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Looking at buying picrel and travelling the world solo. Rough plan would be Vancouver - down the coast a bit to get my sea legs - Hawaii - Fiji - French Polynesia and all those islands - New Zealand - Australia and eventually up to SEA. Anyone have any experience? I only know how to sail little boats on lakes and even then I'm kind of shit at it but I think having a real boat would be cool.
You will die.

OP, the only way you're making this work is if you put in the time, effort, and more money than you think. The mechanics of sailing a small boat are mostly the same as sailing a larger one, but the larger one has much larger forces acting on it, and many more systems and parts that can break while underway. Do you know how to fix a broken rudder cable? Have you ever even sailed on a boat with a headsail? Have you ever accidentally jibed in high winds? Do you know how to use an autopilot or rig a simple one if the electronic one fails?

My advice, find a sailing club on your local lake that offers lessons. Take your equivalent of basic keelboating (usually on a 20-25ft sailboat), then basic coastal cruising and basic bareboat chartering, which will familiarize you with all the systems on a larger 27-32 foot boat with head, electronics, and inboard diesel, plus how to plan for a passage so you don't starve halfway to Hawaii. At my local lake, those courses altogether cost around $3k USD. I also pay $250 a month to be able to take out a club boat for a day sail on the lake, for me usually a 27-32 foot boat, 1-2 times a month to keep my skills and because sailing is a relaxing hobby for me.
I would like to learn to sail but I don't have the time/cash so I just have a small Laser
>I only know how to sail little boats on lakes and even then I'm kind of shit at it but I think having a real boat would be cool.

you should sign up to work on a long distance sailing vessel after learning the ropes >>2714530
with this method

ocean sailing and navigation is a whole different beast, especially the weather
>. Anyone have any experience?
World has changed man. Dangerous place now way too much people, lot of poor's everywhere. There is more social navigation than celestial. Most beautiful places are touristic as Venice and the rest resorts. Read some bluewater forums and one hand sail blogs. You will observe that everywhere is at least similar and local colors diminished. Except some very very lonely parts of the planet nobody published.

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