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>learning Vietnamese for the past year
>speaking has gotten pretty good. solid fluency with good pronunciation, but vocab could still use some work
>listening is good about familiar topics. no problems talking to my teacher or girlfriend, but native speakers are still a little too fast

>say one single word in Vietnamese to anyone in this godforsaken country
>respond at the fucking speed of light + nonsense slang + old man dialect + mumbling
>ask them to speak slower and more clearly
>they speak even more quickly the second time + yelling

I mean I know they're not used to speaking to language learners but aren't some things just common sense? A couple weeks ago a shopkeeper asked if I spoke Vietnamese, to which I replied the equivalent of "a little, but I'm still studying and not very comfortable speaking" and she launched into a five minute old woman rant about...something, I have no fucking clue. Something about how she has to learn English to talk to customers and foreigners should learn their language too. Thank god she didn't ask any questions so I could just nod and grunt. Even my girlfriend (native speaker) couldn't understand half of what she said.

I'm trying really hard not to conclude that Vietnamese people are fucking retarded but this is such a frustrating experience. It's basically impossible to use the language even after a year because of this shit. Any other travelers and language learners go through this?
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>I'm trying really hard not to conclude that Vietnamese people are fucking retarded

Then why are you living in their country?
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stupid white dork. ... cant speak tonal language.... u tone deaf.
>be white man
>goes to country with little to no tourism
>expects everyone to know how to behave around foreigners
How about you learn some fucking common sense you faggot, why are you even in vietnam without knowing vietnamese anyways
>t. monolinguals
>little to no tourism
Saigon has a similar number of yearly visitors as places like Shanghai, LA, Barcelona, Berlin, Sydney etc...

btw you don't need to respond three times to the same thread within ten minutes. need to get a life white dork spamming guy
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get out of vietnam. stupid dumb uneducated white dork!!!!!
I can speak Vietnamese too. Repeat after me
Haha no fucking way. I was on the streets of Saigon for a year a few years back. I know this guy.. His names Chris from the US. Professional beggar

He's a heroin addict and invited his mum and dad over to Vietnam. They somehow also got addicted to heroin with him and ended up begging aswell. Literally him and his family on the streets of Saigon with their signs. Good memories
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he has HIV. very common amongst vietnamese needle junkie. chris is a HIV moron. many many white dorks here.
>They somehow also got addicted to heroin with him and ended up begging aswell. Literally him and his family on the streets of Saigon with their signs. Good memories

r they still in vietnam ????
I went back there late last year for a couple of months and I bumped into him, so yeah he's still there. He literally goes out with disguises on to beg these days, wigs, glasses and all that shit
Not sure whether his dad is still out there but I know his mum was.
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how is he still in vietnam. does he teach english??? teach by day, beg by night

dis guy must be his father....
Where are you finding these photos? Maybe I'm in one.

It could be him, but I've never seen him personally so I wouldn't know
Also na, he's been a professional beggar for like ten years. You can make decent money if you're white and begging in saigon if you know the right spots. $50 per hour isn't unlikely. The beggars I knew wouldn't even go back to work even if they could.
Literally same issues with thai. They speak their own shorthand dialect. You could learn every grammatical pattern but they still yap something even more “succinct” with some ghetto isaan words thrown in so you just get btfo on listening comprehension.

O well
>I'm trying really hard not to conclude that Vietnamese people are fucking retarded
t. two years in 'nam
try listening to and singing songs. definitely helps with pronunciation (chunking, tones, etc). a year is also not that long but give it another year or two and you'll be fine
I miss the ladies making fun of me for not saying PHO correctly
I would sit down and so PHO BO or PHO GA like the sign outside advertised (and i would say it properly)
They had no clue what i was asking and eventually i point to the PHO sign and they say ohhhh PHO BO"?? And say it just like I did

But yeah OP i suppose they are retarted for not having common sense to figure it out, just like
How in America if i walk into a store and ask the dumb cunt working there if they have a size 180-55-17 tire for my motorcycle she replies "no"
Shes too retarted to include "but i can order one for you if you would like, the tire guy comes tomorrow and I can take your number and call you if one comes in"

Moral of the story
WOMAN all over the world suck at working JOBS
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Ellipse anon ... is back ... LMAO.
>why are you even in vietnam
It's called traveling, dumbass. Ever heard of it? Nobody's gonna learn an entirely foreign language to any degree of fluency in the 30 days they are visiting a country.
Sounds like you're too soft for the Viets on the street, they're merely expressing their contempt of you. Saying something like "I'm not very comfortable speaking", hahaha. Okay then, shut the fuck up and use your translate app or point at something instead.
Malay is the same, it's fucking annoying. They always wank on about people not speaking the national language but everyone speaks in slang or shortened words and natives won't have clue what you are saying if you speak proper Malay to them.
Completely fucking retarded and learning it through lessons is useless.
>Okay then, shut the fuck up and use your translate app or point at something instead.
I mean, sounds like he was directly responding to that person asking if he spoke the language. Not to mention "a little but I'm not very confident" or whatever is what 99% of people say before they're fully fluent in a language (and often even people who are fluent). but cool post mr. monolingual badass
>run out of sugar
>go downstairs to the convenience store
>look around but can't find the sugar
>ask the clerk where the đường
>just stares at me blankly
>ask again if they have any đường
>he points out the door, at the street
>explain that I'm making coffee, and I want it to be sweet, and I need some đường
>"ah, đường, ở đay"
>grabs me a bag of sugar

So the issue here is that the word for street and sugar are the same (đường). So to answer your question OP, yes Vietnamese people are actually retarded. Apparently he thought I walked into a convenience store and asked where the street was.
You will never speak actual Vietnamese, and you are finding out the hard way. Sorry, it's something many foreigners go through in SEA.
>oh I charge this idiot double
>let us rip off this buffalo
>haha his mother is a whore too
Wow good eavesdropping I'm sure! What a stimulating culture a cat scratches on a chalkboard!
Shit up.... Ur white dork.... U have $1.5K salary hahhahah
It's crazy how people don't get that they need to modulate their language with non-confident speakers. I worked in a Scottish factory with lots of Poles/Italians etc and the Scottish workers would rattle off to wee Patrycja Nowak something like "dyekenhowtaetootthefruitandputthemooselooseabootthehoose"? and expect her to get what they said
I love Vietnam, but I'd never learn their God awful language.
Best of luck OP, go marry one of their supremely sexy women
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>Vietnamese people are fucking retarded
>*continues to abandon his country and live in gook land*

.... y are white d0rks like this?
If you don't know what daging or nasi is after a few days in Malaysia, yes you are an annoying foreign retard. No need to speak le proper Malay, you only need to know how to read a menu.
Can you share some resources for self-studying? I'm outside VN but looking to move there later this year. Had a private tutor for the past 6 months and while she's good she also insists on creating her own material so it's too disorganized for me and she refuses to work from any textbook. Any good textbook or language exchange apps you can recommend?
r u whyte ??
poor little pinoy. still whining on reddit, huh :)
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1 year isn't shit in language learning terms. I dunno wtf you're basing your expectations on. Comprehension is the hardest facet of foreign language learning, of course it's gonna come slowest.
You've probably been educated in the petri dish of textbook language amongst teachers and students who talk the way you expect them to. To native fluent speakers, that's almost a foreign language, especially in shitholes where standard language is a novelty to begin with. Unworldly bumpkins just do not understand the concept of softening their dialects to sound more 'textbook'. This is not specific to the gooks. I have tried and failed to explain this exact point to bumpkins on a couple different continents.
Remember what Michel Thomas says: if a person refuses to be patient with you as a learner, they're not worth speaking to anyway.
I've been working in Malaysia for three years at a MNC faggot, yeah I know how to order some fucking food.
You don't have a clue, Malaysians can somehow manage to fit three different languages into a single sentence, how locals actually speak at a conversational level is nothing close to what a textbook will teach you.
I don’t have a Reddit account, silly pinoy
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Don't get discouraged anon, the "street language" is very localized. I think you should try and continue to talk to the same handful of people throughout your week. Talk for a bit with your local tea lady, coffeeshop worker, security guard...etc. Try to talk with people who 'understand' you without much stress or misunderstanding. Like others have said, there's a big difference between the textbook and the street.
Your stupid. You cannot speak vietnamese. You sound like dog shit.
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>I'm trying really hard not to conclude that Vietnamese people are fucking retarded

anon ... ur the retard .... u cant speak their language. wyte dork xDDD

they r smarter than u
>learning Vietnamese

So you can live in Scam Artist: The Country AND hear the locals shittalk you behind your back?
People treat travelers very different from "expat" migrant bums who insist that they belong permanently in a foreign country. Nonetheless, most Vietnamese are non-religious, which explains why their values and standards of behavior are so different from their Buddhist neighbors.
what type of expat loser lives in vietnam? white dork english teachers. finance/biz expat chads live in thailand, bali, singapore.
forgot pic xDDD
You should go back to R.eddit already, jealous little pinoy lol
>White dork
>White dork
>White dork
Ping I am sorry you have a small penis but this is not a productive use of your time
since ACET is closing, any good schools to work for in HCMC that pay around 3k a month?
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ur a loser. hence u r in vietnam, stupid whyte dork.
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>since ACET is closing, any good schools to work for in HCMC that pay around 3k a month?

all engrish schools r closing. whyte dorks fleeing vietnam ..... like rats xDD
BC + DELTA doesn't even pay that high. No way you were getting that at ACET unless you were at the top of their pay band (possible) and teaching 100+ hours a month (definitely not possible)
Was actually making more :/ got a good offer from an international school but I really want to avoid teaching kids if possible
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hello white dork. picrel, future (you)
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teaching english in vietnam = scraping bottom of the barrel. 4chins autistic white dorks, russians, philppino, south african english teachers
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Not a new teacher and no way I'd ever apply for VUS but keep spamming if it makes you feel better
>Not a new teacher
that means u have been a loser for longer xDDD

teaching enlighs 2 kids. ... u fuckin pdf
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>but I really want to avoid teaching kids if possible

this is (you) creepy whyte d0rk.... u ever question ur life choices? xDD
Never taught kids either. You have aspbergers or something?
no. but ur a fagg0t. get some skills. ur skill is teaching a LANGUAGE U GREW UP WITH. fucking tard.
r u south african?
damn someone's a little upset today
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ur a stupid whyte male. u teach english in a 3RD WORLD.... dumb whyte dork.

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