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Redpill me on visiting it.
bait thread
if serious, i'd advise against it. crossing the border is a huge pain in the ass. I was volunteering in Mykolaiv and Kherson for the first 2 years of the war and had to cross it more times than I'd like to remember. I'd only recommend it if you plan on staying in the country for at least a week or two.
It isn't exactly a horror story that you're describing. I'd imagine you can take a Flixbus or whatever from Poland.
Border crossing might be lengthy and you might be picked out for screening.

>I was neck deep in the war
I don't think OP is gonna head that far, but I'm assuming.
I'm also interested in going, so monitoring this thread.
From Poland, you can take a flixbus. there is also a train that goes through Przemysl. the train is a bit faster and more comfortable. Still, you are looking at 8 hours (best case) to get from Krakow to Lviv. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but it's only because I've done it so many times, and I know it can easily take up to 12 hours or longer if you go on a bad day. It depends on how long of a trip OP has, but crossing the border isn't worth it unless you are planning to spend at least a week there imo.
Cross the border on foot.
>train: Krakow - Przemysl
>bus: Przemysl - medyka
>walk across border
>bus: Shegeyni - Lviv

It's the most exciting way to do it. Sure beats sittting in a fucking flixbus for 12 hours and fucking around on the border forever.

Check curfew times, they're not a fucking joke. People have been shot and killed being out at night after curfew. It is your priority number 1 to get home at night, there's ZERO excuses. Not sure what the times are any more.

Kyiv is safe. Foreign soldiers/larpers/journos were hanging around in Buena Vista bar when I was there. Not sure how it still is.

Think about going down to Ivano-Frankivsk, then on to Bukovel or somewhere.

Download the air raid siren app.

Do it. Poland aint going nowhere, but you'll rarely get a chance to visit a country 'at war'.
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Do you enjoy going without power on the regular? Russia will likely intensify its air campaign against the Hahol power network in time for winter and at a time when the future Trump administration isn’t going to provide our Ukrainian proxy transformers and other resources to repair the damage.
The war will be over 2 weeks after Trump takes office. Just wait until then to visit
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>T...this winter the HATO nazis will all freeze! slabba jewtin!
you've been saying that for three fucking years, ivan. get a new line
this is bait
>Just wait until then to visit
Nah, visit now while the war is still on.
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>crossing the border is a huge pain in the ass.
Shehyni - Medyka is completely hassle-free as a pedestrian.

>train: Krakow - Przemysl
>bus: Przemysl - medyka
>walk across border
>bus: Shegeyni - Lviv
This is the easiest way to do it. Medyka - Shehyni is the only border crossing between Ukraine and Poland that allows pedestrian crossings. Most border crossings with Romania, Moldova, Hungary and Slovakia allow people to cross without a vehicle though, and it's generally very easy and fast.

>Download the air raid siren app.
Unnecessary. Everytime a Russian aircraft starts somewhere in the middle of Siberia all of Ukraine gets an air alert. If you really, really care, join the Air Forces of Ukraine telegram channel, which provides more precise und updated information about the nature of potential threats and targets.

I've been all across Ukraine numerous times since the invasion, including in Winter, and never experienced power outages. Maybe I was lucky.
>I've been all across Ukraine numerous times since the invasion, including in Winter, and never experienced power outages. Maybe I was lucky.
Wow, that's incredibly lucky, desu. Had that shit on a reg.
Was running a winter camp in the mountains and lifts cutting out was a regular occurrence, which was shit in a 8 storey hotel. My teachers had to have serious torches as well, as often power would cut out in the classrooms.
Legally needed the siren app, as if there was an 'all country alert' we had to go to the bunker to continue lessons.
Was kinda fun and comfy, though, desu. Insane how quickly kids had normalised such behaviour.
Staying in Lviv as well it felt as if power going out was pretty regular.
Pitch black streets were the most dangerous part of my time in UA. Not being able to see shitty pavements is a nightmare. Though walking aronud with torches and phone torches is kinda kino.

Craziest shit is driving up to checkpoints in the middle of the night as curfew's ticking down, or you've passed it. Having to give nightly passwords while speaking very shaky Russian and being a foreigner was some of the scariest moments ever.

Always felt for the kids on checkpoints in the countryside, and having headlights come up to them in pitch black.
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That’s probably because you’ve only stuck to Galicia, or Western Ukraine.

The American gravy train is about to end and American taxpayers won’t fund the constant repair of their energy infrastructure.
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2 more weeks to Kyiv!
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>That’s probably because you’ve only stuck to Galicia, or Western Ukraine.
I've been as far East as Kolomak and as far South as Tatarbunary. All across the country really.
So wait, you're telling us that the US, from it's $6trillion budget, has given $60billion in foreign aid?
That's 1% of the budget. Not a bad investment for helping to secure resources and trade routes, building allies who become future trade partners and customers, and who keep enemies in check.

Wonder how much of the budget the US spent on fighting Russia in the cold war. Now it's just part of the UN-agreed foreign aid budget, kek.
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is it worth learning ukraine or all oblast capital cities speak russian or some very dialectish ukrainian? everyone says that it's more useful russian than ukrainian in ukraine.
i wanna learn a slavic language and i'm between russian, ukrainian or czech.
for slavic why would you learn anything besides russian, its the most useful language in like half of the eastern bloc
not doing russian is like learning norwegian for germanic countries
half of ukraininas dont even use ukrainian, who outside of czech uses czech? no one in belarus uses belarussian
unless you have a specific interest for one of these countries/languages

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