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>There are still countries, in this world, that have to throw their used toilet paper in a trash can instead of just flushing it down the toilet
why are they like this? Why don't they just build a proper toilet that can handle a flimsy sheet of paper?
Because some countries are still in the Feudal Age.
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id rather have to throw my toilet paper in a small trash can, and have pretty much guaranteed access to a bidet, than smear my own shit around my ass with dry toilet paper until there's no more shit on the toilet paper when i toss it in the toilet.

its absolutely fucking disgusting to think that every single person you see on the street in america is smearing shit around their asshole instead of blasting it with water first. ever woman you see on the street probably smeared shit around her butthole earlier that day and now residual shit particle is being liquefied by her sweat in her ass crack, and being absorbed by the material of whatever panties shes wearing. same with men.

the whole reality is absolutely fucking disgusting. that fact alone makes america a 3rd world country all by itself. the rest of the world understands that you need to thorough hose off your butthole after you take a shit. not america, probably because someone thought it was "gay" to hose down your asshole. nah, lets just waste toilet paper smearing hot shit around our buttholes until it doesn't show up on the toilet paper
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I always still flush the TP and it works everytime
no, turdies, I will not partake in your stinky poop paper garbage can. civilize yourselves and install proper plumbing next time
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ok chang
Most social problems only manifest themselves when the number of lawbreakers surpasses a threshold. As long as 99% of people follow the rules, everything's gonna be okay. If only a few stubborn gringos flush their T.P., the sewage system can handle it. If only a few people throw their McDonalds trash out the car window, the roadsides aren't gonna look too bad. If only the occasional person shoplifts, stores won't have to do anything about it.
They tried to get me to do this in Peru and I just flushed the toilet paper every time. I don’t give a fuck, I’m not putting shitty TP in a basket
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>ever woman you see on the street probably smeared shit around her butthole earlier that day and now residual shit particle is being liquefied by her sweat in her ass crack, and being absorbed by the material of whatever panties shes wearing.
>install proper plumbing
They don't even have to go that far, they just need to get macerating toilets. Probably far cheaper than redoing an entire building's plumbing.

It's that easy, yet they think it's better to just socially condition an entire "civilization" to not flush toilet paper.
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Trick question, the correct answer is
C. My mouth

that is where cutie Latina women should put their toilet paper
Kek better than a dry smeary shitty butthole I’ll tell ya what
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>bloody benchod use water saar #1 hygiene superpooper
>muh white man's burden
the R in BRICS stands for Russia and Russia is a white country
I had a Chinese friend growing up and their family did this and got mad at me for flushing down the toilet kek.
Step 1: Use a bidet
Step 2: Use a bit of toilet paper to dry yourself off

Best of both worlds. You actually get to wash your ass, and you only use enough paper to pat yourself dry, which is compatible with any country's sewer/septic system.

Problem status: Solved.

This thread can be locked or deleted now.
Don't for one second think I'm rooting around back there with my unprotected hand after a shit. Besides, don't you get shit under your fingernails ?
what are you talking about?
step 1 or step 2?
this is what bewilders me about countries that don't use bidets. not only are you smearing shit around your asshole, but you're potentially getting that smeary shit on your hands. yea, you can wash your hands, but its still fucking disgusting. your'e shitty hand has to touch the faucet to turn it on, tap the soap dispenser. it makes me fucking hate america.

if you live with people, that's what they're all doing. they're smearing shit around their asshole, and then taking their shitty hand and touching the same sink and soap that you are. the whole thing should be a violation of human dignity but its totally normal. i can't fucking stand it.
>unprotected hand
That's what the paper is for.

>shit under your fingernails
I don't have a problem with this much in the way I don't have a problem with staying in the lines when I'm coloring.
South Korea does hits and it serves as an instant reminder that I am, in fact, not in the first world. Almost fooled me with the fancy technology outside.
I've seen thirdies online try and shame westerners for not using bidets/bum guns - they thick people don't know how to wipe their own asses properly and are walking around with shit stains in their underwear.
Butt sprayer and dry with paper is objectively superior to wiping with toilet paper only.

It's impossible to get something clean with just paper and you are indeed walking around with an ass smeared with shit, it is disgusting and you should be ashamed.
>thread about toilet paper bins
>thirdies start seething and coping with BUT MUH BIDETS MUH BIDETS
the thread is about your shitty fucking plumbing you barely literate retards
im really REALLY getting tired of being mischaracterized as
>a woman
>a thirdie
im a white guy who appreciates not SMEARING SHIT around my fucking asshole with a dry napkin without hosing it off first.
Hey Josh, tell your sister she can use my tongue as her toilet paper okay. Be sure to let her know that I am a 100% Western European White male, I know that's her type.
damn. I just found a map of the countries where you can't flush. More than I thought
>New Whiteness map just dropped
I've never figured this out. Do you pour a little water between your buttcheeks and smear it around with your finger? Don't you get cold shitwater running down your legs into your pants?
Do Americans really not know how to shit?
It's not the toilets is the pipework and local sewers. They don't build them large enough or with enough pressure so they constantly get blocked. Also a lot of places just pipe it out a few miles out to see and it washes up on the beach.
no idea. I'd like to believe that they do a water splash and wipe after. you need to dry off that shit water somehow, right? I'm currently in Argentina and this is the first airbnb I've ever had with a sit-down bidet. I've had a few with the bum gun in other countries.
the Japanese figured this out decades ago, btw. anyone who claims their method is better is coping
>so many red and orange countries that should be green
This map is bait.
Never encountered it in France, absolutely have in Spain though.
Some more MENA countries should be at least orange. In Morocco and Tunisia, I could take a Kamala and send her off to sea in a Charmin turban
not in my experience lol
>you're potentially getting that smeary shit on your hands
>you can wash your hands, but its still fucking disgusting
How exactly do you think Philippinos and others that use measuring cups to wash their asshole after taking a dump are accomplishing that? They just splash some water on the general area and that's it? Yeah, try that and see how it works out.

They literally scrape the shit off using one bare hand (sometimes they soap it up beforehand) while using the other to pour water over it. Sure, they wash their hands afterward but that doesn't change the fact that they literally cake one hand in shit after every dump. And yes: they touch that bar of soap they expect visitors to use with the shit caked hand. That's why there is such a strong taboo in those countries (Philippines, India, Arab countries, etc.) against using your left hand to eat. Not regularly getting chunks of shit on your hands after the introduction of toilet paper is also the reason why the left hand taboo has largely disappeared in Europe since the start of the 20th century.

Same with bidets - pieces of shit will spray at high pressure. If you have good aim/positioning they will go into the bowl - if not you're getting that onto yourself.

Point is: every way of cleaning yourself after taking a shit runs the risk of getting messy. That's just part of the process. I use TP and haven't got shit on my fingers since childhood with a few simple tricks: buy decent 4ply paper, double it up, never poke too hard.

>has to touch the faucet to turn it on
You use your other hand, or your forearm/elbow or at least the top of your hand to push the handle up. That's how I always turn on faucets when my hand are dirty. I really hope people aren't unable to figure that out by age 7.

Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Bosnia and Montenegro are wrong, I've been to some of the most back-water parts of those countries and never encountered a toilet paper basket or problems flushing down TP.
Southern Cone region of South America should be orange at least.
I live here and I've always flushed TP. Maybe in some rural setting it's different. But I haven't encountered it. Everyone I know flushes it.

Def. not red.
>a lot of places just pipe it out a few miles out to see and it washes up on the beach.
That's pretty common in a surprising number of countries. Croatia for example mostly just flushes untreated sewage a short distance from their packed tourist beaches. Often there'll be warnings about not going into the water due to huge amounts of e. coli. But the warning will only be in Croatian on the local news and newspapers. No signs are ever posted on the beaches themselves in order to not affect the tourism industry. Same thing is true of some parts of the British coast.

But all the pollution in Europe pales in comparison to one particular country.
that's 1700lbs of shit per olympic swimming pool worth of water. or about 2.5oz per domestic bathtub.
>all that purple on the Chinese coast
how? is that because of the massive size and depth of the Pacific?
>pieces of shit will spray at high pressure
rarely happens and if you have any tactile coordination you can either compress the the lever with less pressure or you can *drumroll* actually turn down the pressure via that knob behind most toilets!
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>Same with bidets - pieces of shit will spray at high pressure. If you have good aim/positioning they will go into the bowl - if not you're getting that onto yourself.
This is fucking bullshit, you've never used a bidet in your life.

First of all, you are supposed to wipe your ass with TP beforehand, JUST LIKE YOU ARE DOING NOW, the bidet is just an extra step you do afterwards. It's NOT a replacement for wiping with TP, it's an extra step.

Non-bidet user:
1. Grab TP
2. Bunch or fold
3. Wipe ass
4. Throw used TP in the toilet
5. Repeat until the TP comes out clean.

Bidet user:
1. Grab TP
2. Bunch or fold
3. Wipe ass
4. Throw used TP in the toilet
5. Repeat until the TP comes out clean
6. Sit on the bidet and wash your ass with it
7. Dry ass with more TP

You are not supposed to sit on a bidet with a shit-smeared ass, you do not understand the process at all. The bidet is just an extra step after the regular wiping process, not unlike taking a shower (except it's just a shower just for your ass). It makes you feel extra clean.

Talking about the regular Euro/South American bidets like pic related, not those Filipino measuring cups.
im talking about the bum guns in thailand. i spray down my shit smeared ass, THEN i wipe the remnants of poop after the hosing down.

fuck your eurofag "Second toilet" thats so stupid
I think shitting is one of those things not even the civilized countries have gotten right yet. The number one method apparent to me is wet wipes until no more brown and then showering right after, cleaning your asshole with a lot of soap and hot water. Anything else isn't enough, not even bidets. Feels weird to know most of my fellow man walk around not sufficiently cleaned down there, makes me feel like I'm crazy
it's just a little shit bro
>showering right after he takes a shit like some faggot housewife that never leaves the house and always has time to perfume her butthole
a bum gun is sufficient enough, followed by wiping until there's nothing coming up on the toilet paper, you fucking woman
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>using tp to wipe your ass is disgusting - you could get shit on your hands! bidets are so much more hygienic.
>just use tp to wipe your ass before using the bidet
You just contradicted the central point of your previous post I was responding to. Namely that the use of toilet paper is disgusting and thus the clear implication that you should clean ONLY with water.

>Bidet user:
>4. Throw used TP in the toilet
You're talking about Euro bidets, most thridies calling euros disgusting for using toilet paper use the "scrape away shit with your whetted/soaped bare hand" method. I'm used to the standard built-in spray nozzle toilets in my country - the so called Turkish toilets common in many parts of Europe since the 80s at least. Again: that's just the small-scale equivalent of showering after taking a shit - it's not what thridies mean when they say they "clean with water."

>Talking about the regular Euro/South American bidets like pic related, not those Filipino measuring cups.
Nice backpedal. But whatever.
>You just contradicted the central point of your previous post
>Nice backpedal. But whatever.
There was no previous post anon.
>>2731594 is my only post. Just doing away with some bidet misconceptions.

>Namely that the use of toilet paper is disgusting and thus the clear implication that you should clean ONLY with water.
Yeah that wasn't my argument, another person made that disgusting argument. You should use both TP and water afterwards. Proper bidet usage, as in both types of bidets shown in your pic and mine, should involve ample TP usage beforehand.

The "second toilet" as you call it is not stupid, it removes any risk of skid marks or the feeling of walking around with a crusty ass. Once you start using a bidet you can't go back.
>There was no previous post anon.
>>>2731594 is my only post.
Then you didn't read the post I was replying to and your misrepresentation made me think you're the same coping thridie, nevermind: that's the standard 4chan experience.

Seems we agree: TP is an essential part of properly cleaning yourself after taking a shit. Thirdies are coping because they are too poor to install properly sized pipes in their sewage systems. Seriously: how much more expensive is a 4" sewage pipe compared to a 2" one? 20 bucks per bathroom?
I'm a thirdie though. Just not from those sippy cup / bum gun nations. We are proper bidet users.
>The "second toilet" as you call it is not stupid, it removes any risk of skid marks or the feeling of walking around with a crusty ass. Once you start using a bidet you can't go back.
it's retarded because clearly the Japanese bidets or even the third world hoses are superior. you wash your shit-smeared ass with water not with fucking paper, then you wipe once or twice to dry it more than to clean it. it's so much more convenient and cleaner.
>Indias shitting power extends thousands of km out to sea
troll image of the tsunami map
When I went to Tibet they didn't even have toilets with plumbing, not even squat toilets. Just a hole in the ground, or a cesspit with a log to squat over so you don't fall in.
just wash your hand thoroughly afterwards, what's the problem?
That's not the global distribution of tsunamis at all. Nowhere close.

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