for the right wing extremists to enjoy
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> unhinged faggot transplant self-loathing redditor chimes in
dipshit... New Orleans 'culture' was about neighborhood traditions and people. Puppet Cantrell used COVID to shut everything down, including second lines and any mini music fests. Anymore you have to be a city darling to keep a live music permit. The Bywater isn't about being a freak/outcast anymore. Its about being a faggot bootlicker that does whatever the city tells you. There are no more fringe music fests every month. No more draw for legit buskers. Frenchmen Street is a DisneyLand version of what it is heralded for.
Sure you can join a second line every weekend in the fall, but you know that isn't what retardOP was referring to.
Have fun driving anywhere in the city without some wigged out chimp reeking of weed running thru lights, cutting you off, and shooting you on the overpass. You can set your watch to some black in a piece of shit Nissan that broke down on any expressway backing up traffic for miles because they didn't bother to do any maintenance on it.
FaggotOP is visiting from out of town. There is a finite slice of real estate he can legitimately visit without a severe chance of getting robbed, raped, jacked, or murdered for fun. Your 'le boheme' and United Colors of Benetton attitude towards the mongrels that live in the city will get him killed and NOPD will never fucking find the culprit.
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fun stories for tourists



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you just have to name drop OLE SATCHMO to the locals and they'll know you're a cool cat
no worries, tourist

picrel. nothing to see here
have family that works in an insane asylum and he tells me funny stories about it. Now thanks to you have a good story to tell him about the insane person met
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picrel. pay no attention
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hope you're not noticing anything
You turn on the news in any major city and they tell us bad things are happening! Don't go outside stay locked in your house. Get a machine gun. Vote for Trump
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have fun
>You turn on the news in any major city
hey, OP just go downtown by the museum (picrel)
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You should go catch up on whatever been happening in New Orleans

Two major crack downs

One was by the Feds who are going city to city doing swarms. They just did New Orleans

But bigger new was Jeff Landry becoming governor and going crazy on crime

Try to keep up with the times
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>hey, OP just go
to Magazine Street (picrel)
bringing LSP to keep FQ safe is nothing new

oh, another favorite story about the type of Orcs you'll be visiting
Oh now 3 crimes in the last ten years! Sounds terrible!
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>You should go
this is an observation - its obvious
> you recently moved to New Orleans
> you live Uptown or Lakeview
> you're young, under 30
> you have no family there
> you find the city exciting
thats all cool.
What you've shared illustrates the position you see the city. You should be excited to live wherever you are.
Outsiders do not know and likely do not see the world as you do. They will not have the appetite for the amount of risk your optimistic recommendations are setting them up for.
> you recently moved to New Orleans
I moved here in 1989

> you live Uptown or Lakeview
Never never lived in either but visit both w lot

> you're young, under 30
I am almost 50. White guy.

> you have no family there
All I have left is one family member that married into a huge New Orleans family that treat me like family. None live in Lakeview some in Uptown

For crime, you have nothing to worry about if you stay out of the sections that have a lot of crime.
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>For crime, you have nothing to worry about if you stay out of the sections that have a lot of crime.
largely true - but if you don't come in knowing its a third world country, you're gonna have problems. If you think this place is Cincinnati, you'll be raped

I've had more than a few sales reps come to the city only to have them shitfaced and telling us how they got swindled off Bourbon St.
all major US cities are full of black people and all major US have crime all over the local news every day. This is Cincinnati, the green is black people. Cincinnati looks same as New Orleans or any other major city.
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>all major US cities are full of black people and all major US have crime all over the local news every day
this is where i have to disagree vehemently on.
NOLA has a deep culture of piece of shittism. Moreso than any other city in America.
If you think there is no culture difference between NOLA vs America, let alone Acadiana or the Baptist Belt, you may be way too comfortable with the laziness of the city. I don't know what to say if this doesn't jive with /trv/ reddit policy, but quality of life is terrible because how these 'people' behave and interact in the city.
I've l had a dream utopian experience here. So has everyone else that goes to New Orleans every weekend

Only people unhappy here are the people that are afraid of going into New Orleans.

What part of town did you live in?
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>Only people unhappy
nice retard argument.

I live mid-city, uptown and westbank. i enjoyed my time when I was there, but i wasn't blind to how corrupt and backward it was. Its nice if you're single without a care.
I lived for the music and food. It is like no place else on earth. It is steeped in fascinating history. There is more joie de vivre available for any lover wanting.
After a while, particularly under Cantrell's watch, the shit gets old. The same things keep happening, all talk, rinse, repeat....meanwhile the do-gooders continue to advocate for more criminal behavior. Its not such a playground if you're interested in competency, city infrastructure, utilities, court system, health care, education, public works, city government or law enforcement.
New Orleans is the bleeding edge of America. This is where every city is headed, so get a good look.
When shit hits the fan, you're on your own after 24 hours.
> i've got more stories of disaster than I'd care to share.
My adult son getting screwed over in the court system by NOPD and that shitty DA right now that I have no intention of ever returning.
but don't take it from me....I don't know anything. I'm just some Trumptard, right?
>live mid-city, uptown and westbank
Why would you live in any of those places if you want to live under a white mayor? Did you think Orleans Parish would have a white mayor forever? Lol

in New Orleans we drew the lines pretty easy to live under a white mayor

St Bernard Parish, Old Metairie and Old Jefferson (both Jefferson Parish) are all all 5-10 minutes from the best parts of the historic city and there you live under a white mayor!

For white mayor....best spots after would be the rest of Jefferson Parish north of the river (River Ridge is probably the one I'd recommend, or any of the tens of thousands of homes walking distance to the huge river or huge lake)

All that is 15-20 minutes tops to everything the all historic parts of the city has to offer that we all love (MidCity, Bywater, Marigny, Treme, Uptown, French Quarter, Warehouse District, Algiers Point, etc)

But if you want to go further....Northshore is like living in a forest right? Slidell has a resort town vibe right? All that is St Tammany, the most affluent parish in the state with insanely great public schools
Only problem is you have to cross a 24 minute bridge to visit New Orleans

Same or further distance other great white mayor places are down the bayou to Lafitte (Jefferson Parish) and down the river (Plaquemines Parish) It's wonderful living out there and those are all great for vacation spots

Hammond and Ponchatoula are another great option for white mayor (40 min away)

Everyone within an hour of New Orleans that likes to go out comes into New Orleans regularly like the drive is nothing
Be sure and have the catfish.
>particularly under Cantrell
yeah you went CRAZY Trumptard after that lol. But yes I definitely understand some people hate living under a black lady mayor. But a lot of cities have those.

In New Orleans I lived under these mayors

White male mayor 1986-1994

Black male mayor 1994-2002
>His Dad was the first "black" mayor of New Orleans 1978 to 1986 (looked like a white guy,)

Black male mayor
This one was backed by the conservatives

White male mayor

Black lady mayor
This one and the Black male mayor 1994-2002 are the two you heard bitching about but the black guy got the ultraconservatives across the whole region riled up WAY more than Cantrelle

i don't think we'll ever see a mayor get the ultraconservatives riled up more than that guy. Cantrelle is nothing in comparison
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assumes he's responding to an evil white male
tad racist of you
>assumes he's responding to an evil white male
My bad, I'm just used to being around white people all the time. My brother just got back from NYC and was telling me how there is diversity everywhere, Indian, Asian, Black, White, Latin. I told him now *that* is something I would love to see.
But do I want it in New Orleans? I'm torn , What would look like?
We have white, black and big Vietnamese and Hispanic communities. I'd have to think about all them together in New Orleans like my brother saw all over NYC and what that would be like here

Mardi gras for example, all segregated. There have been three black areas I've gone to for Mardi Gras. One was a boring family and kids, but the other two (both in hood parts of town I normally avoid) were AWESOME as they were black party areas with a ton of music and dancing.
>My bad
what a cuck
Ha I've actually been to both these areas recently.
That Taco Bell video is in in the hood, that's probably the #1 hood you should know to avoid
>oh, another favorite story about the type of Orcs you'll be visiting
You went full retard with this one
Why would you have North Kenner as a place anyone would "be visiting"? That is the furthest NW suburb away from everything, 30 min to an hour round trip from any parts of town worth visiting on vacation
As for North Kenner, Williams is the 4 lane north-south main drag commercial corridor, so you think it'd get hit by crime but looking at the crime map that's a surprisingly safe area, a lot safer than I thought and I already knew it was a very safe area. I have 4 friends (white married couple, white married couple with babies, white older lady) that all live in houses they own right there by your "danger spot" (2 miles west, 2 miles north, and the other within a mile)

But but but but back in 2016 a guy in his early 20s worked at the Canes, knew they had $1000 on hand, and robbed his co-worker (also early 20s).....and got sentenced to life in prison and his get away driver got 40 years in prison!

Ok and? I grew up on a nice upper middle neighborhood on a street full of white families with kids and we had a white guy come into our neighborhood, break into the house two doors down (went in the front window) because he knew the guy and knew he had $1000 in cash in there and knew where it was. This was all in broad daylight with us kids outside. It was crazy you had one neighbor who was an ex cop sprinting over will his gun right down the street in front of us
Does that make my street a place you should be afraid of?
Also in my life experience as a white male, the people you need to watch out for the most are fellow white men. Only times I've been hit up for a lot of money were both by white men I knew
Does this mean we should all live in terror of white men and that all white men are trying to rob you?
This retard here
1) You realize you can do the same thing for every city that has hoods, and what city in the Western Hemisphere doesn't have hoods? Are you the guy using Cincinnati as your gold standard for a safe city in North America? Here's the University of Cincinnati crime log. Wow must be a third word shit hole right?

2) the your crime list goes from crimes out in bumfuck nowhere 40 minutes east to crimes in bumfuck nowhere 40 minutes west covering a region with a million people living there plus 20 million visitors each year
That UCincy crime log is just for a campus of 4Ok undergrad students. It's not just that page, it goes on and on and on with regular crime at the U of Cincinnati

>bbbut Baltimore angst Louis Detroit have crime too that means new Orleans is safe

Butthurt tourism officials are working overtime to pretend Portland and new Orleans are nice places and not crime ridden shitholes
Alright retard, back up your claims
Name your top 5 cities of a million plus that you think are better places to visit than New Orleans or Portland
No NYC, Los Angeles or Chicago as those are the 3 easiest to portray as crime ridden shit holes
For example, Denver popped into my head as one that should be pretty 1st World way up in the Rockies like that with all those high rates of college education
But look at current news about Denver and they have homeless camps all over the city. I did even know that happened in US cities. I mean I can see have one but tons of them all over the city?
The United States is a shithole. All the cities are shithole.......lmao

>bbbbut this shithole is better than that shithole

WRONG, they all suck quit it with the libtard cope you intentionally ruined everything enjoy your shitholes
Doesn't it go like this...
Denver has homeless camps all over the city, what do we do?
>libtard - let's put money into getting them into a better situation, let's get them better housing, schools, etc
>Conservative - fuck all that, do you know how much money that is going to cost? I'm not paying for that. I already have all that. Fuck everyone else
What about the homeless camps all over Denver? Fuck em, I'll think about how much money I save each time I pass them by, and that makes me happy
Where is better?
inb4 Poland
>much money I save each time I pass them by, and that makes me happy
You forgot to add only the rich saw any real benefit from Trumps tax cuts. Same as the Bush tax cuts. But I thought Trump would be different, I thought he'd help me! Oh well. Billionaires for ya. Bunch of a holes
If you're in the US, small to mid sized towns is where I would start. Population 5k, 50k, 200k that kinda range
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Drug use is out of control in Colorado. Everyone rejected the idea that drug use is a social ill which must be suppressed through force in order to maintain a healthy society, and this is the result. Yes, many people (mostly diehard leftists) try to ignore the sordid street activity and enjoy what's good about Denver, but numbers don't lie, the city is bleeding population. Not sure if the 16th Street Mall project once completed will revitalize downtown, or if it will remain a city where everyone on the street is anti-social, devoid of expression, and in a hurry to get where they're going and get off the street. I'll be spending a few hours on the street in Denver this Tuesday before heading off to the airport for my flight to Bangkok. Sunny and 76 degrees, which is awesome, but being around all the variety of street characters, ugh.
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Heavy alcohol consumption dumbs people down for sure. Bourbon Street is such a mishmash of unruly seething humanity, but its boozy cameraderie is contrived for the tourist dollars. Everyone goes to have a good boozy time, so they don't have any mental space to critically evaluate NOLA like they do other cities they visit in a sober state of mind.
I'd absolutely return and spend a couple nights again, mainly because Amtrak's Crescent links up with Amtrak's Sunset Limited in the city. It's a tropical port city somehow marooned on the ass end of the American heartland.
You are under the delusion that conservatives have any power in Denver or any other big city. It's 100% one party rule

Yes Poland is better, anywhere in the Balkans, or eastern Europe, turkey, Georgia, Cyprus, south Asia east asia. You know what the difference is? They don't worship criminals because they are "of color". They lock them up in a terrible place so what do criminals do? Move to the UK or America where they can commit crimes get caught get a slap on the wrist over and over
>Yes Poland is better, anywhere

What part of Poland. They have high crime areas and low crime area. Just like the US
the older I get and the more I see the more I realized that everywhere is the same
>Yes Poland or Georgia
Are these the criminals you're taking about coming to the US and UK?

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>Move to the UK or America where they can commit crimes get caught get a slap on the wrist over and over

Of course it varies by US State. The toughest on crime is the US South, most lenient is the US northeast
Poland sounds great

Sept 19, 2024
>A man attacked police officers with a machete.

Wonderful Poland!
>what do criminals in Poland do? Move to the UK

The defendant’s last offence was the same motive – in a bid to be deported.l from the UK back to Poland

He was released from a five month sentence last week but on Sunday night wanted to go back to Poland, but had no money to pay for the flight. Gary Harvey, defending, said his client had been in the UK since last year and for a short time had a good job at Ruthin Castle. But things had not worked out, he was released last week with no money. “He does not have the money to pay for the flight home,” he said.

In a bid to be deported he assaulted a police officer in High Street, Wrexham, UK.

The officer said was surprised that he could be assaulted for no reason

Prosecutor Justin Espie said the officer was dealing with another incident at 10.30am when Blandzinski approached.

District judge Gwyn Jones said it had to be immediate custody. Blandzinski, he said, had no means and could not pay compensation.
“But no amount of money would compensate the officer for the trauma you caused,” he said.

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