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Confused where to spend the next 2 months and after. Want to avoid the awful upcoming winters. Budget is 1000 usd per month. I can get visa free entry into thailand for 60 days but bali seems more chill. Want good inexpensive food too and a good digital nomad scene. Which one would you recommend? If thailand which of the beach islands? Recommend from experience only please.
100% Thailand. Bali isn't really more chill unless you go to some more secluded part 2hrs away from the airport, it is very built up and the traffic is crazy. Compared to a place like Koh Phangan it is downright hectic.

Thailand will give you options, spend a couple weeks checking out a few different spots before settling. Will you by comfortable driving yourself around on a motorbike? If so, I would spend it between Koh Samui and Koh Phangan (a short ferry ride from one another) personally. Phangan if you don't need much entertainment outside the occasional hectic party and enjoy a slower pace of life.
Thanks! Which one has the better digital nomad scene? Looking for some good company to learn from rather than just partying and hedonism.
>1000 usd a month
If you're that much of a poorfag consider stacking cash with seasonal work instead of hiding away during winter
You won't learn anything from dn dorkers in Thailand. Most of them are larping and are just trust fund faggots and crypto nerds who got lucky.

9/10 dn dorkers cannot and will not produce a business card much less a linkdin/github. They are all larpers and scoundrels.
and the ones in bali?
by the way wont be able to drive by myself. recovering from an injury.
Dont mind >>2727142 he's a brand of retard who shits up SEA threads. In Bali you're more likely to run into families. Since you say you can't drive a bike I'd go with Koh Samui. Koh Phangan is my preference but it's a pain in the ass if you can't jet around on bikes. Very limited and overpriced transport options otherwise. Watch some youtube videos of people in Samui, Bali, Phuket etc see which jives better with you. I would also check out Da Nang Vietnam, it's not exactly a beach island (though there is a beach), but it's full of digital nomads and is significantly cheaper than Bali or Thailand.
1k per month is far from poorfag in thailand. For 500 a month i rented a sick crib and ate everything I wanted, traveled around and boozed up some girls
Ok schizo
>1k per month is far from poorfag in thailand. For 500 a month i rented a sick crib and ate everything I wanted, traveled around and boozed up some girls

Lol. Ok sure. Maybe 20 years ago.
1k a month is Indian tourist tier experience.
where and what did you rent? Any guidance on how to find these places please?
What's Indian tourist tier experience like?
This board is infested with LARPing shitposters; you can't expect them to give any informative answers. Hitting the bars every night will run you around $10/day.
$1000/month puts you more in line with the Thai standard of living, apart from having A/C (Thais don't). If you rent the cheap rooms, you will still be able to afford outings and excursions.
Been looking on booking.com for the past 2 hours for a decent hostel or apartment. The sheer amount of optioons is insane. How the fuck do you choose one without falling for a kidney harvesting operation?
>good company to learn from
successful tech workers aren't gonna tech some faggot about computers on their vacations unless they're being paid and even then.

most DNs know better than to admit they are working remotely too because people come crawling out of the woodwork trying to get help from them
>Hitting the bars every night will run you around $10/day.
Cheap room = behind the kitchen with no windows.
Lots of us here are in that predicament it's literally impossible to know how to book a hotel room they should teach that at Uni. I'm so intimidated by these world travelers who know how to book hotel rooms but refuse to share that info
>Which one has the better digital nomad scene?
Kill yourself.
Lmao, white incels hate the idea of self improvement and actually travelling to live your best life

Indonesian locals tend to be more aggressive in soliciting business than those in Thailand.

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