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Tell me about Alaska. Why shouldn't I live in picrel?
I don't even live there and it's an easy one for me
>Frigid cold
>Completely dark half of the year (!!!!!)
>socially isolated
>poor job market
>fucking expensive rent and groceries

don't be a retard
>>Frigid cold

Thats a myth though. Because it's by the Pacific, the temperatures are actually mild and it has rainforests.

Here are some benefits I can think of:
> free food because hunting and fishing
> free money because of state oil royalty payouts
> incredible scenery
> lots of tourists so easy pussy
> no "big city" problems like crime
> killer whales and stuff, canoeing

The darkness is a legit issue but then I would probably just fly south for the winter.
>no "big city" problems like crime

Another graduate on Incel University , lmao no crime in Alaska, free food lmao free pussy, guarantee this tard has never been near Alaska and never been hunting or touched a woman
Stop projecting, fag. And grow up, what are you 13 years old?
Don't be upset, all the stuff you think you know about Alaska is retarded and you learned about it by reading incel threads from other incels who have also never been to Alaska

Lmao no crime in alaska
You must have never travelled in your life if you think remote places have good access to pussy
people tell you it's the cold but the bugs are the true alaska filter
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Being bordered by the Pacific means nothing, Alaska is on the same lattitude as the Northwest Territories: it's fucking cold.
Alaska posseses no rainforests, it has CONIFEROUS/BOREAL forests.
Hunting/fishing is only permitted during open season. Otherwise you can't do either under pain of being arrested for poaching. But considering you sound like a naive cityslicker I doubt you can do either.
The only tourism Alaska receives is for the Iditarod Dogsled Race, which only lasts for a couple of days. Have fun with dry spells that last the rest of the year.
>incredible scenery
Snow, snow and would you have guessed it, more snow!
Staring at mountains gets old after a while.
Not how biome classification works nigger. Theres no fine lines that separate rainforest/forest/arid/desert. Its a spectrum. Alaska does have rainforests though
>>Frigid cold
>>Completely dark half of the year (!!!!!)
>>socially isolated
>>poor job market
>>fucking expensive rent and groceries
Sounds exactly like Russia
Alaska is a first world Russia, yes.
Visit first.
I did, I had a pretty OK time (not incredible, if I'm honest, not in my top 10 travel spots by a long shot) but I left convinced I'd never live there. All those cities and towns (other than maybe Anchorage, didn't go to Anchorage) are way smaller and more boring than you probably think.
I'd never do it unless I was making $250k for some Alaska job which I don't think actually exist.
>free money because of state oil royalty payouts
This is like ~$1300-$1700 per year. People seem to imagine some sort of $60k free gibs, nope.
Wrong, Russia has good cities. In fact Moscow was rated the best big city in the world and Russia has lower rates of overdoses, murder, homelessness, rape and aids than the usa
I always say that when people talk about how beautiful it or Scandinavia or wherever is. How are the mosquitoes? The billions of salmon and trout don't live off salad and pecans.
>In fact Moscow was rated the best big city

By fucking drunk retard standards maybe
Isn't alcohol banned during daytime hours?
>awful weather 80% of the year
>22 hours of sunlight or 22 hours of dark
>horrible drug and violent crime problems
>the worst mosquitos you’ve ever encountered all summer
>roads are a disaster
>expensive AF cost of living
>bunch of paranoid redneck backwoods people who will level a gun at you if they see you near their property
>extremely isolated and awful logistics. Furnace or car broken? Gonna be 3 weeks to get the part to fix it
>fucking nothing to do besides /out/ activities
>S-tier nature
>salmon and halibut and crab everywhere

Lmao this enrages all the NATO stooges they can't stand that America and western Europe is a shithole and Russia is a paradise
>blue eyed blonde big titted women everywhere
It’s impossible to suffer in Russia
Crime in alaska only really happens in certain urban areas with the usual suspects. Why are you so angry? My grandpa owns property there and he’s never had an issue.
Sitka is not cold at all. It reminds me of norway or scotland.
This is a joke right? My family and I fished and hunted there illegally all the time when I was growing up.
There is NOT good pussy up there
>easy pussy
if you like trashy cigarette smoking 45yo women maybe
> worldmark.world

Быcтpo, peшитeльнo cъeбaлcя oтcюдa нaхyй

lool russkie women are gold diggers, they age like milk and they dream about getting out of here. Also Moscow and SPb are brown as fuck
Time and again I've toyed with the idea of working a summer up in Alaska. Always falls through. I'm loath to give up the nice apartment and independent car-free life I have here in a small Colorado mountain town for a dorm bed and whatever goyslop the company feels like feeding you. Also, Colorado gets plenty of sunshine, while Alaska is the dreariest state in America.

$34 gets me from here straight to Denver International Airport for an afternoon flight direct to Istanbul or Tokyo. Where the hell can you go from Anchorage for a decent fare? That's not even considering the cost of getting to the airport in the first place.
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I was stationed in Alaska and it’s def not a myth. It was cold as fuck. It’s beautiful though. Wouldn’t live there
>Alaska isn’t cold
Here’s your (you)
Sitka has a really mild climate, doesnt ever get that cold. You likely were stationed in a different climate zone of alaska.
He was prob at Eielson AFB by Fairbanks
Go back to twitter
cause it's still america and americans are a bunch of stupid faggots. I saw pride flags everywhere even on a remote island in wisconsin
nah, america, western europe, and russia are all major fucking shitholes and I hope they all collapse and burn to the ground`. this west vs russia shit that you kremlin asslickers always try to peddle is such a false dichotomy
Because you'd be an Inuit colonizer.
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I'm in Southeast, I took pic, and it's a rainforest. You've probably heard the term "Soaking Wet" what you may not know is that there are several levels above that. "Marinating Wet" for instance or "Flooding Wet". So if there's a forest up here you are going to get wet.
>Where the hell can you go from Anchorage for a decent fare?
DOn't they have direct flights to Asia and Russia?
The good parts of living there is that it's beautiful almost no matter where you go in the state. Summers are glorious and there's no shortage of outdoor activities.
The bad is that anything that's not salmon or berries are going to be fucking expensive. It's not the cold so much as the dark that will start to bother you in winter and people start getting crazy in February. Domestic violence and spousal murders spike around then.
The state is immense, so YMMV on a lot of things. Winters in the interior can reach levels of cold you would not believe are possible, but are quite mild in the panhandle. In most of the state, you have more to worry about from bears and moose, but Anchorage has become the dumping ground for other states' crime problem and it's always been a place where people on the run go. You mostly have to worry about things getting stolen or your car being broken into rather than JayKwon and Tyrese deciding to bop you. Attitudes to new arrivals in the state range from indifferent to hostile. It's a great place to go if you want to be left alone. There are very few old people, especially around Fairbanks because it's impossible to live there at a certain point if you have certain health conditions. They tend to move to Seattle after a certain age.
I can't speak for the job market since I was stationed at Ft. Wainwright, but would imagine that you're good if you have a background in petroleum, mining, or maybe hospitality
No way there still are direct flights from anywhere in the US to Russia
You are mentally ill. Holy fuck. I hate you.

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