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How do you handle seeing stray dogs when travelling?
Ignore them

The don't typically cause trouble, they just beg for food
Just pick them up and have a bbq for later. Saves a lot on food costs.
Bon appetite!
Appreciate them from a distance or befriend them if that's what they want
I'm fucked if one gets attached to me I'm going to take that nigga home
Got bit on the calf by a small dog in northern Mexico, the pack charged barking out of an abandoned lot and I made the mistake of ignoring them. Often it's the pack leader trying to prove his dominance by harassing or attacking a human.
Last unpleasant dog experience was walking around a small Thai village late at night, all the street dogs went crazy circling and barking and trying to come up on my heels. Learned my lesson, don't go skulking around Thai villages when everything's closed.
You should never tolerate a street dog barking or advancing at you, but if it's minding its business, let it be.
>appreciate them
LMAO for what, shitting on the sidewalk?
Are you Haitian?
Well it depends on how lucky I’ve been with the pecker playmates only trip. If I haven’t gotten my balls drained that day then a stray bitch will definitely satisfy my needs. Bonus points if she’s god those big saggy tits
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I'm only 6 inches tall, so I'll try to hitch a ride to my next destination.
If they fuck with me near where I live (ie circling charging), I will fix up some xylitol doggie treats and feed as many of the pack as I can. I don't tolerate animals attacking me near my own home.

If I'm just passing through I avoid them if they avoid me. If they charge me I charge the one who started it back and go ham throwing rocks. They get some sense quickly that a creature 4x their size is pissed and not taking it.
It’s simple

I don’t travel to shitholes with aggressive, diseased stray dogs
depends but if its bad I carry some kind of a stick and or stones to chuck at them but only if they're really bad
They're a problem in some places like Cusco where they have huge packs of them roaming the streets. People said to throw rocks at them if they're a problem but my aim is so bad I would run out of rocks before I ever hit anything.
So you travel only to other planets.
is stray dogs a euphemism for something?

anyway i just avoid them, i don't want rabies.
No, like literal stray dogs.
The Philippines and India are jammed with stray dogs. The english word pariah is even borrowed from the Hindi word for their strays, and it's a huge problem now.
Farmers were using poison to kill boars (and cattle but no one in India's going to admit that), and vultures were eating the poisoned meat. Vultures were natures cleaning crew - BUT they lay one egg a year. Not even joking. One single fertile egg per year.
So dogs were suddenly eating the dead boars and cattle, but not dying because chemistry is weird and vultures are actually pretty delicate animals. All of sudden, the new food supply has zero competition. Dogs have 4 to 8 puppies in a liter, and now they've exploded.
Result - rabies and attacks. Left and right, people in India are getting rabies. Left and right, kids and old people are being killed in feral dog attacks.
Stray dogs are a huge issue.
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I try to avoid them if possible. Easy when it's individuals. Impossible when they get together because they always become aggressive.

I got cornered a few months back by about 6 dogs. Pretty big, too. Some were a bit over knee height. They started by barking a bit in that "who are you?" semi-curious kind of way, then they hyped each other up and started going insane while I was just trying to casually walk away. They started circling me and I knew I was fucked, but I was lucky that there was a raised platform with a few steps leading up to it (pic related--the actual place).

I stood up there at the top of the stairs and just kicked them in the teeth (thankfully I was wearing boots) whenever they tried charging at me. Felt like some Dark Souls shit. More dogs just kept flooding in because they heard the commotion.

Eventually a guy on a motorcycle happened to come by and distracted them for me by revving up his engine and blocking the path.
depends on the dog
once i was in bucharest which has a load of strays. i was just wandering around and a dog started walking alongside me. obviously it wanted food but i didn't have anything
but it walked along with me for ages anyway. like if i stopped to look at something, it stopped too, and if it got ahead of me, it would look back waiting for me to catch up.
as i was walking back to my hotel the dog stopped at a junction but i had to go the other direction so it gave me a look like "ah human, here is where we part ways" and trotted off
really i think it just wanted some company. we bred dogs to be companions and it is in their nature to want that
i felt a bit sad afterwards. a dog like that would have made a good pet for someone
now i live in malaysia which has an even bigger stray dog problem but that's another story
>t. chinaman psycho
>Stray dogs are a huge issue.
that's why we have animal control in the good ol usa
It's normal to destroy aggressive animals that attack humans. It is not normal to allow yourself to be victimized by vicious creatures.
Bend over and pick up a big stone. No stones, just pretend you picked up one anyways. 99 out of a 100 times the pack will run away when you do this. If there is one thing street dogs have learned, it is to respect stones getting thrown at them.
Depends on their demeanour. I grew up on a reservation so I know all about aggressive stray dogs and how to deal with them. If they're just barking at me from a distance, I keep an eye on them for movement as I go past but I give them a wide berth, calmly, and just move along.
Generally speaking, if they're acting aggressive they want food you have on you or they're trying to run you out of their turf. If they approach, I try to find something nearby to be used as a weapon if need be and move out of their vicinity while trying not to turn my back to them at all. I will yell, smack sticks together or generally be aggressive back. They will try to encircle you, so you have to swing around yourself and keep moving at the same time, preferably never turning your back on any of them for an extended period of time.
If one of them does a test run and charges (never happened while traveling but plenty of times while I was growing up), you can't run and have to be prepared to hurt the dog. You don't have to kill it, but keep as much distance as you can by using a weapon (a stick or a stone if you have good aim is a good option) as it charges you. Try to swing at the dog before it reaches you and keep moving if you can. Don't get immobilized for any period of time if you can help it and if you find they won't leave you alone, try to get inside a building or climb something to get some verticality on them and wait until they lose interest.
Back home, I used to keep a bb pistol on me when I would walk at night because rez dogs are aggressive af. If I saw a group barking and getting closer, one or two bbs at the leader will usually deter them without actually killing them or even drawing blood most of the time. Probably not feasible or legal in many countries and a big risk to take, but if you think you can get away with it maybe keep one tucked in ya appendix or whatever just in case.
Hitting them isn't really the goal.
PH dogs are very passive and accustomed to human proximity, at least in Metro Manila.
Did this happen after dark? It's amazing how the same street dogs that look as lazy and passive as can be in the daytime heat turn into berserk maniacs at night.
I encountered far fewer urban street dogs in Malaysia than in Thailand or the Philippines. Every now and then I'd see one on the fringes of a populated place. I spent most of my time in KL and Johor state, didn't venture north. Yet others who spend time in Malaysia remark on the prevalence of street dogs.
Dog packs have the social dynamics of street gangs. The leaders earn their dominant position by being needlessly aggressive, toward other dogs and toward humans as well. IME after you've thrown a stone they continue barking at you, but from a greater distance.
It happened around 8 AM. Dogs in India seemed to be absolutely savage monsters from sunset to about 10 AM the next day, then they all lay down to sleep or act cute for treats from the locals. A dog that wags its tail at you around noon will try to kill you just hours later.

I went from being neutral on dogs to wanting them globally exterminated. The worst a stray cat will ever do is be a bit noisy at night. Dogs straight up kill motherfuckers.
Pet dogs, will usually learn to follow the day rythm of their owners.
However street dogs like their ancestors the wolf, prefer to be active around twilight or night. This is especially in warmer climates where street dogs will save as much energy as possible during the daytime and hunt in the cooler hours at night.
>Xylitol doggie treats
My neighbor has an insane giant dog that tries to kill everything that comes within 50 feet of his house and is barely contained by the fence. He's too old to look after it. How would I find some xylitol to take care of this?
>>appreciate them
For being beautiful creatures in an ugly world.
Amazon sells bags of xylitol.

Don't do something obvious like mixing it with meat. Make some cookies with xylitol instead of sugar. If by some chance you get caught, you can play dumb and say you just made some cookies and didn't realize it was poisonous to dogs. You just wanted to give the dog a little treat.
> that's why we have animal control in the good ol usa
We used to have that. But people protested about the poor doggerinos fur babies and now we can’t get rid off them
I don't go to thirdie countries
>whip out pocket knife
>wait for the dog to lunge
>grab it by the neck
>easily push knife into chest
>sleep tight
>didn't feel a thing

Pretty much why any time whilst traveling on holiday outside Europe I the first thing I do is buy a knife for protection.
>I went from being neutral on dogs to wanting them globally exterminated.

Same. All it took was a couple encounters with stray dog packs after dark.
>be /trv/
>locals dog attacks you
>local laughs
>other locals gather to watch a dog attack you
>get laughed at by all the locals
I fucking hate dogs
The village dogs I met in Romania were chiller and friendlier than most Americans' pets
>spent most of my time in KL and Johor state
I'm curious what leads you to live in malaysia. are you american?

I have a thing for malaysian chinese women
>being so terrified of a barely contained (meaning it is, in fact, contained) guard dog on someone else's property that you want to kill it
what a contemptible little rat
I hope you're at least a manlet who would be in mortal peril from a hostile large dog

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