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what is your favorite us state and city/general area?
for me, gotta be california and san fran. it's the most pleasing city i have found so far. my top 5:
>1. san francisco california
>2. finger lakes new york
>3. flagstaff prescott arizona
>4. greater miami florida
>5. seattle washington
when you add everything up, is there any place more aesthetic than these in america? since every city is a shithole these clearly seem to be the least shit. like what city would you want to represent america even though america is dogshit? what are the gems. you must look at it objectively, compared with the rest of the country i believe these 5 mog the rest by far
I’m from the heartland originally and fell in love with the west. Favorite state is Colorado. Favorite cities are
>Boulder, CO
>Santa Fe, NM
>Reno/Tahoe NV
>Seattle, WA
>Bend, OR
Oh boy, another self hating American post!
santa fe is a really unique city no one mentions it. new mexico is the most unheard of state. what goes on there it does seem nice in santa fe
not my fault or problem that america fell off as did britain and canada but not as bad as america.
Best thing to do is get rich in America by working 5 or 10 years then leave for a safer country where you will get treated better if you are white. If you are colored, San Francisco would be a good choice, lots of gibs and you can shoplift $950 per store per day have fun going around calling white people racist and getting them fired
yea but i havent decided which country i'd leave to, it's a long arduous process and learning the language . probably just pay some lawyer to do it
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Santa Fe is unique compared to other American cities. It’s 400 years old and has a ton of Spanish influence. Most American cities, especially in the western half of the country, are maybe 150 years old and very modern/unremarkable. Santa Fe is one of my favorite places to visit.

NM in general is a dusty shithole. Albuquerque is a dump. Las Cruces is a dump. Those are the only two real cities outside of Santa Fe. The rest of the state is small towns of 40k max. There’s some cool nature in NM like the Gila forest, white sands, Carlsbad caverns, tent rocks, and basically all of northern NM. Lots of hot springs in the northern half of the state.

If you get a chance to visit in October, the international balloon fiesta in Albuquerque is worth a trip.
Huge art scene
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Washington or Oregon probably
san francisco in the 90's was peak. Nowadays its a dumpster like New York City
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>fake bitches on the west coast being nice (not even posting the original map)
Been to LA recently, must be fun to be rich there. as a wagie, not that much.
Been to Miami Beach a few times, again, more fun to be rich there, but even on vacay a great place.
New Orleans is probably my favorite place in the US I have been. I was also very positively surprised by Nashville.
I visited san fransisco last weekend. the sightseeing is pleasant, and all the unique townhouses are cool. but there is alot of traffic there, and the downtown area is dead. Hardly any stores open, workers on strike pounding metal drums and screaming through megaphones, and yeah, the fent junkies.

i would say denver colorado is one of the best all around places here in the US. city is relatively clean, and the national parks throughout colorado are incredible.

as anyone spent time in/around san diego?
Everyone in the Pacific norwest is nice and chill besides maybe tacoma
Seattle Freeze? I'm in the Canadian PNW and chill is the last word I'd use to describe the people here. Extremely cold underneath a pretend nice and anal retentive.
In no particular order: blackhills of SD, San Diego & Monterey/Big Sur, CA, Santa Fe & Taos NM, the Emerald Coast (redneck riviera), Flagstaff, AZ, hill country including the Blue Hole of TX, some of Arkansas, Charleston and Beaufort, SC and Savanah, GA. 50% of New Orleans, irrespective of geography. San Fran in the 90s was heaven on earth now a shithole.
nyc any day of the week
I'm looking at doing a trip with my dad (Australians)
We're thinking, road trip from dallas to Los vegas or

Newyork down the east coast, not sure how far south
San Diego was wonderful, but expensive

This tells me that you've never been to the PNW without telling me that you've never been to the PNW. Every other person you run into is suffering from depression or some kind of mental illness, and it manifests into a slew of antisocial behaviors that are common in the PNW. People present a Midwest Nice on the exterior, but underneath is a cold detachment and repressed anger.
Aussie here, did a road trip down the 395 last month and it was amazing, well worth it

Also fuck Vegas, most expensive place I've ever stayed, $50 for 2 slices of shit pizza
i do quite like the west coast on paper but i am scared that it might be a shithole when you actually get there, like san fran. cannot decide where to go but it does look comfy in arizona and california and whatnot.

is it really that good? should i move to new york state
Best places to live in New England for a year or two?

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