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So I got a chance to study in gottingen for few months.
Any advice about Germany in general or gottingen?
Never studied abroad before.
Göttingen is very beautiful university city, it’s also in the middle in Thüringen. There should be less refugees there, so you probably get a very good feeling of true Germany
I went back in 2021 and lived in Germany for 4 years(3 in the army). This map is a pretty good start. I liked Gottingen, you could start with day trips to Goslar and Marburg.
Meant this map and was gonna ask if that was you posting in that screenshot
I have a (German) friend who studied at the University of Göttingen.

I visited him for about a week. It was a good time. As another anon said, the town itself is quite pretty (and lively, what with all the students). People were friendly, if pretentious. We went to a few parties, and younger Germans would act like I was an official representative of the U.S. government. Had to answer all kinds of retarded questions about American politics and social affairs.

Anyway, I'd go if I were you. If you're not paying, why would you even second-guess the chance to go live abroad for a few months? It's not Somalia--you don't have any safety concerns to speak of.
Yeah its me.
How important knowing German language?
I'm at A2 now, but my study would be in English exclusively.
>If you're not paying
Yeah, I'm not paying for that.
But I will be paying for my accommodation and food.
>live abroad for a few months
Pretty much my thoughts.
I'm just overthinking stuff, regarding where to stay and what to eat.
I spent few months in japan before and it was a headache getting a place to live.
Food on the other hand was very easy to get from convince stores.
>questions about American politics and social affairs.
That happens because the only view of "the american style of life" is presented by Hollywood or ragtag journalists that blow things out of proportions.
So euros have no idea what life actually is like in the US for a person that actually lives there. Seriously the picture you get from Hollywood and Media is the US is either NYC Hipster atheist sipping a onions latte and riding a fixie bike or a gun swinging red neck bible thumper holding a bottle of jack and driving a large ass SUV.
> How important knowing German language?
>I'm at A2 now, but my study would be in English exclusively.

Mate you visit and stay in a foreign country what do you think, how important is it to speak the language of the people there?
German normies will not be able to communicate with you.
All your fellow university peers will be able to speak English with you.
If your German sucks I will talk English to you so you don’t abuse my beautiful language.
You will be fine
>Mate you visit and stay in a foreign country what do you think, how important is it to speak the language of the people there?
Well, I mean do many people talk English?
English is a second language, original is french
I understand it’s similar to France, lots of people do only speak their native language or aren’t willing to speak their little English with you especially boomers. But you will be able to talk English and people will understand what you mean
French here, if some random tourist comes at me speaking english, i'll answer in french.
BUT if a tourist comes to me trying to speak french, i'll say hol' up, stop fucking my language, and i'll switch to english.
That's what we do, it's our form of respect.
Göttingen is in Lower Saxony you retard.
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Might ask here as well.
What's the place to go to get used goods in germany?
Like is there something like ebay for germany?
In canada we go for facebook market place.
I was thinking of getting some cheap consoles since I hear it's a bit cheaper in EU.
French are known for being rude to white people a cover for their inferiority complex for suffering 200 years of humiliation. Now Paris isnt Paris anymore but at least if you go there the Africans will happily ask for your wallet in English
What's good bank to a card from while in germany?
It’s 2024 French people drive low skill reckless, are weirdly obsessed about their language, beautiful food/wine and I do admire them for theirs will to protest.
I like my french neighbors, better than every refugee
Are they typical sites.
Post more pics of German women eating ice cream pls
>Seriously the picture you get from Hollywood and Media is the US is either NYC Hipster atheist sipping a onions latte and riding a fixie bike or a gun swinging red neck bible thumper holding a bottle of jack and driving a large ass SUV.
Oh, I know.

I still remember standing in the middle of a big semi-circle, surrounded by Germans who kept asking questions along the lines of:
>so wass do you sink of zee gay rights?
>vy do you hafst so many of zee guns?
>so ja, vy America is so racist?

The funny bit is that they all seemed disappointed that I wasn't an actual gun-toting, Jesus-loving, and queer-hating cowboy.
Just ask yourself only one question OP: do you like wiener?
Get Jaeger schnitzel the first German restaurant you go to
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>Jaeger schnitzel
surprisingly not disappointed.
So enjoy the wiener and the spa with big germans dudes!
Leftist idiots everywhere.
Well it's a thread about German university city.
Do Germans stay at the uni during New-year's eve or do they return home? We plan to go drinking in Germany, maybe. Would be sad if the city is dead.
University cities are pretty much ghost town over christmas, same is true for any kind of bar/party location beside NYE.
Red crosses mean no? or what?
berlin worth a solo trip in dec? never been to germany before
Yes, although Munich might be better. How much time do you have? Are you into museums or history?
Knowing German isn't important in and of itself but knowing everything is important. Look at it this way, knowing everything possible is important, you never know when some tidbit of information might help when in a pinch and you never know when that might be.
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I'm into Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer, there's no goosestepping there.
>University cities
Does this mean everyone is getting sex?
Berlin is the last place you should go to if you are visiting our beautiful country

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