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Redpill me on Upstate NY

Best town/city?
Fun things to do?
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It seems very beautiful
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What's the best county?
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Also, this is what I consider upstate
I stopped in some small town just off of I-90 once that had a cabin restaurant to the side of a waterfall. That was a cozy dinner.
Whereabouts on the 90?

Saratoga Springs has a surprisingly vibrant nightlife. The New Money snobs who moved up there from downstate are annoying as fuck, though.
What are they, all rich Long Islanders?

That and a mixture of people who all got priced out of NYC. Its why property prices in the Greater Albany area have all shot up in the past decade.
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Watkins Glen
One of the best state parks in America
Goddamnyankees every single one of 'em
Lived upstate most of my life. The Finger Lakes are fun if you like beautiful country with small, often cute, sometimes destitute towns along the way. A lot of wineries and breweries. Ithaca is cool and has a lot to do outdoors. The lakes are gorgeous, it's paradise in the summer. During the winter it can get gloomy but with how the winters have been the past few years it's not as bad. Near Buffalo and way up north you still get hammered in the winter, though. Niagara Falls is worth it if you see it from the Canadian side. The Thousand Islands region is very pretty. I've had some good times partying in Buffalo, Syracuse, and Rochester. The Adirondacks are a huge part of the state, almost the entire upper third. Bring mosquito spray. Regional food like garbage plates, chicken riggies, buffalo wings, chicken spiedies, beef on 'weck. New York has a lot to offer.
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If you're interested in religion/culture, the Russian church in America's main monastery is based in upstate NY (Jordanville Holy Trinity Monastery). One of the largest monasteries in the country. Worth a visit for the novelty, even if you're not religious.

If you're into nature, the Adirondacks have incredible hiking trails, arguably the best in the eastern United States. They are rugged and remote, so be careful.
As do most New Yorkers
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Buffalo is depression distilled into a city
Herkimer County has geodes

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I have a bunch of friends who live in various towns in the Hudson Valley, in at least Dutchess and Westchester Counties (maybe others as well). I have found the region mostly very pleasant, at least in Dutchess County—there are a bunch of semi-posh, artsy little cities and towns along the river with good restaurants, etc. I have a hard time remembering which town is which but have enjoyed Beacon, Red Hook, and one or two others. I’ve seen less of Westchester, which felt like rich residential suburbs to the north and grittier suburbs/exurbs of the city to the south (Yonkers is pretty gross), but I assume there are some nice bits there, too.

I also have a friend in Poughkeepsie, now that I think of it, which I’ve only visited briefly but which seemed pretty nice.

I went to college in Ithaca, in the Finger Lakes region, and agree with >>2715792 that it’s a great part of the state—lots of natural beauty, some cool outdoor activities, and some sophisticated eating and drinking in Ithaca and elsewhere. Ithaca itself is great unless you hate students. It’s a good few hours’ drive from anywhere significant, and you may have to pass through some pockets of postindustrial deprivation to get there, depending on where you’re coming from, but it’s got plenty to offer. When I was living in Ithaca I made trips to Binghamton and Syracuse several times, mostly to see bands perform; maybe I just missed the good bits, but I was startled by how dismal they both seemed.
I live here in that Saratoga County there. I've lived here all my life, actually,. Yeah idk it's ok, but not much recreation, people are kind of stupid and ugly (despite the many top universities), Albany/Troy/Schenectady are fucking shitholes.

I just bought a house here despite all this because 1. it's safe 2. it's comfortable 3. my friends/family is here
I grew up in Saratoga Springs. Left ten years ago after high school
All upstate NY cities and towns are kind of depressing but there is a surprising social and party scene and stuff to do in a few of them: Ithaca, Syracuse, Saratoga Springs. Lake Placid is pretty famous at this point as well. I would probably just avoid Buffalo, Rochester, Albany and the others though. There’s great hiking and beautiful landscapes across New York. The stargazing in the Southern Tier can be pretty good, not as good as in Pennsylvania but pretty good.

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