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I plan to go to Finland in spring, what should I expect? What type of clothing should I pack?
Depends where you're coming from and what you mean by spring. From Mid US even late may some places like Tampere can still dip to Jacket weather while helsinki is just ine.

Finland is huge you need to elaborate if you just mean Helsinki and maybe Turku or what. Advice for things like Oulu would be worthless for packing and expectations compared to say Lahti
I'm from the US West going to Turku from March to May but probably taking the train to Helsinki if I have the chance to
Bring a decent jacket march can still have snow and cold nights
Have good shoes if not use to walking on ice
Download the VR train app for Finland to get around
Enjoy most people looking like drunken goblens coming out of their winter slumber
April/May Gyms will start getting packed
Take whatever alcohol budget you assume and double or triple it, you will drink there is balls else to do in march
I've never been in heavy snow, which shoes would be most suitable for walking on ice? Are groceries cheap or is eating out a better choice?
Since you're in Turku, you can go on one of those infamous Baltic Sea booze ferries for pretty cheap if you need some action.

>I've never been in heavy snow, which shoes would be most suitable for walking on ice?
Something with a good tread pattern with deeper grooves, if you already have a good warm pair of hiking boots then those will do great.
>Are groceries cheap or is eating out a better choice?
Absolutely cook your own food when able, Finland isn't the cheapest for groceries but eating out gets crazy expensive pretty quickly. Visit the larger stores like Lidl, Prisma or K-Citymarket if you can, the smaller corner stores can get pretty extortionate.
Finns are pretty cool once you get some drink in em but they have a wierd kind of creepy autism thats hard to shake. Like expect to see autism flourish in all forms, a LOT of trannies, weebs, car autists, gangly looking metal dorks, just the most autistic socially inept people you have ever met.

Like i said once you umderstand the autism, youll love them. Get some booze in em amd theyre great - i dont know the women are "pick up and take home" easy more like "silently stare nervously at you and sweat buckets for an hour imagining she is in an anime then violently jump your bones the second you two are alone" easy.
I'm a programmer working in shitmerica, and want to work in Finland. Can I do this without speaking Finnish? How do I accomplish this
You can, Finland in general has a pretty good rate of English proficiency and the tech sector is essentially forced to master it due to how small and obscure the Finnish market is. You will absolutely want to secure employment before making permanent moves though, your chances are better with larger and/or more export focused companies.
You're an actual retard
>hur dur bro everyone is, like, totally autistic in Finland
They have ultra normies and autists, just like any country
t. Lives here
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I'm actually a woman, hope I don't have to deal with trannies in the women's bathroom. How are the men? I have a thing for Nordic guys, would I be able to find a qt pretty boy there?

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