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Never traveled before, how do I know where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?
How do I know where I'm supposed to go after the flight?
What am I supposed to do after leaving the airport?
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>Never traveled before, how do I know where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?
Normally check-in, then through security and border control if traveling abroad, then onto the Gate as designated on your ticket.
Alternatively ask airline staff to assist.
>How do I know where I'm supposed to go after the flight?
Depending on your travel itenerary, you can head to the next Gate if flying further, go to luggauge claim to retrieve any suitcases you have checked-in or simply head to the exit. If you're traveling further with public transport; look for airtrain or taxi hub.
Alternatively look for signage or guide lines on the floor.
>What am I supposed to do after leaving the airport?
Head to your accommodation. The means of which are up to you; either ask somebody to pick you up, take an uber or use public transport.
>how do I know where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?
usually you have to check in before the flight. you can do this at the airport but these days it is more convenient to do it online. usually online checkin starts 24 hours before the flight (sometimes more or less). after checking in you will get a boarding pass. print this at home if possible (or sometimes now you can just keep it on your phone)
if it is a big airport it might have several terminals e.g. LAX has 9 terminals, london heathrow has 5 terminals. the terminal you need will be on your itinerary when you book the flight. small regional airports will only have one airport anyway. make sure you go to the right terminal
head for the departures level. commonly departures and arrivals are on different floors.
look for a big board with all the departures displayed on it.
if you have luggage that you want to check in - go to the bag drop counter, they will take your luggage and give you a receipt. don't lose it. then go to security. this is also where you will get a boarding pass if you didn't print it at home.
if you don't have luggage to check in - you can go straight to security if you have already printed your boarding pass
go through security. this is inevitably a painful process, staffed by people who think that because they're wearing a uniform, they are hitler. keep interactions with them to a minimum.
once through security head to the gate (check a departures board again if you don't know what gate it is)
>How do I know where I'm supposed to go after the flight?
follow everyone else to the arrivals area. go through immigration if necessary. again staffed by little hitlers.
look for a board displaying where to collect your luggage.
>What am I supposed to do after leaving the airport?
enjoy your trip
>how do I know where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?
You can look at the websites of the airports you'll be traveling through. They all have maps, some more detailed than others. Also pay attention to what terminal you'll be leaving from so you know where to start from. Larger airports aren't always connected before security so you'll want to get dropped off in the right place.
>How do I know where I'm supposed to go after the flight?
Follow the signs to your next gate if you're connecting and eventually the signs to the taxi stand to get a ride to...
>What am I supposed to do after leaving the airport?
Whatever address the hotel you're staying at says they are located at. From there check for bedbugs and then go to a museum or something idk.
>where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?

First you have to know if it's domestic or international flight. Then once you are in the right terminal you look for the sign for your airline so you can check in. The attendant will tell you which gate you have to go through (after you've gone through security).
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What's a cosmile privilege?
Would you fly Scoot or Starlux?
Step 1: go to your airline's check-in counter, or else go to the stupid self check-in kiosk to print/reprint your boarding pass.
Step 2: Look at the board of departing flights, it will tell you what you need to know.
>after leaving the airport
That depends on the airport. I walked out of BOG on foot with my bags, it was only 1 km to my hostel. MNL, my hotel's free shuttle picked me up. TPE and KUL I took the airport rail to the city center. BKK I took a free shuttle bus to a nearby neighborhood and walked to my hotel from there. DMK I walked to the nearest metro stop. Leaving SFO I boarded the BART metro. LAX has a bus connecting it to Union Station downtown.
How many hours before my flight should I arrive at the airport?
How long will it take to check in my baggage and register at the flight counter?
What time can I check out of a hotel?
Google says its usually 11am to 12pm?

If I have a flight in the night or morning, what am I supposed to do with my luggage!?
It'll say all this somewhere on your booking.

They'll tell you at the front desk when you check in, or you can just ask.

At some hotels they'll store your baggage for you as a courtesy thing if you ask - they'll write your name on a tag, attach it to your bags, and keep them in a side room or somewhere like that until you come back later saying 'hi I have some baggage to collect'. Otherwise, just punch 'luggage storage' into Google Maps near where you'll be staying, your options are generally either pay-on-collection storage lockers or handing over your luggage at a corner store or something.
>How many hours before my flight should I arrive at the airport?
This one is fairly hotly debated, and in practice will vary a lot depending on departure airport, destination, time of day/day of week, and other factors.

In my experience as someone who has flown a LOT, arriving at an airport two hours before an international flight is scheduled to leave is more than enough time 99 times out of 100. If you’re already checked in for your flight and won’t be checking bags, this is usually noticeably more time than you probably need. As I now live in Europe and mostly take intra-Schenghen flights, two hours is almost always excessive and I’m comfortable showing up just 90 minutes or so prior to the great majority of my flights. But 90 minutes ahead of a domestic flight and two hours ahead of an international flight is nearly always enough time.

One deadline to be aware of is the time (typically illustrated on a boarding pass or somewhere in booking confirmation) when boarding/gate closes—if you show up at your departure at or later than whenever this is, they’re probably not letting you on the plane.
How do I do my laundry in the hotel?
Do I use the sink and hang it in the hotel?
Will housekeeping fine me or evict me for doing that?
>How do I do my laundry in the hotel?
Where are you going, and how long will you be there? If it’s a short trip you may not need to do laundry at all. Alternatively, most hotels have some kind of laundry service, although this is often expensive. And nearly everywhere has laundromats or laundries you can take clothes to.
>Do I use the sink and hang it in the hotel?
You could. Some people do. I don’t like doing this but it’s a common option.
>Will housekeeping fine me or evict me for doing that?

Are you an actual human who plans to go somewhere? Is this whole thread just silly bait? Are we training some kind of AI?
>Where are you going, and how long will you be there? If it’s a short trip you may not need to do laundry at all. Alternatively, most hotels have some kind of laundry service, although this is often expensive. And nearly everywhere has laundromats or laundries you can take clothes to.
6 days, I don't even have 6 different t-shirts.
Its my first time going overseas on my own?
Ask at the front desk. They'll either have an in-house laundry service (here is a bag, put your clothes in the bag and leave it in your room, laundry will appear the next day like it's an RPG) or they'll suggest a laundry service or a launderette or whatever. Or you could do handwash in your hotel bathroom sink, and hang it up on one of those retractable lines over the bathtub if you want to buy detergent and do chores while travelling
Do I need to inform my websites, bank accounts and email providers that I'm going overseas, otherwise how do I prevent them from locking me out for suspicious activities when my IP changes?
Do 3-star hotels offer those services?

Sometimes. Check their website or just ask at the desk when you check in.
> Do I need to inform my websites, bank accounts and email providers that I'm going overseas, otherwise how do I prevent them from locking me out for suspicious activities when my IP changes?

The above “no” is mostly true, but you may get a confirmation email from some sites that a login from a new location has been detected; being abroad also triggers 2FA in some sites that might not otherwise require it every time you log in. But most of the time I just get an e-mail asking if it really was me, and because it was, no action is required.

Banks vary in their levels of scrutiny—using an ATM card abroad is almost never an issue, but I have had credit cards lock on me when I have suddenly attempted to make a payment from an unexpected location (happened to me in Kenya and Moldova when using an American card). In these cases, a 30 second phone call to the bank cleared the transactions. And it’s only happened twice, over decades traveling in dozens of countries.

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