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Why does this board hate Digital Nomads, i know that shit has alot of posers, but there legit small amount of people making $100k+ working remote in Asia/MENA/LA
I'm a digital nomad but I only make 40,000 USD a year. It's more than enough. I think a lot of people are exaggerating their wages.
>Why does this board hate digital dorkuses?
Because that’s more or less 5-6k take home. That means you can rent a nice condo and coom every single day if you wanted and probably have plenty leftover.
You can have sex every single day and chill by the beach.

Meanwhile, the best thing I have to look forward to in America is sitting on a bench and smoking a cigarette at a park or ordering a large pizza for myself (and walking it back to my apartment) and a few fat tires on the weekend and jerking off into a tissue. That’s literally it. There’s no respite or release from America. It’s an open air prison
same, but it's not enough. also I'm miserable. better than getting divorce raped though. I checked out years ago
you should move to cambodia
fucking bleak...totally projection but i can't help but feel so bad for that little dude.
Wtf are you spending your pay cheque on that it's not enough? It's more than enough for me.
Yeah like 3 total, one has a actual job the other two shill
>le digital nomad
shit on youtube and sell some self help books to retards dreaming about that. Anyone else is a bum whoring his ass out writing articles like "15 TikTok dances you can do now to support madame president" on mturk for $1.
But you’ll seethe at the real ones, they’re out there and they keep quiet.
I don't care about where you waste your invalidity pension.
Have fun.
The "ruin it for everyone else" argument. When a few people introduce a big pile of currency into a local economy, it makes prices rise for existing goods and services, particularly when everything is remodeled and rebranded to suit the tastes of the affluent customers.

Also, a general perception of online workers as being sheltered, unmasculine, left-leaning pansies worthy of contempt. They are constantly being ripped off, but don't care as they come by money so easily. When locals see how they could painlessly double or triple their profit margins by a little dishonesty, it really takes away their incentive to charge foreigners a fair price.
doesn't make sense, digital nomads spend way less per day compared to tourists because they are staying longer
for the same reason they are much less likely to be ripped off, they will learn the true price after a while
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I don't hate them. I do think it's actually a miserable life though and many of them are smiling through tears. Sure, you might make good money, sure you get to see different places. But having no permanent home means it's harder to make long lasting friends, have a good community, have a family etc. You're essentially alone, working on a laptop then moving to the next hotel while everyone around you lives.
Because they turned the beaches of Southeast Asia into a clone of ripoff sterile tourist traps like Hawaii and the cities into some disgusting hybrid of San Francisco mixed with Singapore. They're mass exporting the Costa Rica Effect worldwide.

Also, even the few who are making good money living this lifestyle are more than likely breaking their company's contracts by working internationally using a vpn, not to mention various tax laws. Remember to report these parasites to their company's management or local tax authorities as appropriate.
>local tax authorities as appropriate

have you had much success with that?
>Hello Mr. Somchai, this anon brings thousands of dollars from abroad and injects them to local economy
>plz arrest him
so what? people suck. The older I get, the less I feel like dealing with anyone.
Wah wah wah, lmao

>I don't hate them
>lists 10 reasons why you do



Brokie detected

>also I'm miserable

Lmao losers giving advice

Lmao, white incel coomer can't even make $5k to live his dream of fucking diseased whores
Broke losers are jealous. Lmao that's what it all boils down to. Just do FIRE it's not hard to clear $8k per month with investments
that's pissbaby money, you must be poor
I collect $20k monthly from my assets and that's without even trying very hard, and it only took a few years of grinding to get there
protip: don't neg people if you're struggling yourself, it just makes you look stupid
is this an uncle thread?
>Why does this board hate Digital Nomads
they don't, it's just that we have a couple extremely vocal and active brown schizo posters, and the 'wealthy white expat/digital nomad' is their mortal enemy, because that type of individual hard mogs them and lowers their sense of self worth

I myself am somewhat of a digital nomad, but just work hard for 4 or months then do nothing the rest of the time. I do mean work hard, like 16 hour days on Adderall grinding code or teaching, multiple jobs and totally overemployed, sometimes running two jobs at once remotely on different devices.

Typically I try to collect 60k or so, stash 20k of it in investments/crypto, gamble 10k of it, and then live off 30k (more than enuff)
Lol any idiot in Thailand ignoring the new tax laws in 2024 and 2025 is about to get got. The tears next year are going to be glorious.
I'm more of an analog nomad since i don't have to work anymore. Retiring at 35 was sweet. Save your money kids you really don't want to be waging at age 40
please tell us how Thai new tax laws will affect tourists?
what is your job/industry?
To be fair were giga lucky were the peasants at the top of the world pyramid. The peasants overseas live even worse and the guy who lives your lifestyle overseas is considered rich.

Imagine the seething that someone just born in another country could just hop to yours and bang all the local hot chicks by virtue of a passport and speaking English. Chances are they have a huge financial and height advantage too.
>Remember to report these parasites to their company's management or local tax authorities as appropriate.

lmfao you are a seething faggot
So much this.

I am 43 and have over $300 million in investments thanks to banking on numerous crypto rugpulls that cost me Pennie’s to promote here on 4chan and Reddit. I’ve cashed out of the crypto scams and invested in actual legit assets with excellent legal tax evasion.
I just wish more of them weren’t so smug on this board and the site as a whole and would actually talk about what they do and how they got such a position. Hearing “I browse 4chan and jack off during work and don’t actually do my job but get 6 figures” over and over again makes it hard to know who’s actually a DN. It’s also primarily a millennial thing. Zoomers have next to no chance getting the same established careers considering the job market
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I'd rather travel in my 20s and retire 10 years later rather than spend my 20s working and retire just as my health and looks are starting to decline
No one going to give you the blueprint to fuck up their life, all they confirm it a possibility so you need to navigate yourself to it.
Hopefully someone ensures you have an "accident"
Lmao poorfag cope is you are decrepit at 35. I guess that's true for yhe druggies like you who didn't plan for easy street. Lmao now you get back in the wage cage
keep crying for my BWC gook dog
40k is enough for me to live comfortably abroad, but it's not enough to support anyone else.
I get the feeling that you're brown and seething. Why are you so mad?
If I didn't have a wife and kid I could be living like a king in SEA working remote in a very niche field albeit not tech based. Alas, such is life. Live it up digital nomads I hope you are happy genuinely.
oof you sound pathetic
youd be SEA monkey king

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