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I recently discovered how much I fucking love to travel. I want to see way more of the world, but as of right now every time I go anywhere I have to go home after two weeks, be depressed that I'm home, and wait a year for my next trip.

I work in web development and only have 14 days of PTO a year. It's difficult to find full remote jobs in my area at my level of experience. How do people actually find the time/money to do this more regularly?
Everyone wants to have their cake and eat it too. If you spend 50 weeks a year working, you should have more than enough money to go off and do your own thing. Of course, doing this means giving up the life you have built for yourself in America to fritter away your days wandering around foreign countries. You may find that luxurious paid vacations are far more enjoyable and rewarding than the pedestrian routine of wandering from place to place for months at a time.
By having fucking money retard.
Put as much money into investments as you can in the US and in a few years you should have enough to last you decades in, assuming you're not working low value jobs. Just don't waste money in the US, everything is overpriced for how mid it is
People under 35 who do it are 90% from wealthy families and don’t have to worry about paying their own bills. Some are independently wealthy but that’s rare. I grew up dirt poor and it was never an option for me until my mid 30s, and even then it was one or two weeks a year at most
Trust funds
Stocks, crypto mooning
In America maybe. In Europe where you can take a two hours plane and be in a foreign country for 30€, and with 5 weeks off a year (paid) you don't need to be "from a wealth family".
Lol retarded moron. And the streets are paved with gold and milk and honey rains from the sky.
Everything he said was true ameridog
Yeah but that "foreign country" is like 30 minutes away because your shithole meme country can be biked across within a day.
Yeah from someone from a rich family with a cushy made up job in a rich western EU country lmfao retard. Which is true for everyone like that everywhere in the world.
As an American sorry to say that this isn’t insulting at all. We still “absolutely fucking lose” in terms of days off and travel time.
I get 7 weeks PTO a year, so plenty of time to travel
I do volunteer work for free living. Sometimes that means I'm in a hostel doing data gathering in nature areas, sometimes that means I'm in a big city working in a hotel but getting my own room. Only thing I pay for is transportation between locations, and any extra curriculars/tours obviously. Which isn't that much, I can get away with just having a summer job back home and traveling the rest of the year (mainly winter because I hate the cold so I volunteer somewhere warm)
Flexing your ignorance is just sad but ok. Stay out of Europe, it's better this way.
Europeans are mostly poor AF but you’re not wrong about the cheap international travel
>go travel
>film it
>post on apps
basically you find a way to get attentionbux from recordings of your travels. this is how all the travel influencers do it. if you're a beautiful woman you can also just be a whore.
If a know nothing white trash poor like me can do a 4X in a week on 10k initial investment (and this is just with stocks, no crypto), you can too with your college education and programmer money. Get some balls and play the Wall St. stock slots
When I lived that way I was a defense contractor, but really any seasonal type work will do. Get the Australian, Irish, Taiwan and New Zealand WHV’s, take international contracts only open to US passport holders and just string things together. What you usually get is
>higher wage because you get no benefits
>free round-trip airframe to/from anywhere in the world
>built in time off between jobs/contracts
>often free housing so you can save a lot for travel
>usually the work is pretty fun and adventurous and you’ll meet cool people, there were times I had more fun when I was doing jobs than I was just bumbling around SEA or South America unemployed

My only REAL ADVICE for this is if you’re gonna do it, have at least a bachelor’s degree and preferably some sort of in demand skill sorted out before you embark. Not only will you get better jobs and opportunities, but eventually you’ll want more of a career and starting from scratch in your mid thirties is BRUTAL.

I lived this life from age 22 to 35. I am now training for a new career and I am very glad that I don’t also have to do any undergraduate coursework on top of what I’m going through. Other than that? Zero regrets.

Digital nomading, crypto, social media, whatever else…all that shit looks miserable. You’ll still feel like a captive.
I’ve worked in sales and to get time off from work to travel, I’ve recently used the “assumed close” angle where you imply the deal is done and they only need to sign off on it.
Basically in layman’s terms, I’ve told my work rather than ask permission from them to take days off. I am not what the internet would term a “high value male” and work a pretty low pay but relaxing for the most part job, and still my work just when with it because they did not want the drama of saying, “no you can’t do that Anon.” People don’t like drama, use this to your advantage. I will say it is not smart to you right away. Do it after you have been with the company for awhile.
I am hardly tough, so if I can do it, so can you. Save up money first and foremost (just came from Vegas with people who didn’t, and they literally had to go to timeshare meetings every morning to get free vouchers for food. Pathetic!) and just tell your work are taking time off and when you are doing it, rather than asking for permission to take time off like a little beta bitch.
I swear to you this works.
long distance travel is cheaper than it has been at almost any other time in human history
you just need to use your time and money more wisely
use your weekends better. if you are living in bumfuck, nebraska it's going to be challenging but if you live e.g. <1 hour from an international airport you can get a flight on friday evening, return on sunday night and be back at work on monday morning having spent ~48 hours in another country
even if you are getting a middling salary you should be able to afford this a few times a year
It's not happening as a lifestyle unless you have a fully remote job or you're a trust fund kiddie.
How is it volunteer if you get paid lmfao retard?
Interesting, why don't you just repeat it 10 more times for infinite money so you can give some to everyone ITT?
>only open to US passport holders
>have at least a bachelor’s degree
>some sort of in demand skill sorted out
If you had all that why wouldn't you just get a normal high paying job and retire in like 5 years tard?
You can’t retire in 5 years dumb fuck. Not unless you’re content with living in an African open air shit pit
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>How is it volunteer if you get paid lmfao retard?
"""nonprofits""" allegedly make up ~10% of the USA 'GDP'. And then there's so called 'zombie companies' which probably make up a substantial amount of 'GDP' too, though it's hard to put an exact dollar number to it, because the zombie companies do a lot of book-cooking and other financial trickery to make it look like they are legitimate operations.
This isn't exclusive to the "West" at all though, as there are millions/tens-of-millions from non Western-Countries who are also basically just "trust fund kids".
If you look at Oil-Rich nations, they get $trillions in welfare from the world, because ~50 years ago they nationalized the petroleum industries that were set up using Western resources, on the agreement that the Western-run companies would agree to lease the land/share profit from the oil sales. Except then the nations decided
>Actually, no foreigners can operate businesses in our nation, so we're just going to confiscate everything, but ty for installing the equipment and operating everything for us :^)
>And also, you need to be more accepting of other cultures, because we now have more money than we know what to do with, and we'd like to come buy up all global assets, and ingratiate ourselves into every Western(really, worldwide) business/government positions; also no, foreigners are not allowed to hold citizenship/own businesses in *our* country, kthxbai :)

Sorry, I know this isn't /pol/, but I feel like this is important to help give some reference of understanding international/regional facets of culture which may help some become aware of possible future trajectories that society will be faced with, in cultural, economical, and legal aspects, and can/will very much have tangible effects that will specifically shape the /trv/ industry as a whole.

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Anyways, to answer OP's question, it seems like there's 3 types of /trv/:
>You're mobile for work
>You build life around a ______(yearly, every other year, 2x a year, etc) vacation, using the anticipation of said future trip and previous trips to fuel you through the moments of soul crushing despair that is work
>Money is not an issue, and any employment you might have is closer to a hobby than 'work'
And even though I'm definitely not a source of authority on the matter, I feel like you'd probably need to fall into ^1 or ^3 to be able to have a 'traveling lifestyle'. Again, I don't have any -if any- travel hax though, so maybe I'm completely off base here.

For the record, I don't explicitly hold an excessive resentment(or, at least I try not to) towards 'trust fund kiddies', because my end game is to be able to have children and to be able to provide them with financial stability.
Also, if anyone would like to offer any competing/complementary insights and information in regards to >>2716494 , I would very much be interested in other perspectives that I have not considered or am unaware of, as I don't visit this board very often(I'm not really in a financial position to /trv/), but am interested in hearing your thoughts/stories.

It's always 3. I just found out that the youtube couple who supposedly travels for cheap and buys cheap houses like $1 euro Italian houses and renovates them and shit is of course from a rich family. And they still beg for money and donations.

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