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Been thinking of moving to this area. What is it like?
Would have been great to move there before 2015 when houses were $250k. Now it’s California prices for a shithole gambling city. Tahoe area and surrounding mountains are nice. Reno itself is mostly a dump. West side of town is nice, some parts of Sparks are nice.
You'll get mixed opinions but it's a cool place if you like outdoor shit and motorsports. If you don't and the Sierra Nevada doesn't interest you then you probably won't find it exciting.
The climate is colder than you think and it's windy. Also dry.
It's pretty white. Used to be poor white trash but gentrification is happening fast.
Reno feels like a medium size Colorado city like fort Collins or Boise that just happens to have some casinos. It's not a casino town like Vegas. There's still food and drink bargains too, cheap buffets and shit, like Vegas used to have.
Tahoe was extremely crowded and overdeveloped when I visited this July
It's actually really beautiful and underrated, the women are top tier
good thread, I think about moving to Reno every so often for tax purposes
had a chance to move there 10 years ago and didn’t. I regret it badly now. Reno has improved significantly and property values have doubled
Same. I knew some people who moved there. They did really well purchasing a mobile home on a couple acres of property and then selling that for a shit ton more to a developer.
I’d move to Carson City if I had to live up there. Quiet smaller town close enough to Reno, only 30min from the airport
Fort Collins and Boise are both far nicer than Reno and always will be. Legal gambling makes your state a shithole
That all sounds pretty good
good place to set up a c company and hide your money from the feds and banking system
Who the hell has that amount of cash in this day and age? I barely make 60k
Everyone on /trv/ is a crypto millionaire. You’re not? Embarrassing.
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I've ridden Amtrak across northern Nevada, also drove US-50 across the state just as the COVID lockdowns were hitting. It's starkly desolate once you leave the Reno metro area. If you're a self-reliant solo adventurer who wants to get as far from humanity as possible and face the challenges of nature, all you need is a reliable 4x4 and you can live out your dream.
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This is what nearly the whole region looks like. Sagebrush flats divided by north-south mountain ranges. Some of the dirt roads don't see a single car pass by on the average day.
A good argument could be made that the mismanagement of California has ruined every major city in the west.
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If you aren't from the western US, the emptiness of middle of nowhere Nevada is something to behold. It's an unnerving, post-apocalyptic landscape. No wonder people think they see aliens.
The Reno-Carson City area is actually pretty lush with a lot of forested land around it but if you go any direction from there except west it looks like this.
So is there like anything worthwhile seeing outside of town besides Lake Tahoe?
Nevada has mountains?
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Yeah, Virginia City is kinda cool. If you go further into the sierra there's a lot to do, Bodie, Mono Lake, Yellowstone, not that far away. Pic is pyramid lake. Kind of a cool spot, ruined by the fact it's on an indian reservation.
It's the most mountainous state in the country (yes really, look it up). You don't hear about it because nobody goes there.
>ruined by the fact it's on an indian reservation.
What's wrong with the indians?
Have you ever been to one?
They're usually complete dumps. Including this one, they ruin what would otherwise could have been a great national or state park, run cows on the lakeshore, ruining the beauty of the place. I did swim in it anyway. You can't go to the east side for ancestor spirt reasons. You're also supposed to pay them like $5 to go to the lake but they're so lazy nobodys around to collect it so I never did.
If you like history then Genoa is nearby, oldest town in Nevada, Carson City has a few museums and mints you can go to
Why do I feel homesick for land I've never been to?
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Is an absolutely beautiful place
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Mormon station in particular is a great place to visit
I think you mean Yosemite because Yellowstone is nowhere near.
Here it is during winter, with the snowpacked mountains
Are you white? Your Indo-Aryan genes have a deep, ancient longing for the open steppe on horseback
It must be deep genetics. As sure as I am that any wild animal would easily defeat me, I feel I belong there.
Are Indians aryan?
How are the taxes in Nv? I know there's no income tax but do they get you somewhere else?
Fuck off we're full
Nevada charges an annual fee for every slot machine, roulette wheel, etc. operated in the state. Then, they soak the people who come there with a 15% "room occupancy tax" on their hotel bill.
Sales tax, liquor tax, gasoline tax, are higher than the national average but not excessively so and still lower than commiefornia.
So it works out pretty good for locals. State services aren't great though. Nevada doesn't do a lot to fund things like parks and education. Schools are some of the worst performing in the country and the people who grow up there are dumb AF.
The upside is obviously keeping more of your money and paying less towards muh gibs.
I see, positives and negatives
Legal gambling means your state will always be full of hedonistic low quality human trash with a handful of wealthy people
Spoken like a poor person, simply live in a gated community. The poor do a good job of segregating themselves from their betters.
>bro just pay $1400/mo in HOA fees lol
Yeah, nah. I’ll just not live in a shithole state with legal gambling
With online sports betting, you already do.
My state doesn’t have online sports betting
Like I said, pauper. No money, no honey.
There's endless offshore sites offering sports betting to USA players. My state just got legal sports betting 2 years ago and I've been betting online for almost 2 decades
In person sports gambling is absolutely one of the best things about Nevada. It's pretty rad to just walk into an actual casino and cash a bet you placed months ago on who would win the superbowl. Ask for drink tickets. If you win big they'll give you comps too like free meals hoping you'll stick around.
It was even better before the casinos figured out they could charge you for seats for literally any big sporting event.
Everything west of the rockies has infinitely more SOVL than the entire rest of the USA
Nevada literally means "snowy"
Even Vegas is surrounded by mountains. Everywhere in the western US is near mountains
I'm an avid sports bettor. I legit want to go back to the pre-legalization days where only NV had sportsbooks. It used to be fuckin magical to walk into a big casino sportsbook during the NFL playoffs or world series or march madness or whatever. Now it's saturated with ads every 30 seconds during sports broadcasts.
I'm probably teetering on what would be considered a gambling addict and i agree with you. I even had a profitable year last year sports betting and I get sick of the non-stop ads and segments and "HERE'S MINA KIMES' 5 LEG CANT MISS PARLAY". I like my gambling seedy and these companies are selling normies a pipe dream. Also there's a reason these guys push parlay betting so much!!! I can't stress that enough!

They really need to regulate the ads and access to this shit or every other zoomer is going to become a degenerate problem gambler.

Also, fuck my local casino book. They've become stingy as shit with the free bets and reload bonuses.
I post on the /bet/ general on /sp/ fairly often and those retards are all parlay addicts. One Polish guy gets angry when people tell him not to parlay.

At my local casino whenever I make a bet NFL Sundays before kickoff, every single person in line is making multiple parlay wagers. They take 10 fuckin minutes at the window because they have a ton of 8-leg parlays
Fucking hell... I was at the casino the other day sitting at the bar and this black couple pulled up two chairs to the betting kiosk and pecked away like they were playing slots. They sat there for at least 45 minutes making stupid parlay bets. I'll make maybe 1 parlay for every 25 straight bets I make... and that's usually a hail mary after going damn near busto.

Man, if you're gonna do that, just use the draftkings app on your phone.
I'm probably a huge racist but I've had this exact experience a hundred times at sportsbook kiosks. If I see a black dude using the kiosk I'm getting in line behind a different kiosk with a longer line because I know he'll be making 20 bets with 5 legs each
>Montana = Mount Ana
>Colorado = colored red
>Oregon = ore gone
What other hidden secrets lie in the western states?
the Rockies divide the country in half nearly exa ctly, so that's not saying much
Lol not close. Maybe 1/3 is west of the Rockies
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Wrong, BTFO by AI
California was in a spanish book, supposedly it was the name of an Island that had tons of gold and fertile soil. The Spanish thought Cali was originally an Island so they named it after the book
Why didn't they just saw it off into the ocean once they realized their mistake?
The name most likely derived from the mythical island of California in the fictional story of Queen Calafia, as recorded in a 1510 work The Adventures of Esplandián by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo.[23] Queen Calafia's kingdom was said to be a remote land rich in gold and pearls, inhabited by beautiful Black women who wore gold armor and lived like Amazons.
Huh, neat

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