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Do you agree with those redditers reactions?
>I 200% agree.

>ten month old thread
japs have discovered this board and flooding this board with off topic threads
highest quality thread of /trv/
SKs are really up their own asses, and are stressed and brainfucked in a less pleasant way than Japanese, who are simply overworked.
No, it's our white incel loser troll, just likes hate because he hates himself
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no, it's a fucking Jap. he makes the same kinds of posts on /pol/.
screencap of reddit post with weird greentexting.
Interesting. How can you tell it’s the same person? Only the style of the greentexting?
the same iphone file name format.
the same way of screenshotting.
the same of linking a reddit page.
the same esl english.
he makes dozens of these threads daily so it's easy to tell. though this is his first on /trv/
Why would a Jap shitpost about Korea? Wouldn't it be more of a tactical advantage for them to divert tourists to Korea, leaving their country pristine and untouched?
why do people constantly give excuses for japs being shit posters on this website? japs have entire boards dedicated to their obsessive hate-posting about korea and these people come to 4chan to seek compliments from foreigners
Shitposts are gonna happen regardless of nationality. I'm just saying if they're gonna do it, the least they can do is do it in a way that's advantageous to them. Since your IQ isn't high enough to answer my question, you don't need to reply to me again.
Shit thread, kill yourself.

I would choose Japan if you want to see temples and shrines or if you want to see nice nature.
I would choose Korea if you want to try out some more interesting food or if you want to have fun, party, and meet people.
China > Japan > North Korea >>> South Korea
Fun fact, the entirety of eastern South Korea reeks of shit because they connected the drainage grates with the sewers.
II wouldn’t go to any Asian country other than Japan personally, the Japanese are no different than white people, the Chinese and Koreans are just third worlders masquerading as first world, and SEA food is overspiced dogshit.
Whites are a race of weak spineless cucks that do nothing except take it up the ass and suck the dicks of their invaders. You will see white majorities at SJW shit, BLM, gay pride parades etc. Whites are a clown race of subhumans.
But objectively speaking i have seen two or three shitposts against japs on /trv/ lately. Even one of them about wikpedia is still remaining which was made before this thread. You sound like it’s one-sided from Japs but seems that isn’t correct at all. Clearly gook schizos do exist on 4ch
>Clearly gook schizos do exist on 4ch

No it's larping white incel losers
irrelevant as a traveller
I wish this board hadn't become /pol/ lite. Even like 5 or 6 years ago when I first came on here (when some anon used to export Japanese gaming stuff for other anons, what happened to him incidentally?), things were not this shitposty. Now I see markedly more anti-Japan threads and every other post is every thread is either about niggers or pajeets, to the point where I've made a drinking game out of it now
>reeks of shit
Asia is a smelly continent, anon. Cooking smells, trash smells, street drain smells, exhaust smells...the air rarely smells fresh and fragrant. Most people's noses get numb to it, but some evidently don't because they bitch non-stop about the smells.
I liked japan more, but i would love to visit SK one more time, just not the seul. I like SK food, its almost on par with Japs but beside it i rate Japan 9/10 to korea 7/10 (and mainly because of busan and its surrundings).
Homosexuals love the smell of shit, normal people are disgusted
Any anons in Seoul right now? It’s so hard eating these massive portions alone.
The White race rules Japan and still does. Cope
>White race rules the wor-
>Goes extinct
lmfao you don't even rule your own countries
There are so many side dishes for free huh? Enjoy your meal! Those are recycled
>not much of a nature person
>I hate hiking etc
What does this say about a person?
>Fun fact, the entirety of eastern South Korea reeks of shit because they connected the drainage grates with the sewers.
the exact same plumbing system is used throughout Japan and somehow you weeb faggots only smell it in the countries where you want to smell it.
>you will see white majorities at SJW shit, BLM, gay pride parades
lil brown boy angry XD
I had a friend who was mentally absolutely fucked just from living in SK, got only a few hours of sleep a night and he was a totally different person at the end of the day when he had no sleep and a measly few hours later after he got whatever rest he was going to get and had kind of reset to normal. I don't know how many of his other problems could be attributed to SK life so I won't mention them, but even just the overworking there was getting to him in a way that significantly impacted his personality for the worse. I hope the people there can be better off one day because society there seems very stressful.
>interesting food

Who is making a shitpost now?
you can shit on Korea for a million different things but food is NOT one of them
been to seoul, busan, tokyo and mishima.

japan is cleaner, convenience stores are better, and the food safety/quality is overall better. korea is still very interesting but the people there are even more trend chasing and boring than the japs at times, extremely focused on brands and appearing the way you are supposed to. way more spicy food obviously in korea and it's easier to find some really homemade stuff, drinking culture is really fun in korea too. the geography of korea is interesting but far less accessible than japan's countryside and I assume you need a car and good handle of the language to really go see stuff that isn't in cities.
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another schizo thread
I have no idea what any of those foods are so I'm not touching it
The most interesting things in South Korea are things related to North Korea
the food is better in Korea than Japan, idk, to be honest they are both pretty similar. If you want weeb shit, go to Japan. But you can't really go wrong with either.
Reddit has legitimately the shittiest takes on everything. It’s so consistent it’s incredible. It’s like that whole site is just designed to just fuck with people.
It's your right to be delusional but for most of people outside of Asia Korean food is too spicy to happily eat, don't you think?
I wonder why you feel Korean food is better when Japanese food is gaining popularity worldwide while Korean one isn't as much.
I hate how obsessed young people are with Japan and Korea. I hope they limit tourist and charge a highly daily fee in the future.
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Been to both.
Japan is far superior.
People are nicer, places are on average cleaner and most importantly food is far superior. You can get any type of food and usually some fairly well. Koreans use the same red chili sauce in everything and everything is sweet as shit.
>the food is better in Korea than Japan
can you give some credentials to back this claim up? i mean how many restaurants in either country could you have possibly been to? unless you spent like months in both countries, in various cities, i'm not sure how i could take this seriously.
why do Japs get so easily offended? he prefers their food, big deal
I'm not that guy but I literally live in Japan and I still prefer Korean food. Japanese food is great once in a while but it's bland and gets boring fast. There's a lot of interesting variety to Korean food and I enjoy the flavors a lot. I also love soups which Japan doesn't really do much for some reason but there's so fucking many of them in Korea.
As someone learning Mandarin putting China at the top is retarded.

Japan>Singapore>Seoul OR Tier 1 China> Thailand> Rest of SEA's good Areas> Rest of Korea or China>SEA's bad areas> North Korea
this nigga knows what he's talking about
only so many times you can do ramen and sushi before u start wanting that jiggae, tang, guk set up
>that pic
LMAO what the FUCK
>korean food
Name 20 korean food
I could easily do that, not sure what your point is. every country has 20 fucking dishes, are you retarded?

No way am I going to visit a country which sees my presence as a nuisance. Besides, Korea has a lousy climate. People dying in the snow after months of summer heat as bad as anything in the tropics. Meanwhile it's 28 C here in Thailand and people are happy I chose to come here.
>I also love soups which Japan doesn't really do much for some reason
Man, fuck soups. I want my food to be food and drinks to be drinks, not this weird hybrid. The benefit of liquid is in quick intake. The benefit of solid food is in nutrient and flavour density and texture. Soup is in between, where neither is it comfortable to eat, nor provides the experience with the mouthfeel. I don't want to spend minutes swinging a spoon to get an equivalent of a couple sips or a single bite. The only soups I find somewhat acceptable are when they either go close to one of the ends of scale. Like if it's a soup that's basically a drink to accompany the main meal (like japs do with miso soup) or so packed with stuff that you're mostly eating moistened noodles, veggies and meats like if it was a stew.
VERY american post
I'm not American, I'm European, my opinions are just unpopular here.
And I have my beef with American diet too. Even setting aside all the processed to shit/fructose syrop everywhere/obesity epidemic issues, what's up with the obsession with breakfast food? That's like the worst meal of the day. Dinner > Breakfast any time.
Korea has a siberian climate so I can understand why soups are quite popular.
Korea food doesn't have variety. if i say how about 30, it's kinda impossible to name anymore.
the same taste now matter you pick always. it's good at first but this feeling doesn't last for more than half a year
Kill yourself, retarded weeaboo
How about you kill yourself? Im sure you'll meet your waifu
Only in the North
it has way more variety than many other cuisines. I would say that the only overused part is pickled vegetables, but at least it's not as bad as japan in this respect.
if your point is "everything is le red and le spicy" then that's just what the most popular dishes in the west are, there are many more flavor profiles in korean cuisine. just for comparison, koreans and chinese who live in japan frequently complain about how bland and boring japanese cuisine is compared to theirs.
>Koreans and chinese who live in japan frequently complain about how bland and boring japanese cuisine is compared to theirs.
Then why do they live there rather than going back home? The Japanese usually don’t live in either of those countries tho?

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