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What are the downsides of living in the Nordic Region?

The Nordic Region consists of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland
they have extremely high rates of infidelity. cucking is built into the culture
Good morning saaar
>What are the downsides of living in the Nordic Region?
It’s cold, dark, expensive, and I think 90% of the food sucks (feel free to disagree). And people tend to be pretty reserved, which can come across as unfriendly, although it’s more complicated than that.

I have a few Scandi/Nord expat friends (Danes, Swedes, a Fennoswede from Åland) who are quite friendly, but of course they don’t live there anymore, so they’re atypical and/or the expat bubble just forced them to be friendlier than their inclination. I enjoyed going back to Sweden with one of them for Midsommar, but I didn’t get the impression I would ever want to live there.
>t. dane currently getting cucked on
the statistics are available for anyone if you don't believe me
Housing is smaller, everything is expensive and you'll be earning 50% (at best) of the salary you would be making in America. Nords are also colder.
This only applies if you're a burger obviously.
>Housing is smaller, everything is expensive and you'll be earning 50% (at best) of the salary you would be making in America.
Smaller and more energy efficient housing decreases costs though, as do lower insurance costs. So that should be taken to account.
The same could be said of Japan, yet this board has speaks highly of the country.
Retarded, Japan is not expensive
Japan has an exotic allure to it and a lot to do. Nordic countries don’t unless you like to drink
It’s cold and cloudy most days, you’re taxed out of the ass on any “luxury” items (as in anything that’s not bread, milk, and butter is expensive), it’s fairly boring outside the capitals with most of the “attractions” being overrated. It’s very safe unless you deliberately choose to go to the refugee ghettos in major cities.
> you save 68$ a month to make 55,000$ a year less
That should be taken into account
Funny you should say that because I've run some numbers and after expenses, I think I would end up with about 5-8% more in salary in the US, while having ~half of the social security nets available here, with my hobbies being far more expensive. I'm content, thanks.
nordcucks llamao
>double the takehome pay but I don't get the privilege to pay for slackers welfare

Brother I've got a kid and another one on the way, the amount of taxes I've paid for during my life wouldn't even be enough to get them both to a good uni in the us lmao
You can get free or cheap college in the United States and of much higher quality stop falling for the retardation you read online
Women love to find random Africans and study with them about the local culture. It’s makes me upset. Why can’t they study with me, an Indian man?
Because you are a white incel scared to leave mommy's basement. Go outside and talk to girls idiot big beautiful world out there
Hard to get to any other places due to how remote it is, and food is, well, European food which means it sucks. Other than that it's pretty cool and one of the few places on the planet with good climate with even summers being tolerable.
Retard, the people working service jobs need healthcare too and shouldn't be forced to lose everything, or die just so that you could feel superior in your shitty ass existence
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>European food which means it sucks
Isn't Healthcare free in Europe?
Depends on the country. In most places there's usually like a few percent deductible for public services, but if you're really low income or unemployed, even that might get covered or you at the very least get a fuckton of time to pay it.
Then why do you have to pay almost 50% taxes to pay for free Healthcare? What am I missing ?
>Almost 50% taxes
Where the fuck are you pulling this number from retard
From the EU government statistics

>shares of taxes and social contributions as a percentage of GDP being recorded in France (48.0 %), Belgium (45.6 %) and Austria (43.6 %)

So why do you have to pay almost 50% taxes to pay for free Healthcare? What am I missing ? Cmon people are saying they want to move to Europe it's important to know
This number doesn’t measure what you think it does. It’s the sum of all taxation, from income tax over inheritance tax to gasoline tax, employer contributions, VAT and whatnot.


Said number is around 33% in the USA. It does not mean 33% of your salary gets taken immediately, in fact, you have to be a top earner in California or something to reach that from income taxes alone.

As for Europe, it’s no single country, but you can expect to have around 1/3 of your salary taken by income tax and social contributions in the “worst” countries, eg €4000 gross in Belgium is around €2600 net.
Lmao, your numbers are even worse the tax burden in France, Sweden and Italy is 50% higher than the usa.

But there's more, 90% of taxes in usa are paid by the top 10%..... in the usa about 50% of wage earners either pay no tax or negative tax. So your janitor in America making 4000 euros gross (euro IT wage) with one kid his take home pay is 4500 yuros
Again, you are so obsessed with taxes that you don't account higher prices for insurance, electricity or other utilities at all.
>Have a minimum wage job and enjoy some goverment benefits like rent assistance due to low income
>Earn enough money to pay rent and bills, buy food and clothes without having to dumpster dive, finance some hobbies, and still have a little bit left over for rainy day savings
>Don't go terminally bankrupt and end up homeless if you break a leg or get appendicitis
>Even get most of the relatively minor healthcare costs as well as lost wages from the recovery time covered if you have decent health insurance

Oh no, not the taxes! Please save me from this hell!
As I replied in the other thread, low income families up to the 50th or so percentile are effectively subsidized in Europe as well.

But it’s not as simple as you make it out to be - the transfers are indirect, through tax breaks for family, paid university or social housing. You don’t get more than your gross salary in your bank account through any direct means.
>you don't account higher prices for insurance, electricity or other utilities at all.

Energy and utilities are triple the price of usa in Europe. Lmao cmon everyone knows that
America's poorest get all that and more without working at all
In America you get cash, child tax credit, earned income tax credit, they are refundable credits they give you cash. Also a family of four can get $10,000 in food stamps and sell them get free food from the food bank, there's also cash for energy and other things, also there was over $1 trillion given away in covid scams to poor people. Stop getting all your info from cnn
high taxes
very hard to get citizenship unless you're in a specialized and in-demand field
shit weather and darkness for most of the year
currently in the process of extreme blackenization, jeetification, durkification all being spurned on as hard as possible by their governments

other than that though it's really nice. sweden was unironically one of the nicest places i've ever visited
It's a weird place. The people are reserved and blatantly anti-social. The only friends you have are the ones you make at the beginning of high school, every other social connection you can make after that is superficial and baseless. The people consume American media in alarming amounts. Outside of a handful of holidays there really is no distinct "Nordic culture" on a day to day basis. People only drink to get drunk, there is no light social drinking. Transportation infrastructure is kinda shit once you leave the major cities. Everything is expensive. Second wave brutal-ism is the new architectural norm. Commie blocks housing is rampant in any city with more than 10k people in it.

I spent 3 months in Bergen and happened to be there for their independence day celebration. The whole city and by extension, the country, was turned into a fucking theme park of Norwegian culture for a day. Girls in those silly dresses, guys in suits, everyone waving Norwegian flags, eating Norwegian food. Basically being very together and unified for a day. Honestly is put American 4th of July to shame in pomp and circumstance. The very next day everything and everyone went back to normal, anti social and beige. The juxtaposition was too sharp.

On the surface everything is perfect but something is unsettling about that region on the world. You see it when you spend more than 2 weeks in one place over there.
Reserved, blatantly anti-social, yet they regularly rank as the happiest countries on Earth. Perhaps Scandis have discovered how to be happy in themselves, they don't need endless chitter-chatter to feel satisfied with life. Or are they merely anti-social toward those who aren't a fellow Nordic ubermensch?

In developing countries, most of your interactions with locals are built on doing business, while in First World countries, most of your interactions as a tourist are purely social, with no purpose beyond enjoyment of human company. The latter dynamic will always be dependent on fickle whims and perceptions of desirability.
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>they regularly rank as the happiest countries on Earth
But they don't, they regularly rank beneath for example med countries in actual meaningful shit like drug overdose rates, suicides rates, ssri prescriptions etc.
Those happiness "studies" are baseless bullshit.
Maybe all the single moms and migrants are quite happy receiving %70 of svens and bjorns income in the form of welfare.
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"Happiness studies" is a BuzzFeed tier term. Sending out a five part questionnaire doesn't produce anything conclusive. I hear what your saying but there is no accurate methodology to describe something as ethereal as happiness. The goal post moves miles depending on who you ask. I get it, when the state meets the lower rungs of Maslow's hierarchy you have more time to figure the rest out. It doesn't always end up that way though.

What gets me upset is that non-nordics, Americans mostly, describe Scandinavia as a promise land of community and social programs. To a degree it exists but it not in the way you think, it's ladened in bureaucracy. The whole damn country of Norway feels like a DMV waiting room, albeit one in an upper middle class and mostly white suburb.

I only ever experienced it as an outsider, if you grew up in it maybe it makes more sense.
Happiness studies don't even try to measure happiness they measure things that communists think should lead to happiness like does a country allow sex change operations for children does a country allow gay men to adopt little boys does a country tax at a 60% rate to provide benefits to people who refuse to work
By your description I'm guessing you're a smelly autist, a nigger, or both, because if those are your main takeaways of the region, you should probably kill yourself.
Those studies are complete bullshit. Practically good goy indexes. And the questions translate differently between cultures, in Denmark they are "happy" because they are happy to make average wage and live in a small home with nothing more. Even in Europe, Southern Europeans are a lot more social, energetic and outwardly happy than Northern Europeans. No way would I ever want to live in a country like Norway or Finland where it's cold, dark, depressing and no one talks to each other. Have enough of that shit living in Canada.
The government policies are communist nonsense that fuck your life and punish hard work

>35% income tax
>illegal to work more than 48 hours in a week
>taxed 60% for any overtime pay
>arrested and fined if you buy or sell items privately without filing taxes (like if you sell a car part cops will come to your house and demand taxes)
>$10 USD per liter of gas
>taxed for owning a truck
>sky high road tax
>speed cameras everywhere

Seriously a 150k job means 50k for you and 100k forthe government. Its a great place to be a NEET but fuck you if you want to work extra hours to feed your family.

Also the autism is a lot to deal with
Americas poorest finance everything through payday loans
Financing for poor retards thru payday loans and pawn shops is brilliant and almost like charity for the low iq cattle who use them. America has its faults but payday loans at 128%APR isn't one of them.
It's blatantly obvious the people posting here are burgers with no idea what they're talking about.
They swallowed the media's materialist Kool-aid about happiness being obtained through owning a Mcmansion, driving a luxury sports car, having a neatly trimmed lawn and a bimbo trophy wife with bolt-ons.
Sorry but the Nordic model has been shown to work and is admired all over the world.
A more modest lifestyle with job security, paid vacations, maternal leave, free education and healthcare is shown to actually lead to happiness.
Celebrating May Day and Misommar and taking a cruise ship on a beer run to the Baltics isn't half bad.
Modest? Bro you guys dont use electricity and wear literal linen clothes like its the 14th century meanwhile the eco mafia destroys everything you enjoys

>sits in his stone cave with hay roof as his children run around barefood, eating plain oats and crackers
>well at least were stopping global warming
>Unironically perpetuating the image of the land of plastic
Are you a retard or a ruskibot?
Bro i know one of the symptoms of autism is lack of self awareness but stop. Think about what youre typing. It is autistic and retarded.

>sorry but studies have shown beautiful girls, big houses, and fast cars make you miserable
>sorry but studies have shown living in poverty makes you happy
>sorry but studies have shown owning nothing makes you happy
>sorry but we are the only country on earth with holidays

Youve illustrated the worst part of living in scandinavia, retarded autistic pseudo intellectuals with no self awareness.
I think on paper the nordic people seem very good but I really don't like them. They are smug but then have rules where you can't be smug because you aren't better than other people. They say they are happy but they cheat and lie. The nordic countries also have horrible food and are destroying their own gene pool with the worst possible immigrants they can find. Really they make no sense.
This post is 100 correct.
>Its a great place to be a NEET but fuck you if you want to work extra hours to feed your family.

Not who you replied to but being a NEET sounds great. I've given up on having a family and would like to live as a NEET hermit in a studio apartment, would this be possible to do as a foreigner? Best Nordic country to do this?

I'm white and I live a minimalist lifestyle so I'd be able to get by on the bare minimum and be on my best behaviour (I stopped drinking and am sober). I'm not one of those "refugees" that goes and rapes everyone. I'm a fucking leaf if you're wondering.
Too bad you get drinking. If you were a worthless drunk you could get your own bedroom in the stadsmissionen, 3 cooked meals a day, all your clothing for free and enough money to drink åbro 7,3 on park benches with your drunk degenerate buddies

>Sweden: where it pays to be a piece of shit

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