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My worst the experience in Asia was at the Thai-Laos border. I ate something bad so I had explosive watery diarrhea. I walked into the toilet and it looked pic related but dirtier with an inch of green and blown slime. The smell was overwhelming and I never used a squat toilet before so I took my pants off and held them in my arms while trying to squat with one hand on the slimy floor for support. The diarrhea was explosive so it sprayed all over my foot and sandals. I nearly puked. Most horrific memory from traveling in SEA
How are you supposed to flush a buoyant poop down a squat toilet? Serious question. I spent nine months in Africa and could never figure it out
Can someone explain how to use those yellow buckets?
My female friend wants to travel SEA and I'm doing my best to discourage it without sounding like an asshole.
How do I tell her that I will forever see her as a dirty wanderlust slut who lives with mud rats and shits on her leg in a hole then cleans herself without toilet paper and goes to buy infected rat soup from a street vendor who just did the same thing then washed his ass with the same hand he's serving her with and sleeps in a crowded bug infested asylum with dozens of other sweaty poop smelling untermensch, without coming off as too harsh?
tell her. she probably already knew you were an incel from the smell
they wipe with their left and serve with their right, so its fine
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I'm sorry OP I laughed so hard at this
Stupid hurts.
OP was stupid to choose bad food while being surrounded by good food.
Doubly stupid by choosing to have his runs in some filthy primitive public restroom.
Triply stupid by being so out of shape he can't even squat with his ass between his feet.
Probably quadrupled the stupidity factor by not having any asswipe in his wallet.
You're managing to sound exactly like an ignorant asshole with a poop fetish.
wtf are you eating styrofoam or something?
I remember my first squatter
Just link her to this thread.
I love seeing fat westerners defeated by their inability to squat, something even a baby can do by default. Enjoy covering yourself in your own fecal matter, it's fitting.
>thai lao border
everyone hates it, what's it called talicheck? corruption, no infrastructure, scams, piss poor coordination, incompetent officials.

Last time I was in Bangkok there were even fake bus terminals set up to lure tourists onto fake busses, and the regular employeed would urge you to take the "VIP" bus. and if you did you got held up at the border, extorted, forced to walk through shit shops for nor reason while your luggage was held hostage.
>How are you supposed to flush a buoyant poop down a squat toilet?
If you don't care about wasting water, the easiest way is to fill the larger bucket with water and dump it straight into the basin. You can do the same with a smaller mug, but using a bucket--if a bucket is available--all but guarantees that your shit will get "flushed."

The yellow bucket is smaller, right? You fill it with water from the larger bucket it, and use it to splash water up into your asshole. Getting the technique right isn't easy, which means that you either need to be prepared with toilet paper or hand. If you can't manage that, then I hope you have hand sanitizer, because you're probably going to get shit all over your hand.

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