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Vermont is so damn beautiful, like most of new england
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It's one of the most sovlful states in America, that's for sure. The small farms, the rustic towns, the slowpoke highways following creeks through the hills. It's great for eating real farm-to-table food. However as a vagabond traveler, I much preferred Michigan for its plentiful open public lands. Michigan folks are easygoing and unpretentious, but their food is goyslop tier, however. Vermont feels economically exclusive and socially closed-off unless you are one of the weird-looking hipster whites with the obligatory libtarded mindset, which talks all about being inclusive and welcoming without actually being either.
Vermont's a significant step up from Maine and NH in terms of tranquility and beauty.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of NH and ME are beautiful, but almost every square inch of VT is, and it feels like a peaceful place, removed from the rest of the world's troubles.
NH has the big mountain adventures (for east coast), but it's way busier with tourists. Way less calm and peaceful.
Maine is nice, but has a similar thing going on with tourists in the summer, and most of it isn't as pretty as NH or VT, it just has a lot of land so people have lake houses there.
Too bad about the communism. Every nice place has to be ruined by it.
arent they super gay like midwesterners politically?
>state income tax
NH sounds cool from this perspective but i feel like it also could be poisoned by fags from boston and nyc
ski was good here from what i remember
All nice places are liberal. There are no “nice” conservative cities
I considered providing examples of nice conservative places, but I know better than that.
Thank you for not revealing the last few bastions we have.
this but unironically, those flags mean the area is under occupation
>The small farms, the rustic towns, the slowpoke highways following creeks through the hills. It's great for eating real farm-to-table food. However as a vagabond traveler, I much preferred Michigan for its plentiful open public lands. Michigan folks are easygoing and unpretentious

My family is from Western Massachusetts. I grew up in Michigan.

Can't say I agree with you. Michigan people are unpretentious, but they're not very easygoing: people in rural areas are often politically radicalized--in one direction or the other--and are incredibly quick to pick fights or take offense. It's one of those states where people get offended if you try to pass them on the highway.

Most of my friends and family in (rural) New England are liberal, but not in an obnoxious or purple-haired way. The culture in that part of the country--at least the parts where most residents aren't transplants from Boston or New York--is "leave me alone, follow the law, and mind your own fucking business."
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The white people of Ohio's countryside were much more aggressive behind the wheel, politically outspoken and unfriendly toward outsiders than in Michigan, IME. The highways around Traverse City had mean hectic summer traffic, but along the coast, traffic was quite sedate. People do drive faster in MI than in New England and often don't expect to stop for pedestrians. I drove the speed limit in MI and virtually everybody passed me outside of town. But there's no denying, Michiganders are more friendly and outgoing than New Englanders. The balmy summer weather and beach vibes put everyone in a good mood. In Michigan's small towns, I was greeted by nearly everyone I passed, despite being a scruffy bearded van vagabond with uncut hair. Rarely did people greet me when passing on the street in New England, though women sometimes smiled. The New England coast is like the California coast, very pretty but also very pretentious and elitist. Some parts of the Lake Michigan coast are elitist, specifically Leelanau County east and north to Petoskey, but not quite on New England's "we are the cradle of American civilization" level, and the Lake Huron coast was downright hometown-feeling.
>people in rural areas are often politically radicalized--in one direction or the other--and are incredibly quick to pick fights or take offense. It's one of those states where people get offended if you try to pass them on the highway.

Nice to know I'm not crazy for picking up on this. People in cities are infinitely more chill than in rural areas, even though everyone claims the opposite.
Yeah don't tell them
Nice conservative places are typically exclusively tourist towns. Liberal towns almost always have a university close by.
Their governor is a Republican. The hippies mostly keep to themselves

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