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I have never been to north africa but judging from aerial views on Google Earth, pretty much all cities in US could be mogged by cities in Canada in their city sizes except for New York and Chicago.

Am I correct?
You're right, Canadian cities are actually secretly the largest and most advanced metropolises on the planet.
who cares if every major and minor city in Canada is just going to be India 2.0.
Vancouver is a hellhole stop pretending Ranjeet. I'm happy that I will be finished with the stupid degree shit so I can leave soon. Every time I leave the house I'm surrounded by junkies, trannies, pajeets and weirdos that masturbate in public. Even all the chinks GTFO from this shithole.
There was legitimately more celebration of Diwali, the jeet holiday this year, than Halloween. This country is done.
where can we go?
You can go to hell if you aren't willing to stand up for yourselves and massacre the invaders and the scum letting them in the gates.
Lmao you do. And yet all you do is cry cry cry and never fix it. Here you are on a travel forum crying, not even traveling. Weird!
Sounds like you don't care for western values of tolerance and diversity, kek
The absurdity I can't get over is how many goybux you are expected to pay for the privilege of living in these "First World" decaying dumps. Meanwhile, the Third World continues to improve and grow more prosperous.
I live in Quebec and the locals are absolute scum
Fuck the french
The locals in Québec are Québécois/Canadians, not French
The French are the locals of France
Although I'll grant you lots of frogs live in Montréal

But point being you don't consider American wasps to be English anymore so why do you consider Québécois to be French, they're their own thing at this point and they will tell you as much
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You're free to move anywhere else on this continent, parasite
LOL they aren't French. It's a fucking LARP. It's like a burger going off about 'Muh German/Irish heritage'. Actual French people want nothing to do with quebec clown culture.
Absolutely disgusting and entitled "people". Their "French" is fucking hilarious and I have to hold back from laughing every time they speak.
Have you ever met a proud, nationalistic puerto rican? It's the same shit with québécois. What are they so proud of? It's a cringe bastardization of a real culture they try to piggyback off of. It's extremely cringe and embarrassing
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Malding angloid faggot with zero redeeming qualities. Nobody thinks about you, aboot eh cunt.
You are dead wrong.
American cities look like shitholes compared to Canadian ones because Marrican cities focus on sprawl so their downtown core looks (and is) absolutely pathetic in comparison to Canadian cities. Canada actually had a functioning (but still terrible) transit system.
With that said both countries are still shitholes and you shouldn't visit either one.
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>t. pea soup nigger
you need to let it go. you will never be French
When was the last time you were in Toronto? It's practically New Orleans tier at this point
>>t. pea soup nigger
Lel. If I'm a nigger, you're an insect.
You've never been to the city, and whatever flyover town you live in has left you bitter
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That baguette looks like SHIT
Reminds me that Vancouverites as a whole are low iq and pretentious too. Holy shit.
You must love indians since you import them by the millions
its an ai generated image, goof
Will québécois try to lynch me if I speak to them in English? I gotta travel to Montréal soon and a quick street view check tells me everything is in fucking frog out there.
The baguette still looks like shit
Who cares? They suck
french signs are by law
if you stick to anglo friendly areas like downtown or mile end it will be fine
even elsewhere you just need to ask parle anglais? and it will usually work in montreal
the real french areas of Quebec are elsewhere
Yes we will, learn the language or don't come
How similar are the other anglosphere countries compared to America. As an American, are any of the other anglosphere countries even worth visiting.
>canada = America but cold?
>britain = America but old?
>australia = America but bold?
>new zealand = America but whatever?
If it's just the same, then why bother? America is the best.
Canada is a disgusting shithole, nothing like the USA. Some third world country larping as a first world country. The UK is the only one with anything worth seeing but it's in severe decay.

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