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is muir woods worth it or are there better redwoods near the bay area?
Muir Woods nAtIoNaL mOnUmEnT is mid. If your singular goal is to see Redwoods in the Bay, unironically your best bet is San Francisco Botanical Garden. If you goal is a hike, any of the areas east of Berkeley like Tilden are better and less crowded, but you just have to do some more research.
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Big Basin State Park was good but the fires from 2020 kinda fucked lots of the scenery.
Henry Cowell isn't bad either, they have a short loop trail with lots of old growth redwoods.
If you want to hike I recommend Portola Redwoods State Park (pic related). It's pretty secluded and rarely see ppl there when I hike.

However, if your main focus is to see redwoods I'd go up north to Prairie Creek and Jedidiah Smith Redwoods State Park, it's a whole nother fucking world.
i've seen redder woods desu
*teleports behind you*
Oh you'll be seeing red alright

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