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What's the best place to go for type 3 fun?
you could go to north korea and steal something i guess
there has not been anything on 4chan that makes a great story since someone made that martial arts guy punch himself
Enlist in the military.
backpacking in northern Alaska.
East St Louis. Detroit. Newark. Gary. Southside Chicago.

Imo some of northern-northeast Sri Lanka. The rest of the island is a gem but the parts that were ravaged by alternating war and typhoons do NOT make for good tourism
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The Atchafalaya Basin (swamp) in Louisiana.
The Pacific Crest Trail
The Uinta Basin in Utah.
Sunflower Wildlife Management Area in Mississippi. (Winter only, too hot and humid otherwise)
Any national park in the Ozarks of Arkansas and Missouri.
what's wrong with the ozarks?
Nothing. I love it. Just has a lot of cryptid activity
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For anyone wondering why I added Sunflower WMA in Mississippi. That is because the Delta National Forest in Mississippi has several remaining 1000+ year old cypress and sequoia cousins. Unfortunately Mississippi had probably millions of these trees that were harvested prior to the 1930s when the CCC replanted pines.
Roadtrip Mexican cartel country in an old beater while drinking tequila behind the wheel.
Bicycle touring through India/Bangladesh
never heard anyone who was in the military tell a good story
It’s basically all the shitty aspects of being a government employee with the threat of death
This is the real answer
Jesus Christ their digicam looks like a low resolution PS1 game.
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>type IIII
kek, this polcel doesn't even know it's IV
Kek this zesty negroid doesn't know how to tally.

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