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I've fucked up and convice a guy to walk 60km with me, would you have some advice ?
have podcasts and a bunch of conversation topics prepared. 12 hours of walking is not that much. You can do that in a weekend if you want to.

I've never been to France, but I've done a lot of walking. Maybe you have some questions about walking?
That area is flat as fuck and basically just fields there shouldn't be any problem literally just walk
Just gonna be boring as fuck
In one go? with a small backpack or something heavier?
General hiking stuff: comfy boots (not new), good socks (not fresh), loose clothes, backpack that does not rub on shoulders or back, water and light rations (electrolytes, magnesium, cramps).
How did you accidentally come to this arrangement?
not gonna happen in one day
if you were a runner you could run/walk it, but then you would've be asking
no way your fat ass will walk for 13 hours without stopping
A backpack with hip support is very, very advised.

Check the weather for rain. I recommend ponchos of the plastic emergency-kind, not rain jackets; they just about always get soaked. If it's gonna be dry, don't bother adding extra weight though.
Three, four pairs of socks. Bandaids. If you have Compeeds, apply them on spots that you know are sus. They are not effective then the blister is already blistering.
Water: bring at least one litre. You're hiking past towns? Pick up fresh stock. Maybe include drinks with electrolytes or electrolyte tablets.
Energy: I'd advice good breakfast and/or lunch with plenty of proteine. Eggs, sausages, bacon. Energy bars with high caloric content. Maybe wear underwear that's not going to chafe your inner legs to shit (I'm prone to that).
Clothes: comfortable synthetics or the meringo wool meme. You're gonna sweat the shit into cotton and it's gonna feel heavier to wear. Plus, synthetics dry faster. Pack extra if you have them. Not a bad thing to change into a fresher outfit along the way.
Keep pauses to a minimum time, but do have them. Air your feet every three to four hours and change socks after a while.
Start early, like 7, 6 or even 5 AM.
t, moderate amateur hiker, but also did a 50km hike in a forest trail with hills. My tips include some learned lessons that I would do on a next take.
^Also, expect to add 4 or 5 hours extra to the trip. Those estimates don't take into account pauses and other reasons like variety in pacing.
Based actually helpful poster
I don't recommend doing it in one day unless you're a really hardened hiker and pack light. 30km on road or good track is doable with even a heavy-ish pack. I've gone wayfaring on occasion, and after 30km things get really uncomfortable, after 40km you'll probably be completely worn out.
My cheat trick for not getting blisters on my feet when I suddenly have to walk long distances without training is to dust the soles of my feet with talc powder, rub between the toes with vaseline, put on a pair of thin slippery socks, and then a second pair of thicker/ rougher socks on top. This way your feet stay dry, your toes don't rub each other, and the double layer of socks absorb a ton of the friction inside the shoe by rubbing against each other, instead of against your skin.

You can probably do that walk in two days. Also go hike the river, don't walk on a fucking asphalt road with traffic you doublenigger.
that's a 3 day hike
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>Also go hike the river
Basically this OP.

I am questioning this route regardless. Its better to go from Blois to Tours. Its a much nicer route. Yes Orleans is fantastic. But it's about the hike or not the destination. Or you might as well take public transport. Or go from Orleans to Sully sur-Loire. Anyhow it's your trip. Don't you fucking skip Chateau Chambord. It's near Blois.

I would do it over the weekend or in two/three days. Depending on your plan ofcourse. And i would probably train for the trip. I would probably do about five 10/15 km walks leading up to the big one. One per week. It's quite hilly where I live That's usually enough. Adjust the distance depending on where you're from. If you are a total novice then i question your life's decisions but you should definitely train a lot more.
I want an update from OP. Did you do it? Is it still on the table? Or have you made ''concessions''.
I think it is ambitious of you to plan to do 60 km in a day unless you are used to these kind of distances. A more reasonable plan would be to do it in three days or two.
Seconding the double socks to avoid blisters. I always used to get blisters on my hikes and trekks, but since I go with a thin sock then wool it's all good.

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