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work bringing me to New Orleans for a weekend. not drinking and don't know what to do.
so far I've looked into museums, concerts, and cemeteries. don't really care about the parade stuff.
Music at Frenchman Street, gumbo, etouffee, po boys, and mufaletta.

That said, half of the point of nola is drinking so not being able to drink seems lame.
World War II museum
> not drinking and don't know what to do
Food. Eat a bunch. Walk around the french quarter. It still looks cool nad has cool shops even if you're not drinking. The food's pretty awesome too. Do a river boat tour/cruise.
Visit Oak Alley plantation. Who cares about slavery, the place just looks really awesome. Neat grounds to walk around. Pretty famous spot.
Swamp tour. The swamps are pretty cool, loaded with gators and you get to see the yucky creole houses.
Ghost tours. Look up reviews for ghost tours to find one that does a good job. A bad ghost tour means walking around sight seeing with boring stores, still worth it. A good one's chilling.
Nola can be a fun place sober.
Also go see the garden district.
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i live here and am sober
food, the best food is uptown imo not the quarter
just experience bourbon at night once
alligator museum / dr seuss museum
jazz bars / frenchmen
gulf coast flight school does a $175 intro flight
see city park
ww2 museum
audubon zoo
swamp tour
see the quarter, go by the water
cafe du monde (go to city park though)
neyo's creole cafe for creole food

MAGAZINE STREET <---- best for sober / classier
World War II museum is very worth it
go to Cafe Du Monde, have a Cafe Au lait and a beignet (french doughnut)
I found all that overrated, especially the open-air Cafe Du Monde. It's cheap, but they only take cash.
spent halloween over a long weekend when i wasn't drinking, the city is still fun sober. did a cemetery & garden district walking tour which was way better than i thought it would be. ate a lot, bought some art, great people-watching. had a tarot reading in jackson square park while some crazy voudon ritual with massive open flames went down 10' away.

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