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Musem hopping in DC soon. This can't be right can it? 2 hours to walk 6 miles? On a related note how are the police on jaywalking enforcement here?
>how are the police on jaywalking enforcement here
Nobody gives a shit. Expect to be honked at or hit.
What museums are you trying to visit and why would you walk instead of taking the metro?
Go to the warf anon, it’s poppin
I've walked a fair amount of that area and there's a whole lot of nothing there. Taking the metro would be a better use of time unless you like looking at random businesses and residences.
6 miles in 1:45 seems pretty reasonable for someone walking in a leisurely pace. Also, police aren't looking for jaywalkers. There's also bikeshares and scooters for you to use if you don't want to use the Metro for whatever reason.
The Anthem concert venue is the only real attraction there. If a band you like is playing there.
I live in DC, would you like to meet up?
My discord is looksismeaningoflife
I live near Old Town Alexandria, which is a 15-minute drive from the White House outside of rush hour. As the anon here (>>2733422) said, Google's estimate seems reasonable for an ordinary person walking at an ordinary pace. I'm not sure what you're confused about.

If you don't want to walk that far, just stroll over to Navy Yard and take the Metro. You can also rent bicycles for a few cents per minute, or pay a little more for an electric scooter. Uber and taxis also exist.

>On a related note how are the police on jaywalking enforcement here?
The police don't give a shit.

Come here and see for yourself. If you learn to speak Spanish, you can drive through red lights, stop signs, and even on the sidewalk. Nobody will stop you. And if they do, you can just call them a pendejo and carry on breaking the law. I'm saying this shit and I'm not even conservative.

So no, the police won't care. Just use your brain and look both ways. Several of the larger roads near the National Mall are broad enough, and carry traffic at sufficiently high speeds, to be dangerous to somebody of your intelligence.
It's extremely dangerous in DC right now, stay in a group, try to take an uber or the metro. If someone asks to use your phone ignore them, they're stealing people's phones doing that.
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Alright fine I'll use the dirty underground system of tubes. You east coast folks love your subways. Plus I can park at a metro station outside the city and ride in. This should cover 5 days of parking and riding shouldn't it? Probably should've gotten a 7-day pass. Hope my car is less likely to be stolen this way.
The monuments, Smithsonians and Renwick one day, and then the zoo and Kreeger and Dumbarton another day. If it were the weekend I believe I could get away with street parking early in the morning but it has to be during the week since my company is paying for most of the travel.
>It's extremely dangerous in DC right now
I'm in D.C. several times per week and lol.

>I can park at a metro station outside the city and ride in

You can certainly do that, but bear in mind that (a) not every Metro station has parking and (b) not every Metro station allows overnight parking. The WMTA website's "Parking" page lists the lots that let you keep your car overnight. They are:
>Wiehle-Reston East

I live closest to Huntington station, and I don't know if I'd leave my car there long-term. There's a 7/11 further down the street that's an absolute magnet for crackheads--going there at night is like driving into a zombie movie--and you see all sorts of weirdos near the station at night, too. Having said that, I often seen cars with out-of-state plates in parking there, so you'd probably be fine if that is what you decided to do.

>Probably should've gotten a 7-day pass.
You can still get a 7-day pass, lol.

Even if you're already in DC and have a Metro card, you can just download the WMTA's (shitty) phone app. Once you've done that, link your card, go to the "Passes" page, and purchase whatever option you'd like. You can also link your card to Apple Wallet and shit. If you do that, you can toss your physical card and use your phone to go through fare gates.
if it's on trumps inauguration day 1/20 dont bother everything is closed
If you like tendies then there's a place called Little Chicken that's pretty good. It's too expensive for what it is, but everything is up there.
I was told nandos is the mandatory dc chicken
When I went to DC in 2021 there was a very extensive network of rental bikes. I even brought my better Brompton folding bike. But rather than using it and locking it up outside while museum hopping, I used the DC rental bikes that had ubiquitous docking stations by most museums.

I’d suggest doing the same instead of wasting time slowly walking.
>Alright fine I'll use the dirty underground system of tubes
Metro stations and trains are nice and clean, I swear.
If you're looking to eat and drink, consider spending some time in Chinatown. It's less pretentious than most of DC.

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