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Do these mythical people even exist ?

Im a manual labourer at age 26 and im feeling an extreme burnout lately. i live a lifestyle that i extremely despise, i hate the urban hell im surrounded by and the people that populate it. is there anything i can learn in 2-3 years , in order to be able to independantly work from a computer , not anchored to a single area of living ?
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Yes, we do exist
No, you are too late
>pic related, this is how I normally work
Good luck, but I’ve resigned myself to two weeks of pecker play per year. I can’t be a dorkus
Boomers and normies do their best to keep everyone slaving away in offices. Maybe doable if you want eastern european wages
>Maybe doable if you want eastern european wages
Yeah I wouldnt mind whatever the money is so long as it pays for food and enables basic comfort when it is needed
I want to travel Far East, especially China , SEA , LatAm & East Africa in the future
That’s cute. Until you realize you’ll be living pay check to paycheck due to the tantalizing plethera of proficient pecker players in populous provinces
>digital nomad
nobody tell him
Is there any reason you type like a faggot?
You are narrow minded
and quickly jump to stupid assumptions
3 month per stay business visa if you aren't a moron.
I’ve gotten it before. I’m alittle sassy online. Call it my alter ego
she cute
>2-3 years , in order to be able to independantly work from a computer , not anchored to a single area of living ?

Yeah. Get some type of IT certification that allows you to get an entry level position in a remote job. There’s also the coding/engineer route. It does seem like 80% of digital nomads live a hand to mouth existence. Living wherever in SEA or wherever the digital nomad hotspot is now, the phillipines, cambodia, idk.
I don't see the appeal, speaking as a high-earning manual laborer
These insects are all over central America. The best hostels are gutting themselves to cater to their weird tastes. Most of them I've met see the situation as very temporary, a few years at most, then they're gonna go home, buy a house, buy some kids, whatever. Abroad they live an essentially hedonistic lifestyle. To justify wasting their best years overseas they all gravitate toward some mid-level life goal like surfing or yoga. I think as a lifestyle it only works if you're a hyper-socialite or pretend to be.
You don't, the DN lifestyle is all smoke and mirrors.
Notice how 99% of DNs are always trying to sell you courses on how to be a DN, and that that's their main source of income?
There's a reason, their businesses literally depend on selling you the illusion of the DN lifestyle.
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long-term DN is super hard, but short term DN with like 2-3 months is fairly more attainable.

I'm doing it in SEA right now. It much easier if you have family in that country where you can bum stay.

But yea, i'm netting $2.5K every two weeks in SEA. It really is the fucking life.

I'll be back home in 3 months and will repeat every year.
>never buy a house and have kids
I literally became a nomad because I couldn't afford either of these in my home country when I lived there. At least I can scrap by in some shithole country
>1. start career in industry that allows remote work
>2. level up until they don't need you to come in to the office anymore
>3. ???????
i actually think it's easier to just start your own business but that's a lot more complicated. if you're young it's better to think in terms of career choices.
>Bright surroundings

Yeah she probably can't see shit on that screen
>i actually think it's easier to just start your own business but that's a lot more complicated.

well is it easier or more complicated? make up your mind
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>drive around Japan
>work/sleep in my car
>park at service/parking areas, free campsites
>move on to the next area

>is there anything i can learn in 2-3 years , in order to be able to independantly work from a computer , not anchored to a single area of living ?
If you have to ask a Tibetan Monk Abhidharma group study forum then, it's not that you weren't made for this kind of life, it's more like you're just a larper fantasizing about something you'll never actually do, because if you did you would be working towards that goal instead of being here on 4chan.
If I wanted to live like a hobo I could do that at home lmao.
Lol no one going to let you come in and fuck things up. T. Real DN, work white collar.
Will be living your life soon anon, cheers.
>Get Autism Bucks approved and just call it digital nomading to feel better about being a drooling tard
>Go be a bum in a third world shit hole with it
Congratulation you are now among the 0,5% of digital nomad top earners world wide.
tell him what? China is secretly one of the best spots for DNing. yes actually it needs to be gatekept
damn salty af
If you didn’t get in a few years ago you’re too late and there’s not much point in pursuing remote tech jobs. The market is oversaturated with people seeking employment in that sector and the jobs are being given to jeets
I got a remote job offer that during the interview has said that they do not give a shit where I am - with the 2 caveats that I must report the country I am in at all times, and that I must maintain tax residency in the country they hired me in (183 day rule)
If it works out, then this should be comfy
What about normal jobs, are there any that let you work for 6 months and then fuck off somewhere for the other 6?
Something a lot of tards in this thread have falsely assumed is that OP is looking for a solution to make serious money. which is false . I want something that literally is enough to pay for a meal, occasional drink, bicycle repairs and occasional stay at a cheap hotel. Thats it. I dont want some serious career or employment . So that is why im asking about what is possible to learn in 2-3 years that will let me remotely make money for humble traveling ?
I doubt it bro . Maybe some tough jobs like catching crabs on a boat or oil rig jobs . But they are very hard to get into without knowing ppl and very taxing on the body and will age you faster and reduce your lifespan at the end of the day . Maybe self employment as welder or something . But to weld you need to spend 3-4 years afaik and at that point why not just spend those 3-4 years learning web development or some shit .
Retarded guy
I have a friend from Czech Republic who has done that by renting a house in rural Italy. His autism bux pay him just enough to stay afloat there. If he moved to something like Philippines , Thailand or 'nam he could enjoy a much higher quality of life i reckon. or China.
Im actually planning to try to get diagnose for autism here in UK. Ive spoken with my friend n i have a lot of same kinda autistic weird traits, but back when i was a kid in school nobody knew anything about autism. But i think it will be much harder to get such diagnosis as an adult rather than a problematic kid at school.
You can still get in, I manage to find a company that cool with remote work.

I'm not a longer term digital nomad but I get to go for 2-3 months and then come back to the states.

It worth it.
Why do u assholes never say exactly what is it that you do - what skill needs to be learnt ?
Its over. New hires at my org are now required to be in country due to gay 'insurance liability requirements'. As soon as my contract is up for renewal next year I am going to get hit with the same bullshit.

The kikes will do anything to get us back into their orbit
I’m not giving you my gravy train you twat. Just know it white collar work.
My dad's friend owns a tech consulting company and he doesn't give a fuck where I am
Play poker.

I play 3-5 days per month and fuck off the rest of the month
Have you heard of FIRE, you follow the plan with baby steps for a few years and then you get monthly income of $5000 to $10000

Look up Dave Ramsey baby steps for how's and whys
>taxing on the body and will age you faster and reduce your lifespan

Lmao, what a soft lazy cunt
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I will tell you how I became a digital nomad.

I made myself so indispensable that I can't even take a fucking vacation without those retarded apes asking me to remote in and fix something.
I did this several times while on vacation and eventually I never returned to my native land.

However, those niggers haven't given me a raise in 2 years.
Bro i’m on FIRE but that isn’t until later in life. Being a DN still gives you the taste.
Go fuck yourselves
Alright bucko I too was a day laborer at 26 and now am a digital nomad.

Go to college. Learn the entirety of knowledge regarding computers.

Quick pipeline for you, Microsoft shit -> Linux -> Sql and other database shit -> Python/JavaScript -> more specialized stuff

Copy and paste a job that you want into chatgpt and ask for a study guide
Why not? I did it. The problem is the visa is a hassle.

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