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How do you know what cultural norms you're supposed to follow?
Generally speaking, posting a baity screenshot of another site with a low effort question is considered a faux pas
The Koreans should deport him to Japan for the bantz
>see a waiter drop some plates
>start clapping and everyone looks at me like I'm a retard
>later same night a waiter at a different bar drops plates
>everyone starts clapping
>stand there looking like a retard
you can't win'em all bros
>be me
>escaped my home country because of civil war
>been living in munich Germany for five years
>in grocery store
>take my penis out in one of the aisles
>start to rub my penis
>germans avoid eye contact
>eventually realize nobody is walking near me
>put penis away
You cant win them all bros
I didn't approve of his stunts in Japan, but I fully approve of him terrorizing Korea. Fuck Korea, can't think of a country that deserves it more than them. His videos were actually lulzy af too, good content. Wish him luck and hope he gets freed.
The only things that have made me not want to comeback to Korea, is it being hard to find an ATM that works for foreigners, and other tourist. It doesn't matter where the tourist is from in the world, 95 percent of them seem like they're on their worst behavior. Asians acting just as ghetto as latinas.
>can't think of a country that deserves it more than them.
With that being said, I hate Koreans that won't share the sidewalk. But that's pretty much everyone around the world. And it's not every Korean I've come across.
There are very few countries where people are trained from a young age to be always considerate of others on sidewalks and in public spaces. Thailand is one of them.
Trust me indians in other countries are menace but I've been to notheast india only so can't say for whole cunt but it was the most beautiful places,nice, friendly and good looking, behaving peoples you can meet there
Your writing style made me lose what little trust I had in you already.

i was so happy to see vigilantes chasing him around seoul like a gang of handsome oppa batmen giving him dropkicks with middle parted bangs and north face puffers
By leaving your "I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of me" attitude back in muttland where it belongs. Being in a foreign country is a privilege, not a right; some tourists like the uppity negro in picrel fail to realize this.
You don't honestly think Korean men care what you or anyone thinks about them, do you?
nothing ends up happening to these clowns. i hope they start getting jail time
They should hang him, death penalty.
America will bail him out just to show the rest of the world that they can and will shit all over you, make a mockery of your culture and screech like an ape whenever you call one of them a nigger for doing it.
They already got him out of Japan. It's not happening again, especially after the israel shenanigans. I suspect he'll serve at least a few years.
>civil war
>America declaring war on worst corea
If you charge him of a crime, for freely expressing himself, and make him serve time, then you have to do the same to every single person that physically assaulted him. I don't care how much you don't like his expression, you physically hurt a man, because your emotions were hurt (that's nigger (ape) behaviour). And you're free to have that be your "culture", but I ain't trusting anything you say, and I sure as fuck ain't fighting a war for you.
>then you have to do the same to every single person that physically assaulted him
Says who? Fuck off
he's already being put on trial instead of getting a summary judgment. he's only been charged for ransacking a konbini, which is the least criminal he's committed in korea that we know of. 90% of trials in korea end in conviction. it's too late for mr. salami, because he's outraged the entire country. they're going to throw the book at him.
you're making the same assumption that johnny sudanny did which is that you can get away with anything when you're melanated just like in burgerland.
Ok, you made your bed. I will no longer listen to Asians and fight for their causes, just like blacks and women. You took advantage of my kindness. You thought it was a weakness. Now, you don't have the one thing that you needed to exist: my attention.
Shut the fuck up niggerlover. You will be swinging from a street lamp before your nigger pets.
just like singapore caning michael fay, travelers, especially americans, need a potent reminder every generation to not fuck about abroad. for some, only the death penalty will penetrate their thick skulls; so be it.

>If you charge him of a crime, for freely expressing himself,
bullshit. it was a provocation and he's repeatedly stated as such. by all rights he should've been left in a ditch.
No link, no vid, no description of what he has allegedly done.
Shit thread.
Wish they would just behead him

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