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Any New Yorkers here? I've lived in America all my life but have never been to New York City. What are the places to visit? Restaurants attractions etc.
I'm not even american but Ellis island seems very interesting
Don't make the mistake most tourists make

Everything worth visiting in NYC is below 34th Street in Manhattan and in North Brooklyn. Midtown is just a bunch of white collar wagies and commercial office buildings, other than high end dining and shops you can't find in most places its worth skipping. Rest of the city is brown people with ethnic food and black people in the ghetto (Bronx. South Queens, Eastern Brooklyn, any public housing leftover).

Too many restaurants and attractions. Just KISS and start with museums like Natural History and Met/MoMA/Guggenheim then do Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty. Intrepid Museum is fucking cool.
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the citypass for NYC is a great value for 3-4 days. It has everything worth doing, even the MET. Check their list and that will tell you everything there is to do in the city.

best pizza I've ever had is the vodka slice from Joe & Pats. they sell slices on Staten Island but the location on Manhattan sells whole pies. Rubirosa should be the same recicpe since it's the same family but you'll need a reservation. I've actually paid for flights to go back to NYC for a weekend solely to get this pizza.

also Katz really does have the best sandwich I've ever had, even if it is $30.

Spot Dessert Bar for unique desserts.

NYC is also a great place to see filming locations from different shows/movies if you're into that. They'll have exteriors like the diner from Seinfeld, the apartment from Friends, the Rosemary's Baby building which is the same building where John Lennon was killed, MIB headquarters at Battery Park, etc.
Don't stay too long the noise will make you insane
Don't pick which restaurants to eat at here by reputation. Just go on Google Maps and find places with 4.7+ and hundreds of reviews and you probably won't be disappointed.

One touristy walk I do sometimes which is fun is to walk from Union Square all the way down to South Ferry. It takes about an hour and goes through Washington Sq Park, Soho, Chinatown, Financial District.
The best part of New York city is Flushing
its 99% Chinese people, there's Chinese prostitutes, all restaurants are really good Chinese food. Not American Chinese crap, but Shanghai, Sichuan, Beijing, Uyghur, everything. Huge grocery stores filled with entirely Chinese/Japanese/Asian imported products. There's also weeb stuff to do because Chinese people are huge weebs. Sometimes I see chinese People dress up in cosplay and go to the japanese arcade.

Then if you go west of Flushing there's this big park which is 99% south Americans, all of them playing soccer. There's like at least 20 soccer fields there. There is a world's fair monument used to be reflection pools which have been converted to makeshift soccer fields and the giant globe monument had people skating in it It gives a kind of post apocalyptic vibe. If you go further west you reach an avenue filled with so many street vendors selling knock off goods and horrible street food and everyone yelling in Spanish. There are also tons of South American restaurants but I've never tried any

I think nowhere else in the world really has these ethnic neighborhoods with such an drastic difference. It's unique to new york and you should experience it.
>What are the places to visit? Restaurants attractions etc.
Just follow alongside the sides of central park. There's museums and attractions on almost every block, just avoid time square like the plague if you can
Where is the Japanese arcade? What’s the name?
Gatcha in Tangram shopping mall
it's very expensive
sovereign house
flushing has the best chinese food in the world i think because every regional and ethnic variety is accounted for. i live in china now and it's not possible for me to get fujianese or canto or shanghainese food on the same block. i miss flushing quite a bit because of the food. that's not even to account for the good viet, malay and indonesian food too. flushing is one of a kind in the world.
Going to NYC for the weekend from Europe. Do I need to carry cash or can I pay with credit/debit cards everywhere?
always have at least $100 cash just in case
Everyone prefers cash in NYC because everyone is evading the high taxes
I am traveling to NYC to make a pilgrimage to Trump Tower. I don’t need any advice I just wanted to tell everyone
Do I have to tip hotel staff? Do I tip the airport taxi I booked with booking.com?
You have to tip everyone at least 20% because everyone is connected to the mob in NYC. If you don’t tip then you will get a brand new pair of cement swimming shoes and a boat ride.
Does New Jersey count?
Seriously, is it worth it stay in NJ and commute to New York for tourism?
Yes, just stay somewhere near the PATH train which goes directly from New Jersey to NYC.
There is also NJTransit, but it's worse than the PATH.
Favorite esoteric visit?
>also Katz really does have the best sandwich I've ever had, even if it is $30.
For a tourist place Katz is still pretty good quality

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