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What are the downsides of living in the UK?
The buildings are red,
The sky is grey,
The food is yellow,
The people are brown,
The future is dark.

You are in Britain.
+1. Enjoy your multicultural paradise.
if you are reasonably wealthy, none. you can enjoy the history, culture, countryside etc etc
if you are poor, there is a high chance that you will have to spend time in the proximity of third world scum and/or whinging miserable natives like >>2730033
also hilariously the political party that has historically been known as the "nasty party" has just elected a loopy black woman as its leader
might as well enjoy it while it lasts because in a generation or two it will be a wasteland
The UK is a mediocre bland country. The natives are massive, annoying whiny losers. Lazy, dumb do-nothings. Filled with woke retards that will burn down their own cities and destroy their own monuments to virtue signal. Country is in severe decline. The good countries of the world are all in Asia and Europeans still think they rule the world while their countries collapse into complete decay.

>pop out the flat for a spot of tea
>get chinged up by a road yute
>get on the bus to go to the store
>get acid splashed by a muslim
Apart from the typical, boring /pol/ answers, I'll just say that it's too fucking expensive.
Lmao, the libtard is a broke wagie
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It's no worse than other Europoor countries at this point, but definitely not better either.
What are the upsides?
>shit infrastructure
>not just retarded, but actively malicious government
>too many niggers and pakis
>people become fat and ugly the moment they turn 26
I'd ignore people complaining about meme things like food (you can get all kinds of food easily, and British supermarkets are some of the best I've experienced in the whole world) but the country does have issues.

that said, there are still many things I miss about the UK. the (white) people are kind and the local communities are often very pleasant.
I also think London is one of the best cities to live in but only if you're genuinely rich.

t. lived in the UK for 9 years, even got a passport, still don't really want to go back
thousands of years of history, quite a lot of it quite well preserved and easy to visit thanks to two national charities that care for properties, landscape, coastline etc
world class museums and galleries, most of which are free to enter their permanent collections
easy access to long distance (multi day) hiking trails that pass through interesting terrain
beautiful old country pubs serving world class beer
more places with live entertainment (theatre, music, comedy) than you can shake a stick at
some of the most famous sporting events in the world
basically everything you could want as long as you can afford it

goddamn europeans! take me back to beautiful england and the grey damp filthiness of ages
Nah, there are some absolutely beautiful places that are dirt cheap. The Peak District is a really cheap, really nice place to live. You can get a nice detached house for under £250k and if you're willing to put the work in, you can get some a 'character property' even cheaper and end up with an beautiful house.

The big problem is everyone wants to live within commutable distance to a major city so everything that's on a commuter belt or in one of the nicer cities has an insane price.

>live in semi on literally the worst road in town surrounded by the worst sort of council housing grifters in a mediocre town
>house is still worth £375k because it's the South East.
Huh, that's actually a really good representation of British housing.

I'd say luxury is missing the large modern build detached suburban houses on the outskirts of a city surrounded by big fences and a gate though.
Yeah but how does day to day life compare?
At least the UK doesn't have crazy motorcycle traffic and trash strewn everywhere. A lot of Asia remains mired in Third World-tier problems.
Everything mentioned, it's an extremely expensive country with dogshit eastern Euro tier wages in severe decline. Unless you work in the city of London or have dual income with partner, you are going to struggle. Aesthetically the country is a dump, the cities suck, there is barely any nature (even areas of natural beauty are filled with just pasture and shit hole towns) and most of the pre-1800s history got bulldozed. Do not come to the UK expecting medieval anything. Almost every other European country shits over the UK in terms of medieval buildings, castles etc.
Brits are also the ugliest white group on earth by a country mile. London has hotties but that is because they are all European immigrants. The second you leave London, it's literally like Appalachian hillbilly inbred tier.
Best nightlife in the west. People in pubs and smoking areas especially are very friendly. Girls are sluts and you can easily pick up once a week just by hanging out in smoking areas talking to randoms. Coke, Ket and MDMA are extremely cheap. Most cities are very walkable.
UK is a great place if you can force yourself to be sociable and talk to randoms, there were weeks I was literally picking up an fucking 3 different girls.
Also generally recommend the NORF more than the south. Leeds, Sheffield, Newcastle peeps are way nicer than southerners. The only southern city worth living in was Bristol but it got gentrified by smug Londoners over COVID who do WFH and have driven up rents to London levels yet Bristol has NORF wages.
>Filled with woke retards that will burn down their own cities and destroy their own monuments to virtue signal
that's why Canada and Australia are also filled with cucks and third worlders
Literally none of these points, good or bad, are true. Impressive work.

Bathtub victory gin
>What are the downsides of living in the UK?
1 brits
2 non-brits
> anywhere with a job market is extremely expensive
> anywhere affordable has maybe three minimum wage jobs a year advertised
> weather is crap. No nice winters like Scandinavia, no nice summers like the south of France, just wind and rain and cloud and a penetrating damp cold that’s somehow chillier than much of the Arctic Circle
> most jobs pay very poorly, a handful of City spreadsheet abusers excepted
> urban areas being swamped by immigrants and the far right is ascendant, going to be some major problems before long
> class structure is everywhere. Crap food meme is an aspect of this, caring about food is seen as a posh thing so most of the country reacts by insisting that tinned slop is just fine (of course you can get excellent food from people called Tarquin if you want)
> local culture being annihilated and this is weirdly celebrated by many
> scenic areas are either very far away or completely ruined by town dwellers amazed at the sight of a tree

> end of list
fucks sake. miserable whiny poorfags should be banned from this board
Everything shuts at 5pm too
Britain is in many aspects the most grimmest country on earth but also in some ways the most comfiest and sweetest and the worst part is that those disparities can so often be displayed on two ends of the same street.

As we say its swings and roundabouts.

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