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Currently working in Aomori, Japan. I didn't even know this Prefecture existed a few months ago but so far I love it.
Where are some places in Northern Japan I should visit while I'm here?
Are there any bilingual English-japanese women around?
what are you doing there? also fuck off you lucky prick.
cool things to do in Aomori prefecture are visiting Aomori and attend the famous Nebuta Matsuri in August, go to Oma and eat the best tuna in Japan, take the ferry to Hokkaido and visit Hakodate, Hirosaki has a cool castle and also a bike lane along apple orchards
Most like DoD contractor sent to Misawa base for work
Ah, I'm jelly. Aomori is the place in Japan I want to go the most.
What’s special about Aomori?
>What’s special about Aomori?
I'm some other guy, but I just know a neighboring area has a mountain with some blind women as shamans 2x a year.

Mt Osore

Other than that, let's hear from OP.
I'm curious about the language barrier in Aomori.
Anyone from Kanazawa or has been there? I'm going there for 6 months in a year and would like to get some infos
first off fuck you you lucky bastard. Second one Kanazawa is my favorite city in Japan, I have so many memories made in my two trips to Japan. It's awesome because you have real historical buildings like Kyoto but more of a small city vibe. Also they are planning to extend the shinkansen line to Osaka in the next future. If you want some cool blogs check this girl called "anniewhere and everywhere", she used to live near Kanazawa and made cool cycling vlogs.
cant imagine cycling all that way. id be scared of getting attacked by bears in the countryside

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