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can I go here in 2024 as an american? what would I be in for
You'd probably die.
>can I go here in 2024 as an american?

but more importantly

apart from Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia is pretty shitty
add Sochi if you want to go skiing, but then again why - any big resort in the Alps or Pyrenees will be better in every aspect

there are some cool (National) Parks
like Mariy Chodra, which is really worth a visit... if your are an aspiring Biology / Botany university student / researcher

but overall nothing you can't see anywhere else more safe and accessible
and Russian Fauna is typically pretty underwhelming, because they do jack shit to protect it
Yeah you can go.

You need an indirect route and to bring cash / printouts with you. Sanctions mean none of your stuff will work and everything is awkward.

The border guards could be unusually difficult too. They have been known to demand passwords to examine devices or ask your views on political matters. So only bring burners and prepare canned acceptable answers.
>apart from Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia is pretty shitty
Not this shit again
Yeah this again you asshurt zigger shill.
What did he say that was wrong? It's a shithole outside of the two major cities. They are nice cities, btw, but it's not worth the hassle right now. I'll probably go back to Russia after they lose the war and the economy is in the shitter.
>t. lived there for 3 years in the 2010s
Thinking about moving here long-term.
What's it like to live in Moscow or Saint Petersburg?
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>what would I be in for

Poverty, drug abuse, retardation, hypocrisy and destruction.
And the malice of a disgusting people that worship terrorists, torturers and child killers
deluded they are the 'good guys' in a world where they bomb child hospitals, or rape and murder entire families.

Seriously if you want to buy a cheap russian whore, just go to the places they go for vacation and enjoy your AIDS afterwards.
>And the malice of a disgusting people that worship terrorists, torturers and child killers
deluded they are the 'good guys' in a world where they bomb child hospitals, or rape and murder entire families.
No one actually gives a fuck about the war or Ukraine in general, outside of mentally ill vatniks. That being said I don't know why would you go there right now, there's no easy way to bring in money outside of cash, border guards are massive niggers as mentioned above, shit gets more and more expensive, and atmosphere in general is rather unhealthy. Also, as an American there's always a non-zero probability of you being effectively taken hostage to be exchanged for some failed glownigger.

t. Ivan
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Just how the rest of the world sees you pal. When this gets over nobody's going to care whether you sat in Shitscow and didn't give a fuck about it or not.
The only people that will like your country after seeing what it did are literally the lowest scum.
>Just how the rest of the world sees you pal.
It might look like this from whatever echo chamber you're in, but believe me, outside of it no one gives a shit, I travel a lot, and I know what I'm talking about. People have a much stronger opinion about jews bombing sandniggers than about some slavs killing each other nowadays.
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> the lowest trash that I associate with doesn't care so nuh uh

I told you. Like goes with like
>russian passport is literally ranked next to the venezuelan passport now
>traveling a lot
I take it you haven't been to Europe lately. Every single time a russian comes to a meetup or event, he essentially first has to denounce his own country and apologize for the war it started or else he is completely ostracized by everyone
No one cares about woke eurocucks
>I take it you haven't been to Europe lately.
This may come as a surprise to you, but the world isn't limited to Europe. Westerners I meet abroad seem pretty chill and are more interested in talking about regular shit instead of trying to extract some sort of apology out of me. Like I said, try leaving your echo chamber for once.
Yes you can. You need a visa, which can either be done through travel agency if you want to pay extra to avoid the hassle and needing to travel. But if you live near one of the consulates/embassy still functioning (DC, Houston, NYC) and can figure out the process (not hard) you can save some money. Just follow the instructions or pay for an agency to do it. If you're too stupid to do the former or too poor for the latter, you really shouldn't be leaving Muttmerica anyway (international humiliations).
All jokes aside, ignore the retarded butthurtbelters who magically appear in any Russia-related thread. I would suggest flying into a Moscow airport. Through Istanbul is popular and convenient, but expensive (at least moreso compared to through Estonia). I have entered multiple routes, and Moscow and Petersburg airports are always smooth, zero issues. I have been detained for questioning at less-popular ports of entry for tourists. Nothing severe or ride, always polite to me, just suspicious we could say. You can avoid all of that by entering through Moscow (Turkish Airlines flights go to Vnukovo) and paying the bit extra for the convenience.
Once in Russia, the sanctions do make things a little difficult off the bat. I would convert some money in Turkey or whatever country offers rubles that you transfer through before arriving in Russia. However, don't convert too much, just what you might initially need. If you're American, make sure you own a phone (not carrier locked) so you can get a Russian service plan (cheap) and pop that sim card in your device. You'll need a number to register a debit card account. I chose SberBank based on the recommendations of my Russian friends. Glad I did - it was a simple process, the bank workers spoke great English, and we got everything set up. You can then convert the rest of your dollars at a bank that offers a better conversion rate than SberBank (there is a website with a map of best rates in Moscow). Convert the money, deposit it via ATM at Sber - and boom you have cell service and a debit card. Makes things much easier
Truthfully, check out the r/askarussian subreddit which has a fantastic megathread filled with great info - info I read before my first trip to Russia and it all checks out. The fact that I recommend reddit above anything you'll get here is a sad reflection of how shitty these threads always are given the butthurt belters ruining them.
Just don't be a retard, learn some Russian if you don't know some already. I don't care if you will never be conversationally gifted to talk to the Russian wife of your dreams in her native tongue, basic greetings and pleasantries go a long way anywhere. Also it could help with asking directions should you ever need that. In Moscow and Petersburg, the overwhelming majority of young people speak English brilliantly, others make it work, and plenty of older folks can speak English too. Just be polite, use a translator if need be, and do your best. Despite the memes of Russian faces looking grumpy or whatever, they are some of the nicest, most hospitable people after you get below the surface. Like anywhere, some people will not show you the time of day while others will be fascinated with you. Just be friendly - bars are a great way to meet people. They will want to drink with you, and if you are treated to a shot, get one back for them. Have fun. Be mindful that you should go there to enjoy more than the conversion rate and women. Show an interest in the people, their country, their history. I don't say these things to you specifically because I don't know you but in general this is good advice for Americans who seem to make fools of themselves abroad. Be a citizen diplomat. Not many Americans are traveling there at this time. Make a good impression for all of us. Have fun
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Also don't forget to stay faar away from any recruitment facilities, or include bribe money
so that you don't end up in a drone video in that one other board

russia is enormous and mostly rural. i don't see much reason to go there tbqh, the major cities are incredibly far apart with very little of note inbetween
i wouldnt they may turn in you into a frontline mine sniffer and drone target
Cold, bleak, nasty, brutal winter, for the rest of 2024
>What did he say that was wrong?
Those cities are also pretty shitty
this gif is incredibly refreshing, every cgi effect is like the healing noise in dark souls
You might actually be tailed. Stay far away from anything like military bases or oil refineries. Apart from that consideration, it would just be daily life, maybe some luxuries missing due to sanctions.

After you go back to the states, make sure not to post anything even remotely spicy for the rest of your life. The Feds will have you on a list.
just take cash and convert it in Russia
Moscow and Saint Petersburg are incredibly apart with nothing between??
distances are much larger in Australia and people go there
tailed by whom? no one will care about a random tourist
do you have a tendency to stumble on military bases (which take like <0.1% of country's area) while traveling?
>What's it like to live in Moscow or Saint Petersburg?
the same as in every other globohomo western capital city, except more aids
I got banned for racism here for stating that brown girls like white men
this is almost as bad as reddit
>the same as in every other globohomo western capital city
Except much safer with less niggers and homeless junkies in the street.
>Except much safer with less niggers and homeless junkies in the street.
way more alcoholism though
Are you stupid? Why do you want to risk being taken hostage?
Well yeah that’s what I was saying. But you don’t want to have to carry cash around and haggle with paying exact amounts. You’ll want some rubles for when you arrive there but largely convert it there to get the best rate and then deposit the money so you can use your debit card
Buryatia, Kamatchka, Baikal, Altai, Yakutsk
>major cities are incredibly far apart with very little of note inbetween
Kek, these threads always attract 80 IQ mongs.
Good morning Rajeev
Amerimutts stay home. everyone in Russia hates your kind
rent free!
It truly is amazing how democrats told everyone to hate Russia and all the retards parrot Le Russia is Le Bad
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I think it's even more amazing that MIGAtards actually believe russia is an ally of the US
It's amazing that you think anyone thinks Russia is an ally. Schizo nigger tier retarded
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I'm literally Russian lol
This more than anything else irks me. The hamfisted propaganda is worse than Stalinist era Soviet propaganda. I already didn't care but now that I'm expected to be a political cheerleader for this ghost of Ukraine type bullshit I hope you lose.
I mean I literally saw the same bullshit in like a week when CNN and Fox started going in on China at once, years ago. Like they got a central directive. Nobody thought about China outside of eat dog jokes and cheap labor before that.
It truly is amazing how Cucker Tarlson told everyone to love Russia and all the retards parrot Le Russia is Le Good
Yep, i never would have cared, but the ghost of kiev stuff X 1000 makes me support Russia 100%
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i never would have cared, but the turdie brownoid botting X 1000 makes me support Ukraine 100%
That's what Ukraine looks like now since the united states government killed off all the Ukrainian men. Might go buy some cheap property in Kiev and rent it to indians
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Ukraine is filled with racist nazis, rajeesh. Wouldn't you rather be among your own people?
800,000 Ukrainian men moved from apartments where they had to pay rent to gravesites with free rent thanks to the united states government. Thank you! I figure you can put 10 indians in each apartment. That's 8 million indians moving to Ukraine. Time to take a trip to Ukraine to buy cheap apartments and get rich thanks to the US government!

No one cares about your propaganda, Yukey Jew.
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oy vey get a load of this nazi
He's asking for travel advice, not your deranged pro-Ukrainian propaganda. Real life is not a Marvel film.
Why not do us all a favour and fuck off back to "that other board," and wank over your gore videos quietly.
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>asking for travel advice
sure, here you go
The US government also says take 10 covid shots, castrate your children, men in dresses can get pregnant. Russia is far safer than America for travel
You provided government propaganda because you are a brainwashed retard lmao look at you moron you repeated 6 talking points like a good little bootlicker
>what would i be in for
espionage (alleged)
being used as a political prisoner
You'd be gang-stalked by the US govt. upon returning. That is what happened to me when I visited Russia back in 2016, but I also was in the military and held a TS/SCI clearance.
Why do Russians want mutts in your country? You are the joke to the world
Russians want americans to visit because they are smart and know the $ is king. Same reason every country in the world wants americans to visit
>$ is king
Not anymore though
im not american but i went there this year, 0 issues
Super cheap compared to europe, i stayed in one of the richer areas of moscow for the price of some cheap shit hotel in europe
The metro of moscow is insane desu, it was 50 rubles or something for a ticket to any station while the metro can take you to almost any part of the city.
The commie city planning makes some parts of the city shit though, but its still clean at least
Funny that i never saw empty shelves or starving russians in the street like i was told the whole country is like, most western products are still there in full force
Didnt have time for other cities though just moscow and some surrounding places
Would do it again somewhere else in the country but i imagine as a yuropoor or mutt the visa process is cancer and you'll probably get questioned at the airport.
Had family call me often because they thought i would get sent to a gulag or forcibly conscripted. MSM is one hell of a drug
russia is a lolcow poverty country lmao
as opposed to what? the rubble? not even Modi wants your stinky currency, ivan
What is russia like when you leave the richer areas of moscow and st. pidorsburg? hmmm....
you think i stayed in the richer area the entire stay? i went around most of moscow that had anything worth seeing (non residential only areas)
>i went around most of moscow that had anything worth seeing
you mean the rich tourist areas in the first/second ring? what happens when you go beyond that? hmmm....
residential buildings? idk what point you're trying to make
Shall i go outside the city center of paris, london or berlin and see whats there?
>residential buildings
commie blocks (you should see the interior of some of these buildings that 'working-class' muscovites live in) and drunk bums wasted on the street. you're trying to conflate the richest tourist area in moscow to the entire country, when 99% of russia is closer to africa in terms of development
have you been? russians renovate their apartments inside to be modern but cant renovate the outside because that requires the consent of every person in the building since each apartment is completely owned by each person
rural areas are probably shit not that i would bother going there
However saying all this i can get the africa experience in europe or america as well
How about i go to the non tourist areas of paris hmm.... even though the tourist area is full of brown people anyway
or the non tourist areas of london hmm.... or berlin, or brussels
because i've been to all and if you stray from the path it turns to africa instantly, both by looks and population
Russia is a shithole but that doesnt mean the whole country is , likewise a lot of the UK is a complete dump yet there are still nice places
i will just go to the nice areas simple as
cheaper, safer and less brown than alternatives in other countries
Lmao, these NATO diversity hires are outraged that the average Russian is now rich and lives in a clean and safe city unlike the average American or English or German tax slave living in multikulti hell


>The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has ranked Russia as the world’s fourth-largest economy based on purchasing power parity (PPP).

>PPP compares economic productivity and standards of living between countries by adjusting for differences in the cost of goods and services.

>In its World Economic Outlook published on Tuesday, the IMF said Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2024 amounts to 3.55% of global GDP in terms of PPP, outperforming Japan, which has 3.38%.

>According to the report, Russia ranks fourth in terms of PPP after China (18.8%), the US (15%), and India (7.9%).
>russia today
Not even /trv/ is safe from the paid russian shills. They are truly desperate.
I have been wondering this too. I wanted to go to st. petersburg and baikal. Actually I wanted to drive across all of russia with a friend of mine but that's all out the fucking window at this point.
It's not russian media.
>imagine keeping this on your computer
>Using PPP without considering the gorillion variables it has built in
We have reached levels of desperation that shouldn't be possible
Yep, $2 Trillion looted from US taxpayers by Russian hating Jews and some of it even shows up on incel travel blogs, amazing

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