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File: cangu.jpg (171 KB, 1302x767)
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Holy shit! Just saw a video on cangu and its super urbanised and gentrified by whites :( And read the news that they want to build a metro around the island now! Is bali fucked and done? I was so planning to go there in a few months time but this is just sad. :( :(
>Is this the year 2010?
Tad late mate
when there are even a ton of greeks that advertise how great bali is as a real estate oportunity on tiktok you know that it is fucking cooked
Bali has been fucked for 20 years at least. Lombok is a bit better but even that is basically just a resort for white people at this point.
Is it even worth visiting for the hindu temples and the nature anymore?
and the food and women?
>:D;):(xDDDD :3 *le rebbid face* lelelelelelelele topkeklol gnihihihi ebin lelelelelele
yeah go back.
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white bogans (australians) had ruined bali. bali is for bogans, what pattay is for old UK boomers
For me it is Flores.
went to bali 5 years ago and it was already trash then.
Compared to what? The rest of Indo? Me I'd like to go exploring Sumatra sometime. Take the ferry over from Malaysia. Tell ya what, those Indonesian hotel prices sure agree with me. $10 and under in many cities.
I was there in 1999. Loved it and want to go back but now I don't know.
I fucking love gentrification.
wait till you're 100 dollars a night for a tiny ikea box.
I went there in 2012 and it was already shit
>oh no a bunch of other white people have done the exact same thing i was planning on doing before me
>its so ooooover

This is you, sexpat, this is what you sound like
Bali had some of the best clubs I had been to in Asia so I will give them that.
Bali is just full of drunk low class shit Australians that crash their scooters and die from TBI's and alcohol poisoning.

Fuck that.
Who really cares? The temples, nature, beaches are all still there. Tons of tourists there also means easy.. meeting new friends.
Sexpats are quintessential herd animals, dimwit.
>meeting new friends
I work in an American tourist town and hate the fuckin' people here. Damned if I'm gonna travel across an ocean to chat up goddamn western cucks on vacation and deal with the same old NPC status-measuring small talk bullshit I left behind in America. The only thing worse than crossing paths with another whitey in Asia is seeing a basketball American.

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