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File: 640px-Waterboarding.jpg (82 KB, 640x426)
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I would rather be waterboarded than fly. Getting to the airport on time, getting through security, boarding, the take off, the landing, the NOISE, everyone around you coughing, the fact that you're in a little tube thousands of feet in the air, the waiting HOURS on the tarmac because the airport is understaffed or because another plane hasn't left yet, the delays, the handicapped people adding hours to your travel, the shitty seats even when you buy an upgrade, breathing in the shitty air.
Call me a pussy but I don't think air travel is worth the hassle if you're going anywhere for less than 1 month. You have to assume that you'll be sick for at least 2 weeks.
Skill issue
It's not a big deal. You're just an anxious lil pussy.
Flying is literally nothing more than walking into a tube and sitting in a padded seat for a few hours, then walking back out. One of the easiest travel ordeals in existence, compared to what people used to have to endure in order to cross continents and oceans. I flew across the Pacific Ocean doing little more than staring at the flight progress map over eleven hours, just to test my self-discipline and patience. It wasn't fun, but as far as sucky experiences go, flying is pretty low on the list.
Horribly sick people on planes are annoying, but the truth is, you can just as easily be stuck on a bus or train next to a sick person, or even get unlucky on your inhale timing after a sneeze or cough from someone nearby in a store or on a sidewalk. It's part of being around people.
US is easy mode compared to most countries now staffing all their people with jeets more than the US has, fuck europe.

USA is easy mode
>show up 60-90 minutes before flight
>walk through with Global Entry I got on arrival last time I flew home
>security line is off to the side bit more of a line post covid but always less than 1/10th the size of the cattle line, usually ~10-15 minutes
>get to gate 30 minutes before hand grab a bite or beer
>wait till last group is called to get in

Alternatively I just prebook one of the airline lounges for 30-45 dollars, show up multiple hours early and enjoy free drinks and food/snacks while I dick around on my laptop till boarding starts.
>Getting to the airport on time,
Pack the day before and set an alarm.
>getting through security,
Get TSA PreCheck. Even if everyone else does this it's still better because the screening process itself is faster than standard.
Can you really not wait in a line?
>the take off,
This is a necessary part of the flying please understand.
>the landing,
Perhaps even more important than taking off.
>the NOISE,
The noise what? Noise canceling headphones I wear?
>everyone around you coughing,
Covid isn't real but then again I can't hear it either.
>the fact that you're in a little tube thousands of feet in the air,
Valid concern, I never believed anyone talking about how it's safer than driving. It just doesn't sound right.
>the waiting HOURS on the tarmac because the airport is understaffed or because another plane hasn't left yet,
The most I've ever waited is maybe 15 minutes.
>the delays,
Fly early in the morning. The plane will already be parked at the gate and they can't use the bullshit excuse of weather somewhere else holding up the inbound flight.
>the handicapped people adding hours to your travel,
They had to board sometime. You're all leaving together.
>the shitty seats even when you buy an upgrade,
No one is forcing you to fly Spirit, Frontier, Sun Country, etc. Unless you're not white.
>breathing in the shitty air.
It is filtered and recycled constantly.
All of these things work on my machine. Flying is fine. Even if you crash, who gives a shit? Oh no I can't work until I'm 80.
How do you know all this but still pay per lounge visit? Get a credit card that includes them.
>sit in Boeing
easy mode
Every time I board a plane there's always a crying child inside. I seem unable to avoid them.
I promise you, you do not want to be water boarded. I did it in college with roommates to see how awful it really was and I made it like 3 seconds. It’s fucking horrible
>Flying is literally nothing more than walking into a tube and sitting in a padded seat for a few hours, then walking back out. One of the easiest travel ordeals in existence, compared to what people used to have to endure in order to cross continents and oceans.

This, like how spoiled is OP? Holy shit lol
>Go through TSA, even in a busy airport like EWR it's only 10 ~ 15 minutes everytime I go (at least 50x now)
>Sit in lounge, drink & have bite to eat
>Boarding call begins, I always book business so I just show the QR code for my ticket on the scanner and its done.
>I dont care how long it takes to leave the tarmac because I'm just scrolling on my phone or spacing out staring out the window. I'm extremely paitient
>Plane takes off, doesnt matter if its 3 hours, 6 hours, or 15 hours. Flying in business class takes almost all the stress out of flying especially with lie down seats.
Even in premium economy, 12 ~ 14 hours is nothing. What am I in such a rush for? Instead of sitting on my phone on the plane I have to do it at home?
>How do you know all this but still pay per lounge visit? Get a credit card that includes them.
9 times out of 10 I am flying I just walk to the gate a few minutes before boarding so not a lounge guy. My CC is also better than the airline BS as I don't do brand loyalty. Additionally, sometimes the lounge I want is just closed for lol reasons.

I really only do lounge stuff if I know the airport I am flying out of normally does big delays like ORD/ATL/PVG/HEL/AMS/etc
>I never believed anyone talking about how it's safer than driving. It just doesn't sound right.
Look up the last commercial passenger plane fatal crash. Hint, it was a while ago, and it happens very very very rarely. It's absurd how safe they are, given the general incompetence in most of the modern world.
'Twas the same way until I really preferred the smaller, more chill environment of the lounge. I try to always fly later in the evening so the lounge tends to be pretty empty.
There are plenty of cards that give you access to the generic Priority Pass lounges unless you're saying you prefer the airline lounges. PP can be pretty crowded now because of all the cards offering it.
I know what the stats say, I just don't believe them.
Oh I know, but I rarely use the lounges enough as it is already so changing from my current rewards card to some airlines card to me is mainly a moot thing. I rarely even use my CC for anything as the rates on my Chime card abroad make up for the fee's/exchange rates a CC will often incur.

If I am flying in the evening there is a 100% chance I am at some cheap bar or the like getting fucking hammered prior to. Lounge is great for booze sometimes, but nothing like a local place
Its not just the airline cards. I'm talking about something like the Chase Sapphire Reserve.

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