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I just arrived in Kuala Lumpur, really not feeling it, am I missing something.

I motorcycled all across Vietnam this year, and really enjoyed the experience and a lot of Vietnam, especially Saigon.

Here in Malaysia so far, I dont feel the energy and its mostly just malls and tall buildings, where as a lot of Vietnam felt alive with smaller shops cool coffee places, overall enjoyed it.

Is this just Kuala Lumpur or all Malaysia or am I missing something? I am not too concerned I have 40-50 days in SEA I can just go to a different country any time, but I want to give Malaysia a fair shake.

How is Malacca, was thinking of stopping by there then going to Singapur taking a flight to Saigon then making my way through Cambodia to Thailand.

If you've been to Malaysia and loved it, what did you enjoy about it, what should I see as a solo traveler.
>its mostly just malls and tall buildings
>Is this just Kuala Lumpur or all Malaysia
yes, that's what urban areas are like
your pic is from chinatown which one of the main tourist areas of kl. that is pretty much what you would expect
>How is Malacca
it's a town with some old colonial buildings
if you also go to penang and maybe cameron highlands you will have been to the handful of places that 90% of tourists in peninsular malaysia go to
What's the best hostel in KL to be around Western English speaking travellers?
Malaysia had the first (and only) hostel I ever stayed at that had a strict "No Israelis" rule, which I thought was extremely based
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Melaka is better than Kuala Lumpur and worth a stay (Bahasa Melayu spelling)

Based on last winter's stay I would recommend the Greystone Suites, but evidently they got rid of their check-in counter service at the convenience store. priceline is booking them for RM 53 a night fees included now. But you have to do the whatass bullshit to get your key and leave an RM 200 deposit via credit card, it appears. Or are these new 1-star reviewers simply too retarded to follow instructions and use the check-in counter.

At some point I had to return to street level, where sewage makes the river fish grow large and plentiful.
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Their whole country has a No Israelis rule.
I railed some k at Muddy Confluence and felt the whole place's ridiculous top-down attempt to engineer their country could be best reflected in Malaysia's complete inability to use drain covers at street level which can handle car, truck and motorbike traffic. There are about half a dozen different money-saving designs in use, not involving a steel frame or anything metal. The truth is, Malaysians litter so much that drain covers quickly clog with trash and result in street flooding. They need deep, wide ditches to carry the trash from the pavement into the river and ocean beyond as efficiently as possible.
Don't forget to get cheap Malaysian rainforest durian at Chow Kit market. It's obligatory to take a power-walk afterwards and lather yourself in grime.
malaysia does not allow israelis to enter the country except under special circumstances (e.g. if they are on UN business)
they sometimes get in anyway. at the moment there is an ongoing trial in kl of a man who entered malaysia on a french passport but it turns out he is actually an israeli. he was caught with a gun so everyone thinks he is a mossad agent but he is probably just a gangster
there used to be a few jews in malaysia. in penang there is a jewish cemetery
malaysians are not supposed to visit israel but israel doesn't block them from entering and i know of a couple of people who have visited israel via third countries in europe
Will I be able to get Durian around Christmas time in Chow Kit market? I know its outside normal Durian season but do they import from elsewhere?
not fresh
but you can get endless durian based products. durian ice cream, durian chocolate, freeze dried durian, all that sort of thing
There is a winter durian season in Malaysia. I visited Chow Kit in both January and March and found fresh durian for sale.
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This RM 10 Malaysian travel adapter works pretty great, except in ruined outlets where all plugs pop back out.
malaysia is a shithole, full of malays. what did u expect?
>complains about ruined outlets
>proceeds to dangle a fucking charger off an elevated outlet
fucking hell mate
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The #1 reason why I don't return to Malaysia.

Windowless bugbox rooms
Thais build for human needs, not for cookie-cutter geometrical standardization. Natural light is a human need.
>The #1 reason why I don't return to Malaysia.
>Windowless bugbox rooms
do you mean those really cheap rooms in street corner hotels that are meant for staying in for one night when you're too drunk to go home or on a quick stopover somewhere?
you're not supposed to stay in those long term
honestly anon spend a few extra ringgit you can have a window. or spend a bit more and get a room in a proper hotel
imagine travelling half way around the world to stay in squalid little box because you think that's real travel. jeez
The street corner hotels have windows, it's the ones in the middle of a block which have mostly interior rooms. Malaysian streetfront rooms then deal with traffic noise too as every street is a thru street. Thailand's arcane layout derves to route thru traffic away from residential areas.
Can anyone recommend decent hostels in KL that typically have a western english speaking clientele?

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