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Old thread: >>2708592 Discuss everything related to Philippines travel here.
Can someone recommend a cheap hotel with a bathtub not too far from Manila airport? I just need to stay one night for my transfer
Cheap hotels don't have bathtubs or even shower stalls. It's standard for the water to splatter all over the bathroom floor.
Tranny janny is back with a vengeance, the last PH thread full of /b/tardation got nuked and your thread looks awfully retarded with no picture.
I'm not really surprised it got nuked. People were just arguing about nothing related to travel, then some sexpat larper began writing abusive short stories that never happened everyone to which kept begging for more
>Can someone recommend a cheap hotel with a bathtub not too far from Manila airport?
Holiday Inn Express Manila
wow its almost like the janny was doing his job or something
you seem to omit the blatantly obvious sexual innuendo and shitpost tone of the post and the historically sex obsessed nature of phg threads

janny made a good call to kick coomers to the curb
Forgive us for being surprised, it's not something we see very often.
The fried chicken is pretty good.
Yeah sure but you can’t get a buttermilk biscuit with it. They have Popeyes in Manila but why would only to Manila for Popeyes when I have it in my town?
Regarding fried chicken
Jollibee = KFC > McDo > Popeyes > Chowking

Maybe KFC is even better than Jollibee.
Popeyes is always top of the list retard. And people in Manila can get Popeyes.
Die asshole. I tried their fried chicken in Manila and it was barely edible.
I might rank it on par with McDo if you insist, but not any higher.
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both me
Uncle John's > all other places you can get chicken
Sorry, but that's just how it is in this bitch if a map.
inb4 POOPeyes and NIGGERS (kfc) apologists start screeching
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Tried a Chowking fried chicken meal once, was very disappointed in price, flavor and quality. You can find much better at a local place.
Yeah, that's exactly the problem.
Excuse me anon, you have some janny shit on your nose.
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Tasty chicken curry & rice meal served in Intramuros by some very friendly people at a collection of stalls. No, it isn't served all blended together like that, but it's not always you get such a generous serving of meat & sauce with the rice. After eating my same-old home cooked slop for the past month, Filipino street food is sounding awfully delicious again.
I hate the plastic bag thing. I know that worrying about microplastics while in SEA is silly, but I can't help having a deep visceral reaction to being handed hot food atop a plastic bag.
I can smell the shit
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You should be more worried about the intestinal worms than the microplastics.
You'll be fine. Just take your anti-parasitic meds. I ate loads of Sushi already here, so do other wealthy Pinoys. They're still alive & so am I.
Should see the vegetable oil they use to fry it. Loads of it in street food.
From a few threads ago
>Dude don't worry anon everyone speaks English in Philipiines!
Fuck you guys, have you ever tried doing anything here that isn't just straight up cooming?
>had shit seat so shoulder is hurting something bad also slight headache
>figure out watsons is a drug store
>check online they have Tylenol, figure might as well pick up some melatonin to help sleep too
>find one has ads of painstuff outside, greeted in english hello sirs
>cool english, go ask for the two specific things by name
>they look confused, not sure what I mean
>'uhh y-you' too I'll just look around
>can't find them w/e pick up some razors
>1/2 a second after I stop walking hello sirs are you looking for thing?
>Razors I found them thanks
>"Shaving is on isle 3" and points right Infront of me while I am holding the ones I want
>go to the counter ask for shit again
>lady confused comes around and points sayings "condoms?"
>wtf, no state it again even make hand gestures to my head and arm
>points to allergy medication and cough drops
>do see advil and get it though not sure why that's mixed with condoms
>go to another one
>same shit only this time they try to give me multi vitamins, or Vitamin C supplement

Equally stupid shit has happened at any restaurant I visit that isn't full on Kenny Rogers, shit back in the US, or machine order. Like even if you point to shit their critical thinking skills are so unbelievably low it's actually impressive. Went to a grocery store to have some items at my airbnb and the people were acting like I was lost looking for booze rather than just getting actual food and supplies.

Also: FUCK how bad pino's walk, like they have absolutely 0 situational awareness I have never seen so many people not understand I am walking towards them, or just randomly stop and stare off into the distance in my fucking life.
>Not saying I'm one of them, but I do live here.
Where the fuck can I get some melatonin/sleep aid?!?!? Not sure if there is a term I should be using
>A foreigner of middle class ~ upper class means realistically belongs with the upper class of the country also.
Yeah I gave someone a 100p tip when getting some shwarma wrap(was looking for watson stuff) cashier lady looked at me like I made her weekend then threw in 4 wraps over the 2 I ordered, like okay? thanks but I don't want to eat this much shwarma... Like damn lady they were 198p a pop and I just didn't want the change.

Also the Christmas music threw me for a loop I thought I was still drunk from the plane
>Where the fuck can I get some melatonin/sleep aid?!?!?
At Watsons
Went to 2 of them, showed them the shit on my phone and they both looked confused as shit to what I was asking. Maybe the afternoon staff just really sucks hard.
this country is so depressing and fucked up I don't even want to talk about it anymore
goodbye, faggots
Any good places for Western style bars and pubs?

I have some friends here who are taking me to local places so that's under fine but wanting to just hang out with other white people since I haven't been back in the USA in almost a year. I don't want to say I am homesick but could go for something like a US sports bar that isn't fucking BWW. Some of the last pubs I went to were just filled with Chinese trying to talk english.

Staying in Makita if it matters
you mean makati you fuckin goof?

go to poblacion in makati and look around, a bunch of western style bars and pubs there
In the same spirit as the previous anon, where do the rich people dine in Manila? Ideally restaurants with a dress code. I am assuming Makati as well. I am looking to dress up for dinner and whatnot.
Anyone here has experience with that, or should I be the one to bite the bullet and compile a list?
Sorry lads, decided to go to Buenos Aires instead next month. Maybe next year, faggots
Why did the pic get removed? It wasn't even that spicy
See >>2713615
I love my filipina and am excited to bring her to America through the K1 visa process. Don't be shy bringing your filipina back to the States. If you picked a good one, she'll be loyal to you and treat you right.
Wrong retard. Check the archives faggot. If you don’t know how to do that then stop posting like a fucking idiot.
It beats crippling, near suicidal loneliness and involuntary celibacy.
barely any mid class
There always a middle/upper class.
Mid class = working office jobs
Upper middle class = own businesses.

Now entering those social circles is the problem, but if flips in the West can do it, why can’t you?
You made the right decision, anon. BA for all its faults is leagues better than Manila.
Hey guys, first time traveling internationally. I'll be in Manila for about 3 weeks. The first two I'm working, but the third I have free and was planning to take a trip to Japan for that time, and get two trips in one.
I have to be back at MNL Terminal 1 by 23:30 on the last day. How much time should I give for my return flight from Japan in order to get out of the airport (will likely be flying back to Terminal 3), get my bags, and get back over to Terminal 1 for my flight back to the US?
I see return flights that can get me there at 1:00, but it's hard to find info online if 10 hours (assuming no delays) would be enough to get out and back in.
Should I just fly back the day before and get a hotel by the airport?
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If you can't communicate verbally with English-speaking children, you are the problem, not them. I spoke simple English in short phrases, and Filipinos rarely had any issue understanding me. One time I asked for one of the fried eggplant slices but got a fried egg instead; evidently eggplant isn't called eggplant in PH.
>not understand that I am walking towards them
LMAO, sucks to be a fat mutt who needs a whole yard of clearance just to pass someone by on the sidewalk. Filipinos give about 18" of space typically, which normal-size humans can fit through just fine with a little swivel motion of the body. Nobody's gonna want to clear the whole sidewalk for you just because you're a lardass.
Yeah, it floats on top of the sauce. Some places use a lot more than others.
Ended up booking a flight that gets back at midnight the day I leave so I'll have 24 hours to get a hotel, get some rest, and get back to the airport.
I know Singapore will always be there. In some ways, I fear it.
kek this
low level office workers earning 200-300 dollars per month aren't "middle class"
Anyone going to Cosmainia or Komiket?
I thought this thread was about travel and not about Filipina mail order brides for dorkers?

FYI never marry a pinay. You actually get less out of them if you marry them and get them pregnant.
>gets absolutely assblasted by facts
>starts name calling
every time
Which one of you was this?
After 4 months people recognize me as native... Now to find a wife... Or 4...
What facts? The archives prove you are a retard and the two are unrelated.
>white areas
Kinda based
what's happening to this thread
anyway, is jollibee the best fast food burger experience in the ph? or is it still burger king/mcdo?
janny seethe
>White King
That has to be an edit.
I had sex/10
Would recommend if white.
I wish i was white. I would give up the ability to consume seasoned food for white power
Unreal how the Philipinos have "White King" as a brand. They truly are white worshipers.
Yep. If a Filipino has two children and one is slightly more pale than the other, they will treat the darker child like absolute shit and treat the white one like a treasure. They perpetuate this broken psychology even if the parent was the darker child when they were growing up.
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Slightly exaggerated, but it's true that NAIA is the friendliest airport in the world. Everywhere you look there are cute friendly girls with their airport worker badges willing to help travelers with any issues.
Prolly set up cameras in the locker room or something.
Nobody here is in PH, that's the problem.
25 peso pinoyburgers with 20 gram patties of mushmeat are the best, obviously.

Opinion discarded, retard
the deleted posts says otherwise
coomers keep seething
this is the deleted file.
rent free
>muh /pol/
Not an argument.
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Trips beat dubs
But repeating pol memes doesn’t mean pol is rent free. It’s actually super cringe to be a white supremacist who could only get laid in the Philippines. At least own it proudly like Art Bell and not be a racist about it.
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Have a sweet time anons
Philippines has some amazing restaurants, at least Manilla does. I had some very sketchy club sandwiches in the province, though.
The shape of that plate alone tells me this place is ridiculously expensive, kek. For food, the cost increases far faster than the quality does when you try to go upscale, due to the lack of competition at the high end. Whereas for rooms, a moderate increase in cost (50% or so) gets you a far better place.
>The shape of that plate alone tells me this place is ridiculously expensive
It was fairly cheap at 1150 pesos per person. Great selection of food and very calming ambiance at Holiday Inn.
>Whereas for rooms, a moderate increase in cost (50% or so) gets you a far better place.
Definitely. So does the amenities and the free breakfast buffet. The best hotel in Makati for me would be Ascott.
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S-So g-g-guys how about them Philippines, huh? Let's n-not make any controversial posts..
This is a Philippines thread. It is about the Philippines.
>Philippines has some amazing restaurants, at least Manilla does.
manila dining mogs rest of country
Any Jewish bros want to meetup? https://www.jewishphilippines.net/about
I found decent stuff in any of the cities with a decent sized population. Philippines dishes themselves are more miss than hit, but you can find a decent version of pretty much anything you want for other food varieties. Maybe I just have low standards from being here in goyslop central, USA.
>manila dining mogs rest of country
Philippines dishes themselves are more miss than hit

Agree to both of these. Manila is far better than the rest of the country. Problem is it’s still not good.

A perfect example is how “The World’s Oldest Chinatown” has nothing but Terrible Filipino renditions of Chinese food. Everything is still a “miss” in Manila.

You can fly up to Japan and any humble truck stop will have amazing food for a great price. https://youtu.be/LELteoPcvz4
I'm an American who lives in Manila, currently back home in U.S. visiting family - but I am seriously considering living in Japan, Vietnam, South Korea or Malaysia. I'm 27, make 10k USD per month (self employed).

Manila is overpriced. Our condo in BGC for a 2 bedroom was 75k PHP. The issue i had with BGC, was the fact that you had to live there or Greenbelt. Otherwise, you see homeless, people living under bridges, and stray dogs everywhere. So, they charge a premium for a pretty decent place to live but part of me feels I can do better.
Mind telling a pleb what you do for work?
No. If the market becomes crowded then we high earners will earn less. Fuck that.
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I have been e-dating a girl in the peens for months now (I didn't find out she was that far away until a month in...) and I'm tired of waiting for her to get approved for a visa, it can't be that hard to visit Manila... they mostly speak English there right?

Anything a sheltered midwestern fella who's barely been outside of kansas should know before taking the perilous 24+ hour flight and jumping into the deep end of the pool? I need every possible chance I can get to not only meet her but have a good time with her without being sick or stabbed or god knows what other horrible things could happen.
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It’s not hard. Filipinos are about on par with Mexicans for English speaking skills. They will be able to understand you better than you can understand them. Just be patient because most Filipinos have the mental capacity of a small white child.

Download the Grab app and use your American Credit card. In fact, use your US credit card for everything and save your Philippines pesos for when you really need them. Convert about $1000 USD at the airport. It’s one of the few trustworthy places to convert money.

Book an international hotel close to Mall of Asia. Preferably one with an Airport shuttle. If they don’t have the shuttle than book a Grab before you step out of the airport. Once you step out of the airport you will be bombarded with overpriced scam taxi drivers and baggage handlers who will demand a tip.

The Grab app will give you a description of the car and the plate number. Just wait for the driver.

Once you get to your international Hotel you will have your base of operations. You do not tell your online girlfriend exactly where you are staying. Doesn’t matter how in love you are, you will have zero rights in the Philippines. You can use grab to pick her up and bring her to you. You can use it to go to the Mall of Asia. I recommend having a separate hotel for rendezvous. Doesn’t have to be as nice as where you are staying.

Manila is no more dangerous than a city full of black thugs. The main difference is the indifference the local law enforcement will have for you. So you have to keep your head on a swivel. Don’t use public transportation like a Filipino. Pay for a grab car.
Do you even have a passport yet?

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