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Has anyone done this? Is it even worth it? Flights alone are atleast 1k to Europe for me. At first it seemes like I'm missing out but I'd probably just do the same shit here desu
It's a legit way to see the world. I used to get the cheapest possible flight to Yurop, then hitchhike to the nearest wilderness area and camp for a week or two, dipping into the cities for some urban camping and cultural experiences now and then. I've been to most countries on that continent and it's cost me almost nothing.
It's actually easier in tropical shithole countries, people are way more willing to help you out and to indulge what you are doing. Hitchhiking is easier in Europe, but you won't get the same level of couch invitations or dinner invites as you will elsewhere in the world.
Normies will sit alone in a cheap hotel eating free hotel breakfast. That is a non-experience, non-travel. Meanwhile vagrants will be sneaking through the hotel lobby to steal said breakfast. That is a highlight of the trip, an adrenaline rush and pockets stuffed full of bacon and muffins to last for days.
I have been thinking about doing this, but buying a cheap car somewhere in Europe and just living out of the car as I drive around. There are many lovely parts that are difficult to reach without private transportation that I wish to visit, but I'm not sure about how to go about this as a non-EU citizen
Just do FIRE for 5 or 10 years. Then after you get rich and retire you can travel the world forever. $1000 to $4000 per month depending on the country
>muh lazy neetbux
go back to your shit board
what about an e-bike with camping gear?
bicycle is such a power multiplier for non-motorized travel
bet you could take it on a train if you want to go far
If you're on a tight budget, you could hike the Camino de Santiago in Spain. You can do it for around 30 Euros a day and it would take you probably around 5 weeks. You'd be looking at around $1000 plus your flight. But you'd get to see a lot, you'd meet people, and there are a ton of really good cheap budget options.

I'd make a Gofundme. People donate to that kind of thing since it's a religious pilgrimage.
I've heard a lot of hype about this trail from people who've walked it. It's like a mentally cleansing quest for them. Worth considering for next summer.
Did it over the summer in Luxemburg with a friend. I would recommend it pretty fun. But you should get a good pair of shoes because you gonna be walking a fuck ton and travel light and descret especially if you're gonna stash your shit.
It's sorta stressful though if you cant find a place I so the more time you have in the day, the better also Google Maps helped to find foliage and parks to camp in. Sleep isn't the best either, so get ready for that. But the trip overall was cheap asf, and you have that thrill factor of playing homeless simulator. It's too cold now though so prob just wait until next summer. Also, if it's your first time, do it in a country that's pretty safe and clean. The same buddy I went with, he soloed it in Prague for his first time and slept at the same spot Vagrant did. If you watched his euro video, he talks about how there are people outside where he was sleeping. And guess what four years later those people were still there. Prob just drug dealers or something fronting there territory. But my dumbass friend got robbed by them and the cops didn't do shit. and they took his passport with his bag. So scout ur place out for a second and make sure ur not in a sketchy ass neighborhood.
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Currently doing it, started walking from France and going to Hamburg (currently north of Black Forest).
Been working the year before to have security money for months, then working on the way as I go (been on the vineyards in october, should work at a bar after Hamburg).
It's the best life for me, but it can be tough at times (cold and raining rn), depends on what you're after, I just do it to have memories of adventure I can pass on to my children.
You get some magical moments, and some strange ones.
I'd say try it while you're still somewhat young and don't have a family to provide for, after that you'll probably just have regrets.
Don't think too much, take some chances, you'll die sooner or later anyways.
Fucking comfy. This is a great time of year to forage wild/semi-wild fruits in France.
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Have you spent some time in Alsace, anon?

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