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What's the best way to go about visiting the Lofoten Islands in Norway? Are there certain times of the year to avoid them? can you hike nearly most of it or is it a lot of private land?
Getting there can be a pain. The best is to get to Oslo (maybe Bergen or Stavanger) somehow and then fly wideroe to Svolvær or Leknes, where you can hire a car. You can fly into Narvik more easily but it’s a bit of a way off. If you’re in Europe you can just drive there if you have plenty of time (easier going up Sweden and across via Abisko)

Summer is best - 24h daylight, no snow, everything open. Some spots get very crowded now. Winter is dark and weather can be very bad. Shoulder seasons might be the best overall to minimise crowds while not having major weather problems.

Norway has land access rights, you can go basically anywhere that’s a bit away from buildings and fields no matter whether it’s private or not. There are precise rules and these are Norwegians, do some googling first.

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