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I love this shit.
I bring tupperware to all catered events, even ones work provides.
Why? To take stuff home?
Last time there was free food at my job, they let us eat as much as we wanted while we were there, but they wouldn't let us take any away for some reason.
Yeah, to take stuff home. Some of these catered events have freshly carved roast beef, brisket, whole chicken, amazing sides, grilled salmon, and tons of veggies.
I will always bring containers to take extra shit home so I can have great meals for free for the next few days.
>having to stand up and serve yourself
poor people shit. get your food brought to you
>pay absurd amounts of money for the same quality food, only difference is that someone brings it
nah fuck that
poorfag, get your food made in front of you
buffets, a great way to get e-coli.
>fried dough
The fuck are these things? I see them a lot in Las Vegas but I never had them, is it just like fried dough but without no flavor?
Chinese slop because many Chinese gamblers.

Personally, I like the fried dough but only when wrapped in wide sheets of rice noodle with a sweet onions sauce drizzle served as a dim sum item.

Congee is literally slop made of watered down rice, there are 2 versions flavored or unflavored, both terrible
As a Cheap Charlie, I'm not gonna paypig to stay in a hotel with a "free" breakfast. You can always go to a bakery or a restaurant and find something much better than the hotel slop.
Lmao, some piker bragging that he eats 1000 calories of bread and seed oil to save $3
>eating food in 2015+9
how destitute are you bro
Fried dough is like unsugared donuts, and congee is breakfast slop made from rice, as oatmeal is breakfast slop made from oats. Congee is meant to take salty/savory toppings, though, while oatmeal sweet
>He doesn’t want to get as much as he wants
>Later peasants, I will have food made in front of me while you have to do it yourself
It's good in 4-5 star hotels. Anything lower than that tends to have the fake scrambled eggs made from instant """egg""" powder and barely any choice of anything else.

I've had really good experiences with buffet breakfasts in China and Singapore. Japan has a lot of choice but it wasn't very tasty. Europe is hit and miss, but some of them are really good with fresh local ingredients. US is typically not great at best.
Every hotel I've stayed in started getting rid of free continental breakfasts during covid and never brought them back post-covid.
Conveniently, they'll happily sell you the same slop in their brand new breakfast bars though.
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>"Free Breakfast!"
>its just a coupon to the bakery/cafe next door that's always packed every morning
I have never bothered to have the free breakfast at any hotel. It always seems very cheap stuff. I often also leave early.
I too love a hotel breakfast, if it’s included and it’s good. I can enjoy a shitty hotel breakfast, too, but the buffets in 5-star hotels in Asia have never let me down, even when they get very strange. I would love to know which chain hotel dining manager invented breakfast nigiri/sushi; it’s nothing like a Japanese person would eat for breakfast, but Japanese business travelers take hotels up on it nevertheless.

After boring Asian business hotels, my favorites are almost certainly Turkish hotels, starting at pretty modest price points—weird combinations of olives and pastry and cheese.
>stay in cheap hostel
>eat at luxury hotel
Same. Its simple and common items but not like anywhere else.

I lamd in Antalya in about 24 hours, resting for a few weeks in a tiny eastern town before venturing through Central Asia to Afghanistan (again).
Did anyone see you taking that picture, because, well, you know.
Michelin slop.
These are great on road trips.
Eat breakfast, then load up more shit to take to the car the lasts all day and don’t even have to buy any food the rest of the day.
>was in hotel in Vienna
>thought breakfast was included
>start taking some eggs
>employee walks up and confronts me in front of everyone saying that it wasn't included in my room

Could've just fucking took me aside or something instead of calling me out in public. I'm good for 12 euros, Olaf. Fuck Germans and fuck Austrians.
Personally, I'm not a fan unless it's obligatory travel (business / family).
I've traveled solo once last year. First time so I was worried about managing money properly and starving, so I booked a hotel that did free breakfast so worst cast I have a guaranteed meal each day. It was nice one day, after that I wished I didn't do it so I could just find breakfast while exploring in the mornings.
Miniscule pretentious slop
What's the draw of Central Asia with winter approaching?

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